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Author Topic: MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers  (Read 2275 times)


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MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« on: April 08, 2002, 12:53:21 pm »

First i would like to say that all the posts about how to make MediaJukebox more wellknow sound like a BIG JOKE after the few hours testing i just did
If you install M8 with Opera,Netscape Navigator or Netscape 6|PLS| :
Instead of the home page you get the nice ie page;"the page cannot be diaplayed"
As far as i know,no way to get the home page
The plugings do not auto-install.You have to open them.I agree,this is a very minor problem

Download Manager
I cannot find a way to make it working with Opera or Netscape Navigator
With Netscape 6|PLS|,you have to enter a url EVERYTIME you open DM.You get a pop up window"invalid download manager",but do not bother about it.It will work as far as you do not close DM

On the top of it ,when you open Interact with any Netscape,the page opens but at the same you get a pop up window"...not found" and,if you are dull enougth to get all the Windows Sound on your computer,a ring.........

It seems to me that first thing to do to be on more computers is to work with the 3 main browsers
If you think that only a fringe use Netscape and Opera you may not be wrong.But this fringe is much more kind of clients for MJ
And before the end of the year 34 millions people will not be able to use MediaJukebox .
Next AOL based on Grego  not anymore Idiot Eternal
You can sell boxed MediaJukebox in supermarkets for $9,99.If 34 millions cannot use it.......
At least Interact will be the best show in town..............

I understand very much why you plan to work on a Linux version.But if you do a "ie friendly only" jukebox for Linux desktop..................................
Beside this i really think that 8 will be a fantastic jukebox


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2002, 01:07:15 pm »

We use IE for several things.  You don't have to use it as your browser, but MJ needs it.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2002, 01:09:40 pm »

Little known fact: JimH and Bill Gates are twins.


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2002, 01:23:36 pm »

It is not the fact that you use IE that i spooke about
It is the fact that if you use another browser than IE as your default browser you have the ploblems i said
In this case it makes MJ8 a IE only  program.Not the only one sure.But quitte more a problem in the months to come
The problem with the home page,who is not a small one if you think about people giving a try to MJ,is new.You get the home page with 7.2
I speak about problems having IE on the computer.Not with IE uninstalled.And i say that MediaJukebox 8 is a IE only jukebox.Why not,but it has to be say.You cannot get all the MJ8 fonctions if you do not use IE as your default browser

Hoppe i did not upset you-

Michael Horton

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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2002, 01:28:38 pm »

it's logical to suppose that the type of person that would buck the status quo by using Netscape or that other browser (rather than IE) would be the type to shy away from the mundane jukebox programs (e.g. . . . well you know which ones they are)


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2002, 01:32:15 pm »

I'm not upset.  MJ should check to see if IE is installed when MJ is installed.  7 and 8 should be the same in that respect.  If not, could it be that IE was there and isn't now?

While it would be nice to support everything, we can't.  We pick what we think is common and reasonable and do that.  We can usually count on IE being there.  If someone isn't willing to have IE installed, then we aren't going to fight that battle.

I'm not a Microsoft proponent, but it is a standard.

Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2002, 02:33:56 pm »

I do not know if you can see it,but i post with IE6
What i did is ,with IE6 on my computer,uninstall MJ8 and reinstall it with Opera as the default browser.The same with Netscape Navigator,again with Netscape6|PLS|
And i got the problems i said in my first post
Beside this if you uninstall IE with IERadicator,you still have the part you need to run programs who need IE as MJ.I do not remember the name of it.
I did run MJ 7,2 without IE on my computer with only the problem concerning the pop up windows and the ring
All my posts are not because of the problems i had.I downloaded thousand and thousand songs from Emusic "one click album" with FreeAmp.So if i want not to have IE as default browser,i can use MJ8 and download with FreeAmp.As i did with MJ7.Or just fill the url anytime i want to use DM.As you can see,not big deal
It is only that the next AOL will be a Greco browser[=Netscape] and not a IE browser.We do not have AOL here,but i think that if you are a AOL client,the AOL browser is your default browser.
It means that people on AOl,with IE on they computer,will have the same problems than i had
It can be a big problem for you
I spent a long time looking at your pictures of Paris.Next time try "la nouvelle Athenes".All the part around St Georges and Notre Dame de Lorette tube station,betwen Pigalle and Trinite.
You will find a lot of beatifull houses and a lot of history there[romantisme,Chopin,Sand],you may even take the door of my building...I still have a flat there

Mazol Tov for thev new MediaJukebox[= good luck]

If you install MJ8 with IE default browser but you are not online you get the "page cannot be displayed"With the others browsers ,you get it even if you are connected
If you install MJ 7.2 with any browser as default browser,you get the home page
The same with IE and not online
In fact,as you know ,you do not get the home page but the welcome to Media Jukebox,a new version....each week


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2002, 04:03:20 pm »

You may know more than we do about browser "issues".  We'll check tomorrow.  Thanks for keeping after it.

> I spent a long time looking at your pictures of Paris.Next time try "la nouvelle Athenes".All the part around St Georges and Notre Dame de Lorette tube station,betwen Pigalle and Trinite.
You will find a lot of beatifull houses and a lot of history there[romantisme,Chopin,Sand],you may even take the door of my building...I still have a flat there

Ca va!  Quelle arrondisement?  Je vais toutes suites!
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2002, 04:05:17 pm »

et une autre chose, j'ai oublie...

il y a longtemps, j'ai aussi faites les travaux.  Moi, avec bois.  Vous fait les travaux avec pierre, n'est-ce pas?
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2002, 04:21:39 pm »

Travaux avec pierre,bois,peinture,tapisserie,feuilles d or
I use stone,more exatly bricks,some wood-but i am not really good at it,paint,wall paper,gold leaves and many more things.
I do cellings with "art painting".If you can call art to do skys,flowers or grecs themes.... Most of the time for hair salons[who else!!!!!!]People of bad tastes but with big money to spend.I do also gold leaves on antiques fournitures or cellings with scultures.I did it in France,here a 30 years old chair is antique...and cellings with scultures still to be see
Nouvelle Athene dans arrondissement 9


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2002, 04:26:01 pm »

Tres droles!  Aucune de travail pour moi?
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2002, 04:45:35 pm »

In my field ,it is not so much fun here
But in your field,you have a future
Take all your team,You need 2 rooms.In the first,you work on the next protected device for majors records company.This in the morning
In the afternoon,you change room and you work on programs to break the protection you had built the morning
There is only a very important thing:you need to have a new kind of protection ready.
Like it,just after you sold the "break protection',you start to make money withthe "new protection" and so on

And at home during week-end just burn cds with thousand cracked softwares on it.It will pay  your tickets fly
If you think i am jooking,for a part i am not.....

Charlemagne 8

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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2002, 05:27:11 pm »

If I can make a somewhat belated interjection, the only thing that I can see that is wrong with Microsoft is that they are big. Being big and competitive, they threaten to take over everything. Not from any malice but as a result of wanting to be the biggest. AOL, on the other hand, has repeatedly violated the trust of a great number of users and, on at least one occasion, violated the privacy of a member thereby causing him great harm.
I don't want to go into details but, speaking for myself, I would rather have a Microsoft than any part of AOL.
That's right.
I'm cool.


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2002, 11:19:42 pm »

As you say men! If you care and tweak,you get a descent OS.No hoppe with AOL


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2002, 05:44:28 am »

>>AOL, on the other hand, has repeatedly violated the trust of a great number of users and, on at least one occasion, violated the privacy of a member thereby causing him great harm.
I don't want to go into details but, speaking for myself, I would rather have a Microsoft than any part of AOL.<<

I have to agree with you there. I worked for AOL TimeWarner in the cable division for quite a few years. Their high speed internet service is called RoadRunner and while it is a very good service about 2 years ago they violated people's trust in them. Quite a few people woke up in the morning to see that AOL had installed itself on to customer's computers without their knowledge! In quite a few instances it screwed people's computers because the settings were changed. It was a hush thing but it became a real nightmare for people who had to field customer's irate venting.. I know, I was one of them.
I'll take IE over AOL/Netscape any time. IE is simply the best browser out there, Netscape 6.2 is a joke and I quickly uninstalled it from my system. It had an annoying habit of freezing up my computer.. LOTS of bugs there! Netscape hasn't had a decent browser since 4.7 and I never cared for Opera.. I found that multiple window opening really annoying and there is no reason to pay for a browser when you can get one for free. I know they have a free version but unfortunately you get bombarded with ads.


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RE:MEGA TESTER m8 and good browsers
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2002, 07:51:48 am »

6.2 is still a kind of beta.The next one ,based on Mozilla 1 will the final product.Can tell you that Mozilla beats all others and it is still a beta
The problem with ie is security.Have a look at privacy settings in N6,2 and IE 6.IE is still primitive at this level and a perversion of standarts,sub standarts in fact.Like the language of us rapper beciming the official language of USA
I have only contempt for aol.But i really enjoy the face of ie only sofwares companys when 34 millions people will not be able to use they products
I use Netscape,but as all the Netscape heads the striped version,without the aol s##t
Anyway it is s##t number one againts s##t number 2,and this is funny to watch,at least to me
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