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Author Topic: Sansa Clip for Audiobooks and Music best way to transfer  (Read 1037 times)


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Sansa Clip for Audiobooks and Music best way to transfer
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:42:27 pm »

I have been using music (mp3) files for a long time with no problem.  MUSIC\[Artist]\[Album]\

Now I want audiobooks in the audiobooks folder and still have the music files. 

Is there a way to support both folders without changing the options each time?

also.. what is the best way to save then \Author\Tile\  or ???

There is a way to compare tags


thanks marko


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Re: Sansa Clip for Audiobooks and Music best way to transfer
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2013, 10:31:59 pm »

Absolutely.  You do the sync through MC's Handheld device support, right?

If so, you'll need your Audiobooks in MC to be tagged correctly first.  You should make sure to find them all, and apply the [Media Sub Type] Audiobook tag.  If you need help on this, just ask.  If they're all in an "Audiobooks" folder on your drive, this'll be easy.

Then, once you've done this, simply modify the Audio Path in the sync options for your Sansa:

You probably now have:

Change it to:

If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type],Audiobook,1),Audiobook,Music)\[Artist]\[Album]
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Re: Sansa Clip for Audiobooks and Music best way to transfer
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2013, 10:37:50 pm »

For my audiobooks, to keep naming rules simple, I just do:

[Artist] = Author's name
[Album] = Book title

But you could do it however you wanted.  There is an included [Author] tag.  You could use this if you wanted instead.  If you're really dedicated, you could even make your own [Title] tag and use that for the book name.  Then, you'd modify the Path renaming rule to look something like this:

If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type],Audiobook,1),Audiobook\[Author]\[Title],Music\[Artist]\[Album])

Mine is for crazy people and looks like this:

Code: [Select]
Audio\If(IsEmpty([Media Sub Type]),Music,[Media Sub Type])\If(IsEmpty([Artist]),Unknown,Clean([Artist],3))\If(IsEmpty([Album]),Unknown,Clean([Album],3))If(IsEmpty([Disc #],1),,\[Disc #])
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