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Author Topic: RME Fireface UFX: no output with ASIO Driver, no way to assing channels (5.1 or  (Read 10454 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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I am trying JRiver Mediacenter18.

Hardware, Software: Win7 64bit, Asus-Motherborad with SPDIF(Via-Audio), Motu828mk3Hybrid, RME Fireface UFX

Problem: I want to play out of an RME Fireface UFX (ASIO). I get no output at all with RME Fireface UFX.
Files I am playing are: 24bit,96kHz, flac, 5.0, 5.1, 2-2-2 and simple mp3

"Option": output mode=ASIO, Output Mode Settings: ASIO Fireface USB

What happens:
With SPDIF: it works, although no volume control possible
With Motu828mk3hybrid: works with ASIO, however no volume control possible, no channel assignement possible (like in foobar2000)
With RME Fireface UFX, using ASIO, I get no output at all (controlled in the RME Mixer "Totalmix")

Now what is wrong? Has somebody experience with some RME interfaces?

General: switching of ASIO, Directsound etc. works obviously only by closing Mediacenter and restarting (not on the fly)

Note: with foobar2000 it works with ASIO on  Motu and RME
Also SPDIF works
None of the above soundcards work in foobar2000 on the fly changing drivers (must always close and reopen foobar2000)
There is a problem with changing samplerates in foobar




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Problem: I want to play out of an RME Fireface UFX (ASIO). I get no output at all with RME Fireface UFX.
Files I am playing are: 24bit,96kHz, flac, 5.0, 5.1, 2-2-2 and simple mp3

"Option": output mode=ASIO, Output Mode Settings: ASIO Fireface USB

What happens:
With SPDIF: it works, although no volume control possible
With Motu828mk3hybrid: works with ASIO, however no volume control possible, no channel assignement possible (like in foobar2000)
With RME Fireface UFX, using ASIO, I get no output at all (controlled in the RME Mixer "Totalmix")

Switching of ASIO, Directsound etc. works obviously only by closing Mediacenter and restarting (not on the fly)

Welcome to the forum.

If MC works with DirectSound but not with ASIO, then the ASIO driver isn't working correctly or does not like the output settings.

Did the driver come with the hardware?  ASIO drivers usually do.  Check with the manufacturer for updates.

You can use MC's DSP / Output Modes to alter the output sample rate and bit depth.  Forcing everything to a lower setting or the same setting might work.  Some devices don't switch very well.


  • MC Beta Team
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im using a fireface 800 via asio without any problems for many years now. but im xp, although i dont think that that is the problem.

what have you choosen output mode settings in options audio. under volume, when its automatic, try fireface analogue 1+2.

and for no volume control, set the control to internal (click on the speaker beside the volumebar).



  • Galactic Citizen
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Thanks for the tips.

Volume: yes, that was the point. With volume internal I got the overall volume changed in JRiver
Fireface UFX: works now, great.

ASIO: I tried around and this is what I found out:

-Anyway I updated all FW and drivers, even before i started.
-somehow Motu ASIO and Fireface ASIO interfere.
-Changing Audiointerfaces (Directsound to Motu or Fireface ASIO) worked after I shut down windows and both (Motu and RME), power off!
-On the fly nothing works, somehow drivers hang! Switching off only Audiointerfaces does not help, nor does closing JRiver. Only shutting down Windows helps.
-I may be that only one ASIO audiointerface works correctly at a time (switch off the other probably, power off!)
-sample rate change of the audiointerfaces works not good, better avoid: solution is to set the interface to fixed 96kHz and then JRiver to adapt samplerate. The interfaces hang, cannot even changed by the settings tools of the audiointerfaces.
-Just powering only RME, it worked with mp3, CD, and surround 24bit,96kHz 5.0,5.1,2-2-2

I am actually using also Plogue Bidule. I got now all that working (feeding JRiver into RME and with some trick feeding it into Plogue Bidule and out to RME again.. and finally to loudspeakers..

Now I guess I need a strong coffee..


  • MC Beta Team
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nice you got it more or less working. you are also using the motu over usb? maybe switching a port helps?

i guess you use totalmix to get the plogue in your signal chain. just for when you dont know this, enable in totalmix under view 'submix'. that is often easier/clearer then using the matrix, imo.



  • Galactic Citizen
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yes I use Motu anfd RME Fireface both on USB, side by side. Actually my computer has around 8xUSB connectors, I will give it a try to change may be RME USB-front, Motu USB on backpanel.
Plogue Totalmix. Yes I use totalmix, thanks for the tip, yes I use the submix view.
Now to get sound into Plogue was a headache. Unfortunetely Plogue cannot use several audionterfaces at the same time in the patchbay. This means only either RME or Motu. Then to get from a software player the sound into Plogue was also not so easy. Either a VST-player (the built in is crude, however works up to 32 channels!) and with every bit etc.
The way I got it working was using only RME in Plogue. (in and out, i.e. duplex)
The Player (JRiver) plays to RME (out), then with the RME Totalmix Loopback function I loop the RME out to RME software-in. The RME sofware-in is in Plogue and I can get the sound into Plogue.
Sound is processed in Plogue and then fed into the RME out (just use other channels). Fortunately there as a lot in the RME Fireface..



  • MC Beta Team
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first a disclaimer: i love to say things over things i have no clue about on this forum.. :)

you say you have the two cards really side by side.. as far as i understand usb controllers, they come in pairs. so 8 usb connectors is 4 controllers. ive seen oft enough when some usb device stops working, some usb , for instance, mouse software using the same port or controller was to blame, so putting it somewhere else helped. when you have enough usb connectors, just dont put the two soundcards beside each other, and maybe even leave the one beside them free.

yes, the rme stuff is amazing, so many you can do.. ive played with the loopback also a while back.. it got me puzzled for sure.



  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 459

Yes I will try that, different connectors, I have to lookup the Motherboard manual, I think there are even USB2 and USB3 ports, different controller. May be that helps.

Motu828mk3Hybrid: I tried also to loopback somehow. I tried with "VirtualCable", "Jack" software etc. No way.
The only thing which worked with Motu was just to loopback externally for example using ADAT from ADAT-out to ADAT-in via optical cable. Not so nice.
May be there is a way, but I could not figure it out (trying and consulting the manual). May be somebody knows...



  • World Citizen
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Did you try setting jriver to 32 channels in output format, in DSP studio and then installing plogue VST in DSP studio?

I use plous this way and it works for me


  • Galactic Citizen
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no I did not try 32 channels, okay I will do that. I use up to now Plogue standalone. Okay I try the VST-Plogue.
Yes that could be soultion.



  • Galactic Citizen
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Trying to track down what is connected to what USB controller and trying to shift them around seems like the best option - if it's not an unresolvable software issue.

I can confirm that at least by itself, a UFX works perfectly OK with MC18 with no workarounds needed.


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 459

I tried around and got the following:

1) The USB conflict with Motu828mk3 and RME Fireface UFX disappeared using different USB outputs (as the Asus motherboard has about 8xUSB there was enough of them.)

2) I tried then the VST plug-in Plogue bidule. This works, however there are crashes if I play files with different sample-rates.
I guess the sample-rate change from the sound-file to VST-Plogue-Bidule an then to the RME Fireface has just some glitches. MC18 crashes (does not respond anymore..). I have put in MC18 general tread this issue with a lot of detail (error report of Windows)
Where the problem is, I dont know yet.
Using the VST-Plogue-Bidule I have no issue assigning channels anymore (also I do not need loopback in RME anymore). I use just "number of source channels". If I assign 32 channels I get an error message however
I do not change sample-rates of the files, the files set their sample-rates through the whole chain.

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