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Author Topic: Synching content in remote libraries....  (Read 1266 times)


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Synching content in remote libraries....
« on: February 22, 2013, 11:32:43 pm »

Is it possible to easily synch up two libraries using the library synch capabilities? I would like the files on my bedroom music server to be an exact copy of the files on our main music server. It seems like Library Synch allows for this capability.

If so, can someone point me to a tutorial about this subject?



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Re: Synching content in remote libraries....
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2013, 05:58:13 am »

did you consider running MC in server mode ? Synching will also achieve it but is more cumbersome.
If your main server is pc based and always on you could activate the mc server under option>network. Then on your bedroom MC you click library>add library and you connect to the Mc server.
In doing so your bedroom will always have the exact "copy" of the main server (actually you run and work with only one unique library and not 2 synchronized)


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Re: Synching content in remote libraries....
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2013, 10:07:44 am »

Hi EddyShere -

Yep, that works well. A tad bit of background - I usually keep the libraries on a NAS unit, but MC memory play doesn't work all that well with that setup, most especially fouling up a bit with gapless playback. (I think memory play is a must for the best sound, YMMV. :) MC seems to gap when using memory play from the NAS, at least it does here.

So the easy answer is to put the library on a couple local disks. I have mulitple systems, and want the libraries to stay identical on those systems. I RIP new music to one system, and want it to automatically replicate to the other systems.

On a Unix, Linux, or MacOS system, I would simply RSynch the media files and be done with it. I could probably find a similar product under Windows, but if this capability is built into MC, why not use it?

It sure looks like it is there, but I am not at all sure how to convince it to work. :)

Thanks - hope the above makes clear why I am looking to make this capability work!


did you consider running MC in server mode ? Synching will also achieve it but is more cumbersome.
If your main server is pc based and always on you could activate the mc server under option>network. Then on your bedroom MC you click library>add library and you connect to the Mc server.
In doing so your bedroom will always have the exact "copy" of the main server (actually you run and work with only one unique library and not 2 synchronized)


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Re: Synching content in remote libraries....
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2013, 05:17:28 pm »

Ahh ok got it. I'm not convinced this works this way as i dobelieve (could be wrong) that synching libraries also syncs library if you have different settings because of different systems it might become messy....
I have never experienced gaps with memory play and haven't noticed sonic superiority of memory play but that's my ears ;D


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Re: Synching content in remote libraries....
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2013, 10:47:42 pm »

Well, each person hears what they want to hear I suppose. No big deal. I definitely hear differences with memory play under Windows. Not under MacOS, which surprised me, but then, that's still an early Alpha build. Mayhap it isn't doing memory play the same way.

The docs sure seem to say that library synching should work, and it did work, partially. One time.

Go figger...

Ahh ok got it. I'm not convinced this works this way as i dobelieve (could be wrong) that synching libraries also syncs library if you have different settings because of different systems it might become messy....
I have never experienced gaps with memory play and haven't noticed sonic superiority of memory play but that's my ears ;D



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Re: Synching content in remote libraries....
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2013, 05:20:15 am »

I will soon be buying a small/silent PC for the living room and that will be my main JRiver server, effectively, so that I don't need my beefy PC upstairs turned on just to play music. My actual media files are on a NAS.

But I would want to do library maintenance, importing, tagging, video conversion etc, on the "beefy" PC upstairs. Which leaves me with the problem of synching two machines, as is your problem.

1. Can't use the beefy PC as library server as that defeats the object of not requiring the beefy PC switched on.

2. Can't use the living room PC as library server because then the beefy PC would be a client and it seems that importing and tagging funtionaility does not completely work on the client.

3. Library synch requires both PCs to be turned on at the same time for an undetermined length of time until the replication is done, therefore I guess that newly imported items won't show up immediately on the replicated machine.

4. Cannot store the library on the NAS and have two machines shring it - JRiver doesn't recommend this.

5. Cannot use the NAS as a library server (this would actually be the ideal solution for a client/server system) - JRiver does not run on Linux.

6. The best method seems to be a manual synch, i.e. export the library from the main PC then import it on the living room PC. Seems a bit of a faff and is not automated, but at least you are in control of it and it will all work.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Synching content in remote libraries....
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2013, 07:27:35 pm »

I use synctoy2 from Microsoft to do this. I have the main music player then I have 2nd computer that can play the music from its own hd and is also what I consider a back up of the music files, along with an external hd for the third back up. synctoy works great for this but be sure to read read and reread the directions before running it because there are 3 different settings. I use the echo so only the 2nd pc files are changed to match the main files.... it even updates the tag changes including the MC18 analyze tags, i store the album cover in same folder as matching album and it copies them in one fell swoop.MC18 picks up the changes as long as u have that option in MC18 checked.   synctoy can be found on ms website....


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Re: Synching content in remote libraries....
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2013, 04:34:57 am »

I use synctoy2 from Microsoft to do this. I have the main music player then I have 2nd computer that can play the music from its own hd and is also what I consider a back up of the music files, along with an external hd for the third back up.

So you are synching the actual media files to the second computer and importing them?


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Synching content in remote libraries....
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2013, 04:02:10 pm »

yes, as I add new music and slowly update the covers once again (because wmp destroyed all my beautiful cover art after wmp 10 was released and I stupidly took the upgrade, I believe)
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