The streacom case suffers on the cooling part. They are in the process of changing it. I built a htpc with that case and it becomes very very hot with a low power i3 ivy. Also as general caveat if you have restricted horizontal space (tight hifi rack) don't trust the dimensions. It's larger by good 0.7cm so it won't fit...even if anyway you shouldn't place it there as it needs a lot of space to dissipate heat.
I am nevertheless very intrigued reading the C.A.P.S page as some things sound very "audiophile voodooish

" to me (like the add-in USB card, or the beefy external power supply)
Cannot help myself wanting to try this out but my rational brain (the other side of the "audiophile" branded brain which tells me "these guys must be true : with these 1000$ dollar LS cables my system would certainly sound sooooooo much better and clearer

) tells me that this changes nothing.
ANYWAY BACK to this thread's topic. I don't think that going to a complete PC / Server product line based around MC would be a business case right now even with a substantial investment. Also complex home setup's are still in the hand of established automation company's and they are still a bit reluctant to implement PC based server/client hardware. for instance I use a RTI system for my home and I would love to have two way feedback from MC on it. webgizmo or jremote are powerful and really good but I cannot customize it nor can I include it in another solution.
SO....As more and more people become somewhat tech savy, I would rather go with a certified for JRiver product line done by a major hardware component manufacturer...much like the ROG -for gamers- line from ASUS. Asus which by the way are trying to enter the "audiophile" segment with their essence line-up.
Without considering licencing and other possible deal-breaker's the JR-line could focus on a special GPU or soundcard/DAC or NAS product line with drivers guaranteed to be perfectly tuned for htpc use and not gaming performance. More importantly it would come with 100% MC compatibility.
They would feature for example low profile, ultraquiet cooling, compact, extreme exact clocks and refresh rates, hdmi audio support for DSD bitstreaming, all with first grade components.
Or let's be completely over the top : they could be designed from scratch for JRiver and even be based on something else than intel, nv or amd (don't even know if that's possible) and use pro grade video components (sigma, faroudja or other what-have-you top video/audio hardware rendering chips)....................and they would be known as the "mighty" JRiver HTPC pro cards

Just my a little more than 5 cents ....