Oh, there are things like:
CaseType>Keep Case</CaseType
I don't know what data you and others care about. So, if you want this imported in to MC, it just has to be mapped.
For simple mappings like a string or list from one XML field to an MC field, you can add to the @path_to_MC_field array in the program. The format is trival: the first column is the DVD Profiler XML path, the second column is the MC field name (stock, or your own), and the third column is a reference to one of the two functions add_list_item() or add_single_item().
my @path_to_MC_field = (
# list types
[ 'Collection::DVD::CountryOfOrigin', 'Country', \&add_list_item ],
[ 'Collection::DVD::Genres::Genre', 'Genre', \&add_list_item ],
[ 'Collection::DVD::Audio::AudioTrack::AudioContent', 'Language', \&add_list_item ],
[ 'Collection::DVD::Studios::Studio', 'Studios', \&add_list_item ],
# single value
[ 'Collection::DVD::Format::FormatAspectRatio', 'Aspect Ratio', \&add_single_item ],
[ 'Collection::DVD::Format::FormatVideoStandard', 'Video Standard', \&add_single_item ],
[ 'Collection::DVD::OriginalTitle', 'Original Title', \&add_single_item ],
[ 'Collection::DVD::Rating', 'MPAA Rating', \&add_single_item ],
[ 'Collection::DVD::RatingSystem', 'MPAA Rating Description', \&add_single_item ],
[ 'Collection::DVD::Title', 'Name', \&add_single_item ],
[ 'Collection::DVD::Overview', 'Description', \&add_single_item ],
[ 'Collection::DVD::RunningTime', 'Duration', \&add_single_item ],
Separate code routines are required to handle transformations to any data, or to handle values that are stored in XML attributes.