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Author Topic: There's nobody here  (Read 5820 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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There's nobody here
« on: February 26, 2013, 03:17:40 pm »

I have complained for a long time about the remote in Theatre View. I have an HP Remote that works perfectly in TV when used in Standard Mode. Now none of the button work, only the the thumb pad. I can use the thumbpad to get into the OSD and use the OK after up , left or right on the pad. No other button work. I have to use a mouse to close the program to get back to the Theatre View Program Guide. What is odd is that at various version of MC 18 I have various levels of functionality but generally less and less until now. I have complained in several message and no one has ever reponded.

This is why I no longer can in clear consience reccomend JR MC for anything but a desktop use. Even if you fix,  you will break it. This to me is core functionality and should be so robust it is unbreakable. I can understand how these versions get out the door. Doesn't anyone inside use a 10 ft interface? Are all your engineers and internal testers all mouse bound keyboard users?


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2013, 09:53:50 pm »

Help fix somebody, anybody?

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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2013, 06:03:47 pm »

Help fix somebody, anybody?

Haven't you figured it out yet? There is nobody here. They are jn MacLand and have been for most of version 18's lifecycle. The Remote is basically unusable for live TV in Theater view and has been for sometime. It worked solidly in 17 and 16 for a very long while. It started bad in 18 and has only gotten worse. I have posted numerous messages on the subject and they scroll off without reply.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2013, 07:18:11 pm »

Haven't you figured it out yet? There is nobody here. They are jn MacLand and have been for most of version 18's lifecycle. The Remote is basically unusable for live TV in Theater view and has been for sometime. It worked solidly in 17 and 16 for a very long while. It started bad in 18 and has only gotten worse. I have posted numerous messages on the subject and they scroll off without reply.
That's a little harsh.  We don't chase every bug report, it's true.  We look for common problems.  If you think you can describe one, put it in the build thread, the one that announces each new build.  Driveby complaints don't get any attention.

I use the same remote daily and I'm not seeing anything like what some people have seen.

I'm sorry you're not happy, but we're unable to keep everyone happy.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2013, 02:01:51 am »

JRemote!!!!!!!!  oh, and get a cable box.  Who watches "live TV" on a computer and expects perfection?

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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2013, 02:13:43 am »

I'm sorry you're not happy, but we're unable to keep everyone happy.

Whether you want to admit it or not, you guys support your product like no other.  You are a model to every company.  You  endlessly strive to keep everyone happy but sometimes fail, as everyone does on this scale.  In those cases you will do everything in your power to rectify the situation, and it seems like you always do.  

It is a problem the studs cant duplicate! Give Jim more info and they will help.  I would bet the farm the problem is on your end.

I think that accurately expounds on Jim's "unable".

Sorry........ drunk rant
HTPC (ASRock Mini PC 252B: i5 2520M Sandy Bridge/HD3000 - 2.5 GHz - 8GB RAM - 256GB Intel SSD - Win7 Home) > MF V-Link 192 > Wireworld Ultraviolet > Naim DAC > Naim NAC 102/NAPSC/HiCap (PSU) > Naim NAP 180 Amp > Naim NACA-5 Speaker Cables > Naim Ariva


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2013, 02:45:46 am »

Whether you want to admit it or not, you guys support your product like no other.  You are a model to every company.  You  endlessly strive to keep everyone happy but sometimes fail, as everyone does on this scale.  In those cases you will do everything in your power to rectify the situation, and it seems like you always do.  

It is a problem the studs cant duplicate! Give Jim more info and they will help.  I would bet the farm the problem is on your end.

I think that accurately expounds on Jim's "unable".

Sorry........ drunk rant

A remote is not a difficult thing. If it works in WMC than it ought to work in JR Theater View. If it also works in Standard View but does not work in Theater View to think it is user error.... is being a blind fan boy.. I have posted in the build threads. I have started threads.  If I needed to rely on this app instead of watching and waiting until it is a functional app for live and recorded TV I would be in real trouble. The fact is I have buying the app at each release and it no closer to being and effective replacement for WMC for TV then it was a couple years ago, judging by the way the remote works its overall functionality for TV has gone backwards. Don't get me started on the largely useless PVR/EPG Guide presentation.

I really would like to take this app seriously but come on!!!  There is no user configuration involved in the basic remote funtionality. Do you have a special Theater View setup for the remote? Remember it works perfectly in Standard View!

Every time I gripe long enough something gets fixed after the JR crew and the fan boys treat me I am the problem. For the most part I don't bother to report issues here because it is not worth the heartburn.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2013, 06:01:45 am »

Haven't you figured it out yet? There is nobody here. They are jn MacLand and have been for most of version 18's lifecycle. The Remote is basically unusable for live TV in Theater view and has been for sometime. It worked solidly in 17 and 16 for a very long while. It started bad in 18 and has only gotten worse. I have posted numerous messages on the subject and they scroll off without reply.

That's a little harsh. 

Maybe a bit harsh, but sadly that pretty much sums up how I feel too.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2013, 07:21:12 am »

If you have a problem, describe it carefully and briefly in the thread that announces the build.  Include your OS.  

It is important to disable Windows Media Center and any other software that could be interfering.  imon, for example.

We can't fix a problem if we can't duplicate it.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2013, 07:34:41 am »



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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2013, 07:41:30 am »

A remote is not a difficult thing.
Every time I gripe long enough something gets fixed after the JR crew and the fan boys treat me I am the problem. For the most part I don't bother to report issues here because it is not worth the heartburn.
You're good at griping, I'll give you that.  And we do fix things we can duplicate, but griping doesn't help.  In fact, you are hurting your cause by burying the problem in all the words.

So... either describe the problem without complaining, or find another solution.

Read the Focus problem thread for more information:


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2013, 07:49:04 am »

If you have a problem, describe it carefully and briefly in the thread that announces the build.

I understand that, but it's not always easy to know exactly what build the problems are related to. Sometimes I'm not noticing the issues right away, or I get by with the problems hoping for the better in the next build. For example, the latest build .136 is barely usable for me because of frequent crashing and freezing (and some of the remote problems mentioned in the other thread). I've now gone back to .129 which seems much more stable and functional (at least for me). But I can't say if the issues are related to .136 or one of the builds in between.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2013, 09:11:56 pm »

Every time I gripe long enough something gets fixed after the JR crew and the fan boys treat me I am the problem. For the most part I don't bother to report issues here because it is not worth the heartburn.

You're good at griping, I'll give you that.  And we do fix things we can duplicate, but griping doesn't help.  In fact, you are hurting your cause by burying the problem in all the words.

So... either describe the problem without complaining, or find another solution.

Read the Focus problem thread for more information:

You guys are hilarious. You have many people reporting a problem and you make the peiople who report the problem, the problem. You want to refund my money? Then I will stop complaining. My gripes are legitimate. You should embrace the problem not shoot the messenger. BTW, I am not asking for a refund. Besides i have already described the problem. The remote only works inisde the OSD in theater view, nothing else to tell. It is an hp remote, with microsot receiver. I have remotes all over the place they all work fine in everything but JR MC 18. I will try the latet build maybe you fixed by accident.



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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2013, 09:17:04 pm »

So basically the Windows users paid for the development of a MAC code base with their upgrade dollars and cursing shrieks of frustration. Congrats on getting the Mac version to gestation! Love the self-congatulatory post.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2013, 09:33:18 pm »

It seems to be working for the first time in I don't know how many builds. Can;t use the guide or green button while they work, they also bring up WMC Guide or WMC respectively and that punches through. I think that may have always been the case. It has been so long since the remote worked in Theater View I can't really say I know what to expect of it.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2013, 03:26:13 am »

To lighten the mood a little, "" might distract long enough for blood pressures to come down a little :)

As for the problems, real as they are, they are not common. I mean, MC is not universally broken. Aside from the focus problems that were present for a few builds, a few builds back, our remote has always 'just worked'. I appreciate that that's not exactly helpful if your remote is not working, but heyho, there it is.

If it helps, the HTPC, under "Options > Remote Control > Devices and options" shows the following:

Also, under "Options > Theater View > Behaviour" the disable windows media center option is checked.

The WMCE remote commands are installed with the program and if you have one those, it should just work out of the box. If you have anything else, you must go through the button learning procedure to teach MC what to do when the buttons are pressed.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2013, 03:40:36 am »

I use a MCE compatible RC everyday in Theaterview (Logitec One) and don't see any issues and I've not had to config a single thing for ages.  Can you please restate what this issue are with the latest release of MC and I'm happy to add any advice (that I can).
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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2013, 05:27:29 am »

Can you look on your remote or specifications online whether you have a fully RC-6 capable/compatible remote?

Are you using XBMC as well perhaps and did you use something similar to this to get the remote working in XBMC?

If so, you need to revert those changes and reboot.

Basically, if your remote is fully RC-6 compatible it should work without any changes or configuration in JRiver MC18.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2013, 05:52:49 am »

So basically the Windows users paid for the development of a MAC code base with their upgrade dollars

It sure would seem like that if they were stopping the MC18 development cycle soon at the usual .170-.180 build and moving on to MC19. But I'm quite confident that the MC18 cycle is just going to be much longer, and that we're getting the bugfixes and many new features we're used to from former versions. Remember that they now also have Mac-customers paying for the development.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2013, 06:27:24 am »

We're not finished with MC18.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2013, 08:55:01 am »

Honestly, I'd love it if you guys opened up the source code. Or at least opened it up for specific users (like myself). I have encountered four separate unhanded exceptions. I'd be very happy to write the fixes and send you patch files.

Any chance you guys are looking for volunteer contributors?


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2013, 09:28:45 am »

No.  If you find a problem, report it in the thread that announces the build.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2013, 11:33:29 am »

Can you look on your remote or specifications online whether you have a fully RC-6 capable/compatible remote?

Are you using XBMC as well perhaps and did you use something similar to this to get the remote working in XBMC?

If so, you need to revert those changes and reboot.

Basically, if your remote is fully RC-6 compatible it should work without any changes or configuration in JRiver MC18.

Fully RC-6, no XBMC or anything this is a plain vanilla box with WMC and MC18. The mouse only worked in the live TV OSD before the build put out last night. Suddenly it is working. It shouldn't allow the green button or the guide button to pass through to WMC but I assume that could be some setting in MC18.

My take is that 17 became a quite solid app toward the end and 18 has for a TV user not been viable since day one. My problem is with the lack of a formal [roblem reporting system and that something as fundamental as using the remote in live tv break and you have to fuss for weeks. Look I held tongue build after build as the mouse lost more and more functionality. When I did post about it was never addressed, replied to, even acknowledge.

The less than subtle suggestion that I find another solution is just plain arrogance. Insular arrogance. I did not fix the remote in live TV, JR did, they broke it not me. Providing feedback that a core function doesn't work should be appreciated not an excuse to send a customer away.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2013, 11:48:30 am »

My .02 but OP keeps stating that MCE works fine, and sometimes breaks through MC like when using the green button.  Jim has also clearly stated, and I've seen it plenty of other places, that to use the remote with MC you should disable MCE.  The OP clearly hasn't, maybe he should give that a try.
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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2013, 12:02:03 pm »

My .02 but OP keeps stating that MCE works fine, and sometimes breaks through MC like when using the green button.  Jim has also clearly stated, and I've seen it plenty of other places, that to use the remote with MC you should disable MCE.  The OP clearly hasn't, maybe he should give that a try.

Those buttons that punch through are not a material concern for me. The fact that the remote did not work at all was the issue. I don't the need the green button. The rest of the buttons I need  are now fine. You do need to be able to exit.

As for disabling WMC. You don't give up cable TV playback for JR... when the Ceton or someother cable tuner is properly supported in JR MC, WMC can go, until then I can make them coexist or at least live with their entanglements. What I could not deal with is the lack of any Remote function in JR live TV in Theater mode. It worked fine in 16 and 17, then progressively got less and less functionality in 18 until there was no remote other than in the OSD for recent builds. The build posted last night fixed that and hallelujah!


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2013, 01:30:18 pm »

So the RC is now working as expected?
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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2013, 01:50:26 pm »

Seems so.

Fully RC-6, no XBMC or anything this is a plain vanilla box with WMC and MC18. The mouse only worked in the live TV OSD before the build put out last night. Suddenly it is working.

The root cause may be gtgray's reluctance to disable WMC.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2013, 03:17:25 pm »

The root cause may be gtgray's reluctance to disable WMC.

As stated before I've had problems too with the remote, and I don't have - never had - WMC installed. The issues have come and gone, depending on the build, seemingly in a random way. Most often the volume buttons haven't been working, sometimes the Play/stop etc. were not responding, and when it was worst I could only use the arrow keys. Among the latest builds .136 were unusable and .129 the most functional. Haven't played with .143 yet.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2013, 03:46:08 pm »

Try this (for me this was the only 100% Reliable way on my HTPC of stopping some RC commands being grabed by Windows):

In Windows --> Start --> Control Panel --> Programs and Features --> Turn Windows Features On or Off --> Media Features --> and UNCHECK Windows Media Center.

You will need to reboot.


PS - "should" have the same effect as checking in MC, "Tools --> Options --> TheaterView --> Behavior --> Disable Windows Meda Center" but I found that WMC would keep showing up at odd times unless I did the above change in Windows itself.
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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2013, 04:03:40 pm »

Haven't played with .143 yet.
Please try it.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #30 on: March 03, 2013, 04:26:27 pm »

Please try it.

Ok, just had a quick check, and everything is working - Play/Stop etc., Volume, arrow keys, keyboard (I'm using a DiNovo Mini). So it did in .129 (at least most of the time), but there's definitely been a change, because the remote is way more responsive than in a very long time - it's insane how fast I can navigate compared to before. Don't want to get carried away by such a brief test, but for now it's like having a brand new remote.  :)


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #31 on: March 03, 2013, 05:18:32 pm »

So the RC is now working as expected?
Yes! The programming changes in this build fixed the remote. As I said hallelujah!


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2013, 05:24:53 pm »

Seems so.

The root cause may be gtgray's reluctance to disable WMC.

The root cause was something in your programming that was fixed in the newest build (143). You are still trying to blame the user. I changed nothing but downloaded the newest build and OILA!

Thanks for fixing it. I usually don't even bring up my concerns because they are rarely respsonded to and sooner or later it gets fixed. This particular thing was very long running.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2013, 05:31:34 pm »

Try this (for me this was the only 100% Reliable way on my HTPC of stopping some RC commands being grabed by Windows):

In Windows --> Start --> Control Panel --> Programs and Features --> Turn Windows Features On or Off --> Media Features --> and UNCHECK Windows Media Center.

You will need to reboot.


This is a useful toggle. Until MC can get its PVR up to speed and get cable tuner device it will remain a secondary app for me. Unlike most users here TV is my first app out of a Media Center application, then movies, then music.


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Re: There's nobody here
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2013, 06:01:20 pm »

The root cause was something in your programming that was fixed in the newest build (143). You are still trying to blame the user. I changed nothing but downloaded the newest build and OILA!
Just to continue the blame game a little, since you asked, you might have had a completely different experience (and attitude) if you had followed the instructions here:

Media Center Remote Instructions, in particular this sentence under Troubleshooting:

If Windows Media Center starts when you press the Green Button, you can check the box under Theater View options called "Disable Windows Media Center ..."

You might have save a lot of trouble if you had tried that.

I'm locking this thread now.
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