Hi Matt,
That is great you were able to look into this and back to me so quickly. Thank you.
You are COMPLETELY right. For such a 'loaded' command driven function, a GUI would be a nice touch. One can only hope.
I looked into this function some more after your override switch comment. I am happy to report that I have found a solution!
If anyone is having the sleep issue like me, the following tutorial will demonstrate how to set SRVNET into override mode so it does not affect system sleep. One thing I have not figured out though is how to UNDO the function.
Proceed at own risk.1. Verify that SRVNET is still active after closing down MC18, JRemote and/or WebGizmo by performing the following from the command prompt:
powercfg -requests
If SRVNET is active, you will see this:
[DRIVER] \FileSystem\srvnet
An active remote client has recently sent requests to this machine.2. To add SRVNET to the exempt list, perform the following from the command prompt (EXACTLY as displayed below. DRIVER
MUST be written in caps):
powercfg -requestsoverride DRIVER "\FileSystem\srvnet" System Awaymode
and for good measure (not sure if necessary but I did it anyways)...
powercfg -requestsoverride DRIVER "srvnet" System Awaymode
3. Once it is all said and done, it should look like this after running:
powercfg -requestsoverride
\FileSystem\srvnet SYSTEM AWAYMODE
srvnet SYSTEM AWAYMODE4. Enjoy sleep mode again.
This is a permanent solution as it will keep after reboots. Included below is the usage of the -requestsoverride command:
Sets a Power Request override for a particular Process, Service,
or Driver. If no parameters are specified, this command displays
the current list of Power Request Overrides.
<CALLER_TYPE> Specifies one of the following caller type:
PROCESS, SERVICE, DRIVER. This is obtained by
calling the POWERCFG -REQUESTS command.
<NAME> Specifies the caller name. This is the name
returned from calling POWERCFG -REQUESTS command.
<REQUEST> Specifies one or more of the following Power
Request Types: Display, System, Awaymode.
p.s. If anyone has figured out how to remove exemptions from the the -requestsoverride command, please share it.