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Author Topic: Multiple executables in Media Center application package [development question]  (Read 1373 times)


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On Windows, Media Center has a main application "Media Center 18.exe" and several helper applications like JRWorker.exe, PackageInstaller.exe, JRWeb.exe, etc.

We would like to use the same model on Mac.

But how can we get a system file association to launch a helper application?  For example, a license file (.mjr file) should launch PackageInstaller with /Register.

Can the main app package contain child app packages that have their own plist assocations?  Or can we include only the executable for the helper applications and have the main plist tunnel commands to those executables?

I realize this is kind of technical, but I thought it would be worth a short to ask here.  Thanks in advance for any help.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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I am by no means a developer, but I do know that I manage lots of background processes using an old utility called "Lingon". It allows me to tweak the behavior of both LaunchAgents and LaunchDaemons, which are defined in either System-wide or userspace XML files. The XML files define parameters for pieces of code--some of which are contained in various application packages.

I'd look at documentation for the "launchd" process and if that helps. Also (and just guessing here), can't the mjr file type be assigned to the PackageInstaller?

Hope this gives you a couple of ideas to investigate...



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I'll poke around and see what option there are. At first glance I would think that all the executables would be sitting nicel in the application's package folder, and that each app could simply register a uri that it handled.

One place I've found particularly good for these sorts of questions is

If you generalize your question a bit and post it, there is a good chance you'll have an answer in a day or so.

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