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Author Topic: I need help with updating MC after moving media files to a new NAS  (Read 1409 times)


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I'm sorry if this has been asked before  ;D.

I bought a new NAS recently and I am in the process of migrating the data, a share at a time using windows explorer, to it. As I finish with a media share I want to update MC. I did the first one tonight.
Initially I thought that if I updated a "watched folder" (re. Auto-Import) that MC would realize that nothing had changed except the file location. Not so. The import resulted in duplicates; one copy pointing to the old NAS and the other to the new NAS. Fortuneately the test batch was small and I removed the new imports.

Next I tried the Rename, Move & Copy Files process set to Update database to point to new location (no file rename...). That worked great until I ran an Auto-Import and I got duplicates again; both copies pointing to the new NAS.

How can I fix this and what is the correct procedure?

BTW, on the import, I have unchecked the Ignore files previous removed from library option.



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Re: I need help with updating MC after moving media files to a new NAS
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2013, 07:49:13 pm »

Do you have playlists that point to the old location?
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Re: I need help with updating MC after moving media files to a new NAS
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2013, 07:54:42 pm »

Do you have playlists that point to the old location?

No playlists. One Smartlist but it doesn't reference any file locations.


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Re: I need help with updating MC after moving media files to a new NAS
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2013, 08:14:27 pm »

The order to accomplish what you were doing:

1) Remove the old locations from auto-import.  Don't add the new one.
2) Fix the Filename links using the Rename tool in Update mode.
3) Add the new location to auto-import if desired.

Auto-import runs frequently, and notices changes to watched folders.  So if you've disabled Ignore files previous removed from library, each time auto-import runs it is going to try to re-import those files.  What is the reason for you disabling this?

With the option enabled, MC won't try to reimport files you deleted.  They go instead into the Removed database (you can see this with a smartlist that selects this database).  If you decide to reimport these in the future, they are pulled from this database and restored instantly to the main database.  Or you can delete entries from the Removed database and then those files become candidates for re-importation.

You might be best now disabling auto-import for the share in question, and soft Deleting all references to those files from MC.
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Re: I need help with updating MC after moving media files to a new NAS
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2013, 08:33:25 pm »

"1) Remove the old locations from auto-import.  Don't add the new one."
I didn't add anything new to the auto-import. I edited an existing "rule" to change the watched location.

"What is the reason for you disabling this?"
Sometime in the past I had removed a movie from the library by mistake and the subsquent imports wouldn't add it back. After I disabled the setting I found that it was re-imported. So I left the setting disabled.


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Re: I need help with updating MC after moving media files to a new NAS
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2013, 07:57:24 am »

The order to accomplish what you were doing:

1) Remove the old locations from auto-import.  Don't add the new one.
2) Fix the Filename links using the Rename tool in Update mode.
3) Add the new location to auto-import if desired.

I restored a recent backup and everything is back to normal but I still have to convert the file locations to the new NAS. Is that still the correct procedure for doing so?

Update: It might not be the only way but it did work perfectly  :D.


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Re: I need help with updating MC after moving media files to a new NAS
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2013, 05:04:25 pm »

Perhaps a new examination on preserving playlists is in order.  I move batches of 1,000 to 2,000 files every day to a secondary workdrive for duping, scanning with YADB and SongKong, then moving the remainder of the files back to the MC library drive.

Is MC supposed to remember my playlists if I use MC exclusively for file transportation?
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