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Author Topic: Restoring custom tags  (Read 11083 times)


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Restoring custom tags
« on: May 25, 2013, 08:03:48 am »


I've been saving music files on my Macbook hard drive, which is now full. So I've reset the file path to read from my EHD rather than my desktop so I can dump the files on the Macbook. (I am backing up to another EHD.)

Problem is that I created a number of custom tags (eg, Original Label, Reissue Label, Composition Genre) that were removed when I told MC to Clear Library. I have recreated the custom tag fields manually but cannot reimport the tag info.

Any tags I created through JRiver should have saved to the files, right? If so, how can I restore these tags? It took quite a while to do them!


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Re: Restoring custom tags
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2013, 11:05:10 am »

JRiver for Windows makes backups (and the main library) automatically.  JRiver/Mac probably does too.

On the Windows version, there are commands to backup and restore the library from the File menu, Library command.



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Re: Restoring custom tags
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2013, 04:01:30 am »

Thank you. Unfortunately the only option that gives me is to restore the original file path, ie the desktop-based files that I want to delete.

Should I restore MC to the desktop files, manually back up the settings then reset to the files on the EHD perhaps? How would I do that?


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Re: Restoring custom tags
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2013, 06:57:00 am »

The wiki has a topic called "Moving Files".  It might help.


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Re: Restoring custom tags
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2013, 05:08:40 pm »

No, I can't see anything there that's relevant.

I've tried "clear library" and reimporting from the desktop files instead of the ehd copies but it won't restore tags. I've tried "backup library" and "restore library" multiple times. One frustration is that JRiver will give a prompt saying the restore was successful, but that you must "restart" it to secure it -- but there is no restart option! I've had to force quit multiple times as it keeps freezing.

I'm guessing that automatic back-up hasn't happened and that even if the custom tags are written to the files (I have my doubts now) I can't access them as JRiver won't let me.


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Re: Restoring custom tags
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2013, 12:47:22 am »

No, I can't see anything there that's relevant.

I've tried "clear library" and reimporting from the desktop files instead of the ehd copies but it won't restore tags. I've tried "backup library" and "restore library" multiple times. One frustration is that JRiver will give a prompt saying the restore was successful, but that you must "restart" it to secure it -- but there is no restart option! I've had to force quit multiple times as it keeps freezing.

I'm guessing that automatic back-up hasn't happened and that even if the custom tags are written to the files (I have my doubts now) I can't access them as JRiver won't let me.


You need to stop trashing around trying randon things when you don't understand what you are doing.

You made a mistake when you cleared the library the first time.  There was not need to clear the database.  All you had to do was to move the files and make sure that the database preferneced the new file locations.  Recovering from that mistake requires understanding the mechanisms you use to get back to normal.  No crime here but it does require some extra learning and extra effort on your part.

--- re-creating your custom fields
If the "Revert database fields back to default" checkbox was checked when you cleared the library, JRiver removed your custom fields in addition to removing the music files from your library.  When you imported the same music files again, JRiver ignored any tags for which there were no corresponding fields in the database.

Check the list of database fields (in Tools/Options/Library&Folders/Manage Library fields) to see if your custom fields are still defined.  If they are not listed, create them again.

While you are at it, be sure that the "Save in file tags (when possible)" checkbox is checked for your custom fields.  Also make sure that the "Update tags when file info changes" checkbox (In tools/Options/General) is checked.

If you are using WAV or AIFF files, you may need to look for one more setting to ensure that database information is stored in the music files.  JimH can give you that information.

--- using the "Restore Library" command.
There was no point to executing a "Backup libary" command when the library was not showing custom fields.  If the Library does not contain the custom tag fields, the backup file won't either. There was no point in executing a "Restore library" command using such a backup file.

You need to locate a library backup file from before you executed the Clear library the first time.  Backup files are named with the library name and the date.  The "resotre Library command" should show you a list of backup files in the folder where it has been storing them.

This should bring you back to where you were before you cleared the library the first time.  No you need to move the music files and make sure that JRiver points to the new location.

--- using the Move files mechanism.
JimH pointed you to a Wiki page on moving files.  Read that section.  If you still don't understand what to do, ask specific questions.  Do not continue trying destructive actions at random.

---- freezing when JRiver finishes clearing the library
I can't comment on the "restart problem you had".  In the Windows environment

---- advice
I went to some trouble to think through what might have happened to you.  I ran some experiments to verify what I have written.  Please try to read what I have written and follow the steps I have outlined.  If you don't understand something, stop and ask questions.

I am limited in how much I can type but JimH or someone else may help you.




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Re: Restoring custom tags
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2013, 05:33:55 am »

Thanks for your help, Listener. I appreciate the trouble you have taken. No more trashing around from now on  :)

I've followed the steps you suggested and have recreated the custom fields, but unfortunately was unable to restore the tag info.

When I Browse in Backup Library I only get two recent file paths shown, neither of which restore the custom tags and smartlists. As you suggest my error was to clear MC instead of moving the files, plus I didn't check "Save in file tags (when possible)" and "Update tags when file info changes" beforehand. So I think I've blown that one.

I'm going to re-do those tags, but can I ask a couple more things before I begin?

First, if the tags write to the files and I re-compile the custom tags from scratch, will that cause a conflict somewhere, or do you think that because I didn't check those two boxes the custom tags won't have been written to the files?

And second, I've recreated the custom tag fields and checked "Save in file tags (when possible)" and "Update tags when file info changes". Before I begin re-entering the info, is there anything more I need to do to make these custom tags as secure as possible? Will JRiver automatically backup from now on?

Thanks again.


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Re: Restoring custom tags
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2013, 10:16:38 am »

When I Browse in Backup Library I only get two recent file paths shown, neither of which restore the custom tags and smartlists. As you suggest my error was to clear MC instead of moving the files, plus I didn't check "Save in file tags (when possible)" and "Update tags when file info changes" beforehand. So I think I've blown that one.

You said "Backup Library".  You should be using the "Restore Library" command.  Here is the dialog you see when you execute that command

If you click on the browse button, you should see a list of files containing backups like this

The Windows version of JRiver makes automatic backups frequently (when you make changes to database field values) and keeps a number of backups going back quite a while.  (3/30/2013 for my most used library.) Do you see a backup file listed that is old enough to contain the correct custom tag values?

I'm going to re-do those tags, but can I ask a couple more things before I begin?

Let's be sure that you can't retrieve the tag values before you plunge in.

If you are using the Time Machine feature of the Mac OS, you might be able to restore the library files as they were before you cleared the library.

If you do have to re-create the tag values, you can use MC's features to do the job efficiently.  If some of the information is in the folder and file names, you can select a number of files, right-click on them (or the Mac equivalent) and choose the "Library Tools/Fill properties from file name" command.  You specify a template for the folder and file name and MC extracts the database field values from the file name for the selected files.

You can use the Tag window (Edit/Tag) to enter values for a number of files in one operation.  In general, the changes you make in the Tag window apply to the files that are currently selected.  For example, you might select a number of files that belong to the same Composition Genre and type in that value. 

The search feature is often useful in separating files that should have the same value for a custom tag.

The better you understand MC and the more thought you put into using it, the quicker, easier and more trouble-free the process will be.

First, if the tags write to the files and I re-compile the custom tags from scratch, will that cause a conflict somewhere, or do you think that because I didn't check those two boxes the custom tags won't have been written to the files?

And second, I've recreated the custom tag fields and checked "Save in file tags (when possible)" and "Update tags when file info changes". Before I begin re-entering the info, is there anything more I need to do to make these custom tags as secure as possible? Will JRiver automatically backup from now on?

If you have checked those  settings, any changes to database field values will be written to the file.  There will be no conflict arising from the previous settings.

The most important thing is for you to learn more about how MC works before you do destructive things.



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Re: Restoring custom tags
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2013, 01:28:49 pm »

Hi Bill

Thanks for this. I've done a browse in Restore Library and the oldest backup is dated 25 May 22:51, unfortunately after I first told MC to "clear library", which was before I started this thread. If I go back to that backup it takes me back to before I recreated the custom tag values.

I've never used Time Machine so unfortunately that isn't an option in this case.

It looks like I will have to recreate those values, but at least your tips might make that easier.

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