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Author Topic: Playing in track order  (Read 2242 times)


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Playing in track order
« on: April 03, 2013, 12:16:01 pm »

Is there some trick to getting MC18 to play tracks from an album in Track Order ?

After doing a manually triggered Auto-Import, MC18 always changes from whatever you were doing to a "Recently Imported" smartlist (which many people would prefer to have to option of preventing, see ).

Apparently MC18 imports in a multi-threaded way, because the Recently Imported list shows the albums imported intertwined with each other, and sometimes not in track order.   So, even if you carefully manually select each track with Ctrl-click, and then right-click Play, it will play them in the screen order and not the Track Order.

Yesterday, I took a two disk recording of all six Back Cello Suites that has each disk as a separate "album" and made it one album.  Since Suite 6 was on Disk 1, I manually changed all the track numbers, so it would play from 1 to 6.   Later, I found that new "album" in the Album pane, and right-clicked on it and selected "Play".  It played it 1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 5 (the order on the disks), ignoring the track number.

So, how can we always play Albums in Track Order ?



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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2013, 12:22:29 pm »

Just add a collumn with "track#" and click on it
You have you're song organized by "seq" i suppose (seq is the MC order) "track#" is the disc order
strange you seems to be a power user and u missed this :)


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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2013, 02:01:27 pm »

There is no track column at all in the Album Pane.


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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2013, 02:30:21 pm »

hum i have columns on all views (maybe u disabled it?) what do u call "album panel"?


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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2013, 02:35:47 pm »

hum i have columns on all views (maybe u disabled it?) what do u call "album panel"?
Not "panel".   "Pane" as in "Panes View".

By having "Album" as the rightmost Pane in Panes View, then you can right-click on the Album and select "Play", which you cannot do in any other way in MC18.  See:


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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2013, 02:45:28 pm »

By having "Album" as the rightmost Pane in Panes View, then you can right-click on the Album and select "Play", which you cannot do in any other way in MC18.
If you are in the default "Albums" library view, there is a play button on the album itself, and if you are in any "categories" type view, if your tracks are grouped by album, double-clicking any track will play it and the rest of the album. (though I would prefer it to play every other file in the list, rather than only playing the rest of the group)


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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2013, 02:55:38 pm »

If by "on the album itself" you mean "on the cover image" then I don't have cover images displayed in Views, because I have too many albums.   I cannot identify them by their covers, and the covers would limit the number of albums displayed at once (mostly the former reason).

I also don't have the individual tracks displayed when I am trying to select albums.   If I want to play "Dark Side of the Moon", I don't need to see the individual tracks.   In fact, the tracks for "Bach Suites for Cello No.1-6" would not even all fit on the screen.

I only need or want to see the Cover and the Track Names after I select the album, i.e. in Playing Now.

All this is like Playing CDs.

I do appreciate the great flexibility in MC18 to do things in many other ways (such as Shuffle Play or playing all tracks named "Breathe"), but it continually seems to be odd that Playing a (virtual) "CD" seems to have little support - less support than playing a physical CD in a drive.


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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2013, 04:21:34 pm »

If by "on the album itself" you mean "on the cover image" then I don't have cover images displayed in Views, because I have too many albums.   I cannot identify them by their covers, and the covers would limit the number of albums displayed at once (mostly the former reason).
I did mean that. This is why I like to have things grouped by artist in the categories view, and then have those files grouped by album. (though I would like the option to move that over to the right)

I'm a visual person and like scanning through a list of album art rather than text. If I'm looking for something specific, that's what search is for.

Could you post an example of how you typically browse through your library? I'm curious to see how you do it, and if there's anything I could be doing better.


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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2013, 04:39:44 pm »

The order of the tracks added to Now Playing when selecting a group-level item (such as an album in an Album pane column) is controlled by the file list's Sort Inside Group By setting.  If you change this sort order to, for example, Name, then tracks will fill Now Playing alphabetically.

The default audio sort order (Default) will sort by:

   1. Album Artist (auto)
   2. Album
   3. Disc #
   4. Track #

and items should be added to Playing Now in this order when selecting an Album and right-click Play (or Enter) via a pane entry.'

Edit: This might also be related to what you're seeing.
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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2013, 05:02:57 pm »

In playing now all is organised by track# for me so when i click on album it play it by track#
I have see you're link personally when i want to play an album i click on the little arrow near a track (if u haven't disabled it)


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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2013, 08:17:06 pm »

Okay, in the case where I made the two disk set, which was two albums, into one album, the Disk # is still there, so that explains why it still played in the original order, despite my changing the track number. :)

The other case was items selected from a smartlist, so perhaps that is a different rule ?  Perhaps the Seq from the smartlist is preserved in Playing Now ?


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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2013, 08:29:29 pm »

Sort the playlist first, then play the files.  They should arrive in Playing Now in the sorted order.

As a test, I sorted by Duration for my Recently Ripped playlist.  All tracks arrived at Playing Now in the order: shortest duration first, longest duration last.
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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2013, 10:47:11 pm »

Sort the playlist first, then play the files.  They should arrive in Playing Now in the sorted order.

As a test, I sorted by Duration for my Recently Ripped playlist.  All tracks arrived at Playing Now in the order: shortest duration first, longest duration last.
Okay - I see that if I sort the Recently Imported by Album, then by Track Number, that will work (just Track Number gives all the Track 1's first, etc.).

I still have to manually select all the tracks in the Album, and then right-click and click "Play", but that's another issue...


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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2013, 03:26:44 pm »

the collumn is track# not seq be carefull and try with the little arrow for to play an album no need to select all the songs :)


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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2013, 05:25:45 pm »

Clicking on any of the little arrows give the response "No Search Results".


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Re: Playing in track order
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2013, 06:21:38 pm »

Yep usually it works but since the last update i have the same behaviour and i had maid a custom view and it say there's no file in the libray dunno what's happened beetween double click on a file from album view add the entire album to the playing now.
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