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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.162 Alpha -- Available Here  (Read 2220 times)


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This is an alpha release of Media Center for Mac.  If you aren't comfortable with a few problems, please wait a few days.

Please read this before downloading.


18.0.162 (4/3/2013)

1. Fixed: The program could crash after showing the summary at the end of an auto-import.
2. Changed: Revised buffer management for multi-channel devices that use an array of mono buffers (may solve click issues on these devices).
3. Fixed: Library tree browsing was not working properly with file location categories.

Code: [Select]
18.0.161 (4/2/2013)

1. Fixed: Tab, shift-Tab, F2, and up/down arrows work for navigating the list while doing tag editing.
2. Fixed: When a tooltip was covering a list item, the item could not be played or modified using the mouse.
3. Fixed: Library views that browse by file path were not working.

18.0.156 (3/25/2013)

1. Fixed: Memory leak with regard to auto-released system objects.
2. Fixed: Memory leak with cleanup of background threads.
3. Fixed: DSP Studio > Room Correction > Channel buttons were not working to switch channels.
4. Fixed: Sub-menu flyouts not hiding after moving to other menu items.
5. Fixed: Newly created smartlists could have a '/' in the name rather than going to the right playlist folder.
6. Faster: Improved user interface drawing efficiency and performance.

18.0.155 (3/22/2013)

1. Changed: Improved messaging when attempting to tag read-only files.
2. Fixed: The File > Open File... dialog was not allowing selection of files.
3. Faster: Improved the core threading engine so that background threads are much less resource intensive.
4. Fixed: Memory playback could work harder than necessary in some cases.

18.0.154 (3/21/2013)

1. Changed: The program now requires a license (after a 30 day free trial).
2. Fixed: Tagging of some formats was not working when the files were on a different volume than the system.

18.0.151 (3/15/2013)

1. Fixed: Lots of crashing from version 18.0.150
2. NEW: DLNA working as a server, controller and renderer. Note, you'll likely have to reset your settings if you didn't already in build 18.0.150, there are bad uuids in there. The easiest way to do this is to rename or remove the "~/Library/Application Support/J River/Media Center 18/Settings" either from a terminal window or the finder after unhiding the ~/Library directory.
3. NEW: WebRemote applications working (Gizmo, JRemote, MyRiver, etc)

18.0.150 (3/14/2013)

1. NEW: Added Convolution DSP (same 64-bit SSE3 accelerated engine used on Windows).
2. NEW: Media Network (DLNA, Library Server, JRemote, etc.) available in options (still a work in progress).
3. NEW: MP3 encoding added.
4. NEW: Added configurable 'Channel offset' to Options > Audio > Output mode settings to allow targeting channels starting at something other than 1 (useful with pro / studio devices).
5. NEW: Drag-n-drop mostly working (within program, out of program, but not yet into program).
6. NEW: Added support for DSD bitstreaming using DoP.
7. Changed: Switched the timeout to April 16.
8. NEW: Wake On Lan implemented on Mac.

18.0.146 (3/8/2013)

1. Changed: Added support for more audio hardware (Lynx Hilo, RME Fireface UC, etc.).
2. Changed: Double-click, escape, etc. work on the playback display to exit Display View.
3. Fixed: Using some tools like Analyze Audio and Get Cover Art could prevent the program from closing even if they were no longer running.

18.0.143 (3/5/2013)

1. Fixed: Removed printing options from menu as they are not available yet on Mac and could cause a crash.
2. Changed: Changed text and link on "Help -> Registration Info" pop-up to reflect timeout and no license needed.
3. Fixed: Using cmd-Q to exit the program would result in a crash.
4. Fixed: Program text was garbled in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean translations.

18.0.142 (2/28/2013)

1. Fixed: SACD ISO files were not importing.
2. Fixed: Several cover art issues.
3. NEW: Internet POST requests work (makes, etc.).
4. Fixed: If a background thread showed a message box, it would lead to a hang.
5. NEW: File move, rename, copy dialog functional. Not recommended for large scale or critical file operations until more testing is done.
6. Fixed: Problems with support of 32 bit only OSX systems, e.g. playback of MP3 files.

18.0.141 (2/26/2013)

1. Fixed: Sound devices that requested planar instead of interleaved data were not working.
2. Fixed: Cover art next to audio files was not loading properly.

18.0.140 (2/25/2013)

1. Fixed: The program would not run on systems without SSE 4.1 support.
2. Changed: Retooled SSE assembly everywhere in the program so that SSSE 3 is the low-water mark for SSE acceleration (previously SSE 4.1 was required in most places to get acceleration).
3. Fixed: Thread priorities were not implemented fully on Mac.

18.0.139 (2/22/2013)

1. Fixed: Wrong options file was being used in the 138 build resulting in frequent crashes.

18.0.138 (2/22/2013)

1. NEW: Added support for Core Audio exclusive output in Options > Audio > Output mode settings (enabled by default).
2. Fixed: Memory playback was not working properly.
3. Fixed: Plugins were not working because working path was not being set, this caused playback to fail.

18.0.137 (2/21/2013)

1. Fixed: Audio format converter working.
2. Changed: Register dynamic libs on first run after install rather than every startup.
3. Changed: Auto-update partially works. It will show whether version is up to date and download new version. Need to manually install.
4. Fixed: Show/Set update download directory not working.
5. Fixed: Search in options dialog not working.
6. Fixed: Encoder properties dialog in options not working.
7. Fixed: Clicking away from in-place editing box doesn't cancel edit mode.
8. Fixed: Mouse wheel support.
9. Changed: Close,Minimize,Maximize buttons moved to left side of frame.
10. Fixed: Lots of UI windowing issues (z-order,  white windows, black windows, floating windows,  etc.) should be fixed.
11. Fixed: Files with really long path names weren't importing.

18.0.136 (2/20/2013)

1. Fixed: Library backup / restore works, although restoring a library from the Windows version is not fully working yet.
2. Fixed: Internal volume working.
3. Fixed: Player window displaying wrong playback time.
4. Fixed: Some of the window z-order issues.
5. Changed: Somewhat friendlier message about lack of web browser support.
6. Changed: New and improved installer graphic.

18.0.133 (2/15/2013)

1. NEW: First release of Media Center on Mac.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • Junior Woodchuck
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« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2013, 07:59:09 am »

When i try to import tracks (mp3, aiff, alac) MC crashes and can not be restarted.
I discovered that if I delete the file mediafiles.jmd in the library folder then MC can be restarted.

That doesn't apply to wav tracks that can be imported and played w/o problems.
All tracks can be opened and played as single file.

2Ghz Intel core duo
2Gb mem
MC 0.162



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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.162 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2013, 08:39:46 am »

Hi Matt

Thanks, Files are now showing in tree and expand to album level.

However, as I reported in the latest stable Windows build thread, I now see a ghost folder below each album in the library entitled WAV, this is in both the Windows and now Mac versions. This only occurs under the ‘Files’ category.

I will attempt to see if I can post a screenshot. This will be of the Windows version as I am still learning how to do this on a Mac.



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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.162 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2013, 09:02:05 am »

However, as I reported in the latest stable Windows build thread, I now see a ghost folder below each album in the library entitled WAV, this is in both the Windows and now Mac versions. This only occurs under the ‘Files’ category.

That's because your view is:
Location \ File Type

So after location, it shows a list of file types.

You can customize the view fully by clicking the root 'Files', the picking View > Customize View... (also available in the view header menu).
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.162 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2013, 11:10:45 am »

Thanks Matt – that sorted it. This only appeared when I updated to latest stable build (Windows) never saw it before that. Seeing it in the Mac built I thought an error had crept in. I clearly have a lot to learn yet about this grand program.


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