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Author Topic: So, how do I change the text in Purity skin?  (Read 17296 times)


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So, how do I change the text in Purity skin?
« on: April 08, 2013, 05:00:48 am »

I'd like to change all the text to neon blue.  :P

Have the main.xml on the notepad with a lot of code in front of me.

I had in my possession ColorCop.
Ready to change the main text, and all text, and possibly the Playing Now text to something different if that is possible.
Thank you, I do not speak code. I am learning!  ;)

Please instruct.


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Re: So, how do I change the text in Purity skin? I'm ready!
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 05:06:09 am »

Also, thank you to whoever did the hard work of putting 'Purity' together!
I mean no disrespect, just trying to tweak the text colors for my own use. Thanks.

This is the color I think I want:

For Purity:

Thanks a million...


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Re: So, how do I change the text in Purity skin? I'm ready!
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2013, 05:47:59 am »

Hey, I actually got it done by myself.

This screen helped a lot:

Learned not to put the # in the code and alos, not to be afraid if the code looks different than the one you're replacing.
I'm totally a badass coder now!! Gonna tell my mom when she bring in the hotpockets!


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Re: So, how do I change the text in Purity skin? I'm ready! [solved]
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2013, 09:07:20 am »

Yep no need to be a developpeur for to change texts colors ^^
So all is good now?


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Re: So, how do I change the text in Purity skin? I'm ready! [solved]
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2013, 05:21:53 pm »

Please show us the result!


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Re: So, how do I change the text in Purity skin? I'm ready! [solved]
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2013, 02:19:10 am »

I seem to have completely messed it up and now can't remember how to start over.

Can't someone please modify a Purity skin with the SOLE change that the now playing (song) text is neon blue?
I'm mucking about with the main text code in notebook for hours over here. I may have an embolism. Neon blue text...

highlighting the now playing song in Standard details view of now playing.



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Here is a main.xml modified as you want or close to what you want.
Hope is ok, if not tell me what you want to change and ill help you.
Put the main.xml in purify folder and overwrite the older one.


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This works very good! Thank you!

How did you do this? What was the exact line that controls this??

I'd like to learn more, specifically: how to just change the current song to a totally different color than all other song titles.
For instance, keep all the non playing songs greyish, the currently playing one neon blue.

Thanks again, my mind just goes blank looking at all that code.
 :P I never would've been able to do that.


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he has just filled the right space qith the correct color code i suiggest you to read more the doc and to try some crazy things on a test skin u' ll be confident after this ;)
Eg:copy a color code like a red and u replace any colors codes by the red color and u 'll see what line do what .


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How to change color is simple
Open main.xml file, go at the section of <List> you can use search as ctrl+f and you can type the name of what you wish. Second when you are there you will have code color specification,
    <Colors Text="333333" Back="ebebeb" SelectedText="cd062f" SelectedBack="cd062f" HotText="111111" Gridline="e1e1e1" />

<Colors Text="333333" = This is the main color of the skin, instead of what is now you can add your specifically color what suit you better.
Back="ebebeb" = Is the main color of skin, don't try to touch that, let it that way.
SelectedText="cd062f" = This is what you have selected as an item in the list. Let say this way, if you have main list color as black "000000" and when you select the item there, is gone be white "ffffff".
SelectedBack="cd062f" =  Is the item who is already selected but not as the primary selection on your list, is kinda like an bold item.
HotText="111111" = This one is the item who is on played at that list.
Gridline="e1e1e1" = And for last is the color of grid you delimited the section, ex. Artist, album and so on.
Hope this will bring some light on how to deal with color in the list file.
If not ask me more.
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