I will give this a spin later on when I have some free time.
However, just wanted to share my thoughts on the whole touch-business. I think touch is over-used and, frankly, overrated. It seems like everything these days has to be touch enabled / oriented, etc..
I understand not wanting a "busy" distraction next to you, but I'm not sure I agree with the screen needing to be "subdued" - however I'm not sure what's meant by that so I won't comment more until I try it out.
However, when I am sitting there in the dark, I -want- a bright remote with buttons to look at/press. Simple, easy to find.
My problem with the current ("old"?) Gizmo is that we have virtually no options presented on the screen, and a somewhat odd and finnicky touch-interface it took me a while to figure out. Tapping through the options we did have available was, kind of annoying after a while. But my bigger issue was phantom taps. Where you would only tap something once and it seemed to register multiple taps (difference in finger pressure throughout the tap?). But also the border of the GUI items were extremely sensitive, leading me to tap a control I did not want to tap, or in some cases not being able to tap the control I wanted and have it register.
To be honest, I would prefer a classic GUI type remote. Where we just have clearly defined, separated buttons for various options that we can tap. Perhaps even customizable to a degree by making them widgets and letting us select which commands to assign to them (or giving us a few custom widgets).
In my view that's all we need.. Don't need fancy multi-gestures, pinch here, pull-and-expand there, swipe that! -- that's not a remote, that's a childrens toy. The only use I can possibly see for swipes is library navigation. Which is perfectly OK. But everything else can be accomplished with a simple grid of configurable buttons imho.
That's just my two cents. Maybe my opinion will change some after I try out the new version?