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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 18.0.169 -- Available Here  (Read 4922 times)


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JRiver Media Center 18.0.169 -- Available Here
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:42:39 pm »

This is the latest version of MC 18.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.



18.0.169 (4/15/2013)

1. Fixed: Ceton InfiniTV (and other OpenCable devices) did not work in client-server situation (i.e. client could not play a cable channel with tuner only available on server).
2. NEW: When enabling Media Network, a wizard is shown that steps through starting the server, getting an Access Key, and selecting the best server for your renderer.
3. Changed: Consolidated the list of DLNA server presets and added a preset for Audiophile DACs.
4. Fixed: SSDP discovery (used by DLNA) was not working in some cases in builds 167 and 168.
5. Changed: DLNA options to be more descriptive of what's actually going on.

Code: [Select]
18.0.168 (4/12/2013)

1. Fixed: Scheduled television recording could crash in build 18.0.167 in some situations.
2. Changed: Changed DLNA DoPE option name to "Bitstream DSD (requires DoPE compliant renderer)".
3. Fixed: When increasing the size of image-based subtitles using the 'Size' setting, a subtitle could get too large to fit on the video and get truncated (now the subtitle will not be sized beyond the point of filling the video).
4. Changed: The AAC encoder for video conversion to get better quality audio.
5. Changed: Text subtitles use a slightly smaller default size (size is customizable in Options > Video).
6. Changed: SSA subtitles honor the font size specified in the SSA style block more exactly.
7. Changed: When text is both outlined and drop shadowed, it will look better.
8. Fixed: SSDP servers were not working properly in 18.0.167.
9. Changed: Added '10 channels' as a possible output mode in DSP Studio > Output Format.
10. Fixed: Stopping video playback that was using a third-party COM-based playback engine could cause problems.
11. NEW: Holding down the Shift key while double-clicking an audio track will start Play Doctor playback with that track (equivalent to right-click > More Play Options > Play (with Play Doctor)).
12. Changed: Tuned some Theater View margins and sizing so that the information below the television guide is exactly large enough for a title and two lines of description.
13. Changed: When picking a program in the future or past from the television guide in Theater View, the option to 'Watch Channel Live' will be available (the option is simply called 'Watch' if the program will be on within 15 minutes).
14. Fixed: A few command line launcher commands were not working properly.
15. Fixed: Removing and then adding columns while the column right click menu was open could put the new columns in the wrong spot.
16. Fixed: Windows 7 taskbar button playback controls would sometimes not show up.

18.0.167 (4/10/2013)

1. Changed: Removed 'Level' tool from DSP Studio > Room Correction.  Please use the newer Audio Tools > Advanced Tools > Audio Calibration... > Volume calibration to perform calibration.
2. Changed: The 'Tone' tool in DSP Studio > Room Correction uses instrument grade -20dB narrow band pink noise instead of full spectrum pink noise.
3. NEW: Theater View television guide has a 'To Be Recorded' view (requires resetting Theater View views in Options > Theater View > Reset!...).
4. Changed: Added a 'Record' item that shows more detailed status about recording to the Theater View TV Guide file info template (requires a reset of File Info templates in Options > Theater View > Customize file info panel... > Manage > Reset All Templates To Default).
5. Fixed: Ceton InfiniTV (and other OpenCable devices) did not work in non-time-shifting mode.
6. Changed: The clock in Theater View's Obsidian skins shows in any library view filled with TV guide entries, instead of only showing at a view with a literal name Video\Guide.

18.0.166 (4/9/2013)

1. Fixed: M4A / ALAC tagging reading and writing could be problematic if the 'Play files from memory' option was enabled.
2. NEW: DLNA server, add advanced option that allows the server to passthrough DoPE compliant files.
3. Changed: Removed a couple of obsolete DLNA server advanced options.
4. Changed: Added a clock to the top right of Guide views in Theater View (requires using Obsidian skin and the default Video\Guide placement for the guide).
5. Fixed: Crash on starting to play a television channel in the last few builds, if it was the first time ever a TV channel was played in MC18 on a computer.
6. Fixed: When entering into some types of Theater View views, the internal path could become unexpectedly shortened, causing skin items that key off path to work sporadically.
7. Changed: When a Theater View file info template specifies "no image", space will no longer be left above the text block.
8. Changed: Theater View television guide files no longer show thumbnails (since there never are thumbnails for individual programs at the guide level, they just showed as blanks).
9. Changed: Added expression functions TVInfo(Record) and TVInfo(RecordMark) to make displaying if a guide program will be recorded easier (used by Theater View guide).
10. NEW: Theater View TV Guide uses a normal, user-customizable file info template and caption instead of using hard-coded values (requires a reset of File Info templates in Options > Theater View > Customize file info panel... > Manage > Reset All Templates To Default).
11. NEW: Theater View shows a red record mark next to any TV guide programs that will record.
12. Fixed: Burning of SACD ISO tracks to a regular audio CD was not working.
13. Fixed: DLNA servers that had their Friendly name changed were not being found under their new name if they had been loaded before.

18.0.165 (4/8/2013)

1. [b]NEW: Experimenting with supporting CableCARD devices "Hauppauge OpenCable Receiver" and "HDHomeRun Prime Tuner"[/b].
2. Changed: The user setting for number of conversions to run at one time was not being honored when converting videos.
3. Changed: Updated Korean language file (thanks to Junghwnan).
4. Fixed: If a video converter failed to start, it could crash when closing.
5. Fixed: In some cases, a failed video conversion could show 'Complete' instead of 'Failed' in the status column.
6. Fixed: Converting multiple videos at one time could fail with certain target video formats.
7. Fixed: Tooltip windows were creating a taskbar button.
8. Fixed: Double-click on a different image in Playing Now while images were playing was not working properly.
9. Fixed: The current file info window could be stuck with "Waiting" message upon changing television channel in some cases.
10. [b]Changed: Improved image playback system[/b] so that it does smarter cache management and only prebuffers the previous / next image after the current image finishes loading.

18.0.164 (4/5/2013)

1. Changed: Clarified the new license restore system when using a license code purchased from a reseller (instead of directly from JRiver).
2. Fixed: Converting multiple videos at one time with the format converter would crash.
3. Changed: Switched the default start page to (program uses 'Playing Now' when Internet is not available; custom start pages in 'Custom Webpages\Start' still supported).
4. Fixed: If a new library failed to load on a configuration with only one library, it could lead to a crash.

18.0.163 (4/4/2013)

1. Changed: SSA/ASS subtitle renderer supports custom outline colors.
2. Changed: When the subtitle engine rendered an underline (common with karaoke), it could cause letters around the underline to shift slightly.
3. Fixed: Library tree browsing was not working properly with file location categories.
4. Fixed: Memory leak in television with Ceton InfiniTV and Hauppauge HDPVR/Colossus devices.
5. Changed: Switching between tracks that use a different hardware sample rate will better honor the 'Gapped Fade' between tracks mode.
6. Fixed: Following a Blu-ray disc rip, display updates would keep firing until the action window was closed.

18.0.162 (4/2/2013)

1. Fixed: ZoneSwitch could engage with Play Doctor playback, causing different files to unexpectedly go to different zones.
2. Fixed: Typed navigation would not reset properly after a little delay, making it impossible to perform multiple searches.
3. Fixed: Image captions configured in Options > Images were not appearing.
4. Fixed: Some Theater View views were not filling in all thumbnails in build 161.
5. Fixed: Facebook image upload was not working.
6. Fixed: If a DLNA renderer went away while it was being viewed, it could cause a crash.
7. Changed: Resizing a video window no longer discards picture shift information.

18.0.161 (4/1/2013)

1. NEW: Added intercom support.
2. Changed: Removed intercom support.
3. Fixed: On-the-fly channel changing did not work for Ceton InfiniTV television devices.
4. Fixed: Pushing the Green button to return to Theater View could hang or crash in rare cases.
5. Fixed: When a filename was a URL, it didn't work nicely when browsing with a file path category.
6. Fixed: Using an empty password for Access Control did not work properly.
7. Fixed: Image playback zoom, flick, and scroll could take a fraction of a second to respond if the framerate had idled down to 1fps.
8. Changed: Improved smoothness of image flick so that there should be no stutter or pause as the new image comes in.

18.0.160 (3/29/2013)

1. Fixed: Spaces in an MCWS command line call were not working properly in some cases (ie. MC18.exe "/MCWS/v1/Playback/LinkZones?Zone1=Kitchen&ZoneType1=Name&Zone2=Living Room&ZoneType2=Name")
2. Fixed: Starting Play Doctor playback with a file that was excluded by the configurable Play Doctor filter would cause a crash.
3. NEW: Integrated touch-friendly image playback system into regular image playback (still a work in progress).

18.0.159 (3/27/2013)

1. Changed: Updated Theater View Weather to use the latest World Weather Online API (used when NOAA is not available).
2. Fixed: Netflix sign-in window was not working.
3. Changed: Netflix API no longer provides catalog browsing by category so that feature has been removed.
4. Changed: Work on flick image viewer (space runs a pan-and-zoom slideshow, pixel-perfect overlay rendered when animation stops, framerate settles to 1 fps when there's no movement, etc.).

18.0.158 (3/27/2013)

1. Fixed: Have the renderer return correct data for trackURI's when the same instance of MC is the server and renderer.

18.0.157 (3/26/2013)

1. Fixed: Tracks on audio CD's were reported with the wrong duration.
2. Changed: DLNA model number to conform to MC version.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.169 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2013, 01:24:50 pm »

--->  When enabling Media Network, a wizard is shown that steps through starting the server, getting an Access Key, and selecting the best server for your renderer

Great new wizard.  This will be very helpful for newbies.  I would love to see these types of descriptions elsewhere.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.169 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2013, 01:54:24 pm »

There is a bug with overview for the last couple of builds. The display windows are out of position. See lower arrow at the attached screenshot.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.169 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2013, 02:25:50 pm »

I can confirm that bug with the overview. It seems that everything but the area that is displaying the album art scrolls.

This is not exclusive to 169, but I have been having problems with YouTube forgetting my preference for video playback. Every time Media Center is closed (that is, Media Center and Media Server in my case) I am asked what I want to do with YouTube videos the next time it's opened:

Seems like some great additions/changes in this update though. (thanks for fixing the subtitle scaling)


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.169 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2013, 02:26:40 pm »

This is not exclusive to 169, but I have been having problems with YouTube forgetting my preference for video playback. Every time Media Center is closed (that is, Media Center and Media Server in my case) I am asked what I want to do with YouTube videos the next time it's opened:

For better or worse, it's supposed to do that.  The 'Keep using this answer' means for the current session.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.169 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2013, 02:27:09 pm »

The volume output seems much lower than on previous version. (DAC on WASAPI USB). I have already noticed that one year ago and it has been corrected.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.169 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2013, 02:40:38 pm »

For better or worse, it's supposed to do that.  The 'Keep using this answer' means for the current session.
Could we have an option to make it permanent?

Similarly, is there any way to change how files are imported when using the "Download the file and add it to my library" option?

I have auto-import set up to automatically tag videos in my downloads folder as "Media Subtype: Other", except when their filename matches a specific format,  but videos downloaded from YouTube are imported as being a TV show.

Perhaps a "download only" option, so that auto-import picks it up instead?


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.169 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2013, 02:56:35 pm »

Visualizations stop when put the mouse on volume bar in full screen


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.169 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2013, 05:31:02 pm »

Visualizations stop when put the mouse on volume bar in full screen
I also had some problems with stopping visualizations in full screen with the last two public builds. I couldn't find the reason/trigger for this. For me the mouse on volume bar doesn't seem to have the stop-effect. Must be something else here.

On top of the freezing viz there was always the control bar and the volume OSD visible. Hitting [Strg]+[3] twice makes the viz work again after freeze. Same for you?

edit after Transiliums post below: Build 156 also fine for me


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.169 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2013, 05:08:21 am »

Yes,but MC 18.0156 work fine
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