Still getting crashes all over the place while tagging.
- using .169
- OSX 10.8.3
- Crashes while tagging. Maybe more often while using custom library fields, maybe not.
- Tagging .mp3s and .m4as - have had multiple crashes on both.
- all local files.
- crash log: another: another: another: another: frequent crashes while updating a custom library field that I call "Collection" - as I looked it up to give you the details I found that it wasn't listed in user fields (?!)... I had imported my library from a windows machine and my user fields came along with it, and although I could show "collection" in my tagging window, maybe it didn't get created properly when I moved to MC for Mac? In any case I have now created the field and I'll let you know how it goes...
UPDATE 2: Nope. Still crashing. 3: Tried a reboot. Still crashing. Is it worth mentioning that I am running MC from my SSD and my files are on my second internal hard drive?
UPDATE 4 - Next day: Back at it, still crashing all over the place while tagging. I may be getting more crashes if I speed through tagging, not waiting for all the tags to be written before making a change to another field. It seems that most crashes happen when I change fields that do not write to tags while it's still writing another change...
UPDATE 5: Very frequently crashes while adding a string containing square brackets "[Rock & Pop]" to a user-defined library-only field. Clue? Maybe?
FIGURED IT OUT! - the whole problem was with my custom library field, "Collection." Like I said when I imported my library from Windows "Collection" didn't come over properly. I was able to modify this field and MC would remember my mods, but there wasn't a field named "collection" in the list under Tools/Options/Library.../Manage... So I made one. Then I found that I had two library fields named "collection" that I could show while tagging, but only one under Tools/Options/Library.../Manage... Some files had values in one of these, others in both.
So I made a new field, uncreatively named "collection_" and copied the values from each of the old fields to my new underscored collection. Then I deleted the one "collection" field that showed up in the list, and left the other now (but I hide it now from my tagging window). So far - about an hour in - not one crash. Phew. I was about to lose it.

Let me know if you need any other info. Thx.