I am currently using XBMC as my primary movie/tv show viewer and Album Player (with a touchscreen) as my primary music player.
Trying to decide if I would like to change over to JRiver.
Soooo, I have a few questions.
I have about 800 music videos. Is there a way to incorporate these with the regular cd browsing.
For example when browsing through a bands cd's I would like there to be an additional selection called videos for each band (that has videos)
My videos are all stored in a Videos folder with a sub folder for each band and a sub folder called videos... ex. Videos\Bad Religion\Videos\song.mkv
At the moment I imported all my videos and they simply show up under the video tab in the 'other' category. And they are listed by the file names which makes it way to cluttered to find anything especially when it mixes every other non tv/movie in there as well.
About the video tab... underneath we have movies/tv shows/guide/netflix/youtube.... etc.
Is there any way to delete the ones I don't use and also add custom ones with select content? For example, Music Videos?
Also as I mentioned above, I use XBMC. So I already have artwork and NFO files for everything I have. I'm the type of person who likes to have total control when it comes to things like this. I have put an insane amount of time into these things especially when it comes to tagging my music files. One thing I want to be certain of is that JR is not going to try to alter any of my files with any kind of tagging and such.
Is there any way JR can use the info I already have (movies and tv)... I know it will my music tags? It did pick up the coverart for the movies I let it scan. Does JR have the ability to show background fanart when a movie is selected?
I'll have more questions but I'll just start here for now...

Oh yeah... as meticulous as I am with tagging, after using JR for my music. The way it works things compared to how I have AP setup it did point me to a few errors I had. So I altered my tags on a few cd's. What's the easiest way to get JR to rescan and find the altered files?