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Author Topic: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated [Solved].  (Read 6196 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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Video screen breaks up, help appreciated [Solved].
« on: May 06, 2013, 02:44:03 am »

Hi To All,

MC 18.0.177 [Edit, now 178]
Intel® Core™ i5-2520M (2.50 GHz, 3 MB L3 cache)
Intel HD Graphics 3000

My Video problem is as shown on attached images occurring about every 10 to 30 seconds and lasting a second or so.Picture is fine in between these break-ups .

[edit]It occurs only when played with MC from my HTPC whether rendered onto my large plasma display or across network using VNC Viewer remote desktop .File plays perfectly with VLC Player on any machine or screen and MC on my desktop pc plays the file perfectly[/edit]

It is a .mkv file with codecs and FPS as per shown in attached pic (info taken from VLC Player).
This is not the first file to do this but cant remember details of other files.

It makes no difference with Hardware accelerate or not.
It makes no difference with Video Clock smoothing.
It makes no difference on Red October or ROHQ
On ROHQ I have fiddled extensively with standard settings to no avail including trialling scaling on all bilinear (which I read somewhere)...finally set back to defaults with the bat file.

The only clues were that it didn’t correctly set plasma to the correct fps (often doesn’t?) but no difference when I manually did this. Also, in MadVR devices it seems to select the default HTPC monitor but no difference when select the plasma display (anyway the video breakup is on every display screen).

Thanks for help




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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2013, 03:04:01 am »

I've seen this occasionally, but never tested with VLC. I assumed it was a quirk in the encoding.

When you reverse back over a part that showed break ups and replay it, does it break up in the same way? When I do that, I see that it breaks up in the same pattern, its not random and its on the same spot. For me that meant it was in the file.

Does this happen with every file or only some?


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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2013, 03:21:02 am »

Thanks for reply

When you reverse back over a part that showed break ups and replay it, does it break up in the same way? When I do that, I see that it breaks up in the same pattern, its not random and its on the same spot. For me that meant it was in the file.

I wondered that also and certainly within the same session it seems to occur at the same spots.I thought it might of been at different spots when closed down MC and reopen but not sure about that.At any rate the file plays prefectly in VLC and the in between bits on MC are also good.

Does this happen with every file or only some?
only some but cant recall specifics.I wondered whether was due to a 'poor quality' file but this is a 5GB .mkv which renders beutifully on VLC without a hint of a flaw.


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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2013, 03:37:55 am »

Interesting. I'll check next time when I see it, I'll write down the time and check on other players, vlc for instance.


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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2013, 06:14:23 am »

Can you please post a sample of this for Nevcariel to look at.

You can split the MKV using MKVtoolnix

If it's happening at 00:01:30 for example, you might enter:

00:01:20.000-00:01:50.000 and then split to three (unlinked) files.


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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2013, 08:20:24 pm »

Can you please post a sample of this for Nevcariel to look at.

You can split the MKV using MKVtoolnix

Not sure if did correctly but have a 9 MB single file sample. Where to post (I dont have an online media sharing site apart from a very old Flickr account I could try)


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2013, 08:24:54 pm »

Okay some additional info
The file breaks up always in the same spots but only when accessed from the MC 177 instance on my HTPC. This occurs when rendered on to my plasma screen, or on my desktop pc monitor when played by the htpc over the network [Edit, over VNC remote desktop viewer].

It does not break up when played by MC 177 instance installed on the desktop (whether the file is copied to the desktop pc directly or accessed over the network where it sits on a usb media drive).

The instance of MC177 on the HTPC began continuously crashing.It was uninstalled, reinstalled MC177 and no more crashes but video rendering issue continues.


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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2013, 02:00:49 am »


There has to be a setting, maybe custom settings, that plays it at least as good as VLC ??

Alternatively can someone recommend a website explaining the custom settings?


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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2013, 03:33:12 am »

Not sure if did correctly but have a 9 MB single file sample. Where to post (I dont have an online media sharing site apart from a very old Flickr account I could try)
There are a number of free file hosts out there, sendspace seems to work reasonably well.


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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2013, 03:54:39 am »

Hi 6233638
I uploaded a sample to TinyPic View My Video but I thought was pretty useless as it converted it to flash and it plays fine (as it does on my own desktop).It would not appear to be an intrinsic flaw in the file. Did you suggest a sample of the file to be downloaded and tested or just the visual appearance (beyond the screenshots).I could do a screen recording to up load.


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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2013, 04:02:29 am »

If you add it to a zip file before uploading, that should stop somewhere recompressing the video.
It's definitely a decoding problem, but without a sample, Nevcariel (the developer of LAV Filters) won't be able to do anything about it.

If it's only happening when streaming, it seems that there's an issue with how streaming is handled. Someone else is reporting a similar issue - but for them, disabling hardware acceleration or changing it to CUVID fixes it. You said that you tried disabling hardware acceleration and it still has that problem though.


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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2013, 08:34:03 am »

It happens only when played by MC and only on my HTPC whether direct to plasma screen or viewed remotely when the htpc is still the renderer (remote desktop viewing).Everywhere else plays just fine.
I will see what I can arrange about other  uploads and maybe a screen recording...but again, the file itself plays fine under most circumstances.
Thanks for suggestions. I cant see where you change to CUVID, only hardware acceleration on or off but will explore more of the custom settings....there is very little info about custom settings and I really dont have a clue here.Its not like you can tick boxes and try various things,you have to create "rules".Will experiment a bit more.


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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2013, 09:08:09 am »

I have a similar issue when watching videos through gizmo on my google TV. But I think mine is from the transcoding. Not sure how much this relates to your problem. How are you watching on your TV?


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2013, 07:37:00 pm »

How are you watching on your TV?

Provided MC on my HTPC is the renderer,its a problem (seen on my plasma TV or monitor).TV recordings and various other files are fine.Even the problem file/s play fine with VLC.


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Re: Video screen breaks up, help appreciated.
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2013, 08:19:54 pm »

OMG I solved it !

How I havent got a clue, Im just like a dog with a bone with a problem that doesnt make sense.I fiddled endlessly with the madvr settings so cant tell you which one it was that made the difference.It appeared to be a combination of changes.

Anyway, 6233638, InflatableMouse, and castius thanks for your help.

6233638 your
MadVR Guide
is excellent.Can you write another with more on the custom rules ? ;D
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