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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.181 Alpha -- Available Here  (Read 4575 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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This is an alpha release of Media Center for Mac.  If you aren't comfortable with a few problems, please wait a few weeks.   Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


18.0.181 (5/10/2013)

1. Fixed: Some m4a and alac files would not import or play because of a mismatched sample count in the mp4 STTS header.  We now ignore this error since it shouldn't impact playback performance.
2. Fixed: Radio streams would 'click' every few seconds because metadata was not getting parsed out of the stream.

18.0.180 (5/8/2013)

1. Fixed: Tooltips were not showing properly in the last few builds.
2. Fixed: Clicking away from an in-place list edit control would not reliably stop the editing.
3. Fixed: DoP bitstreaming of DSD was not working with some devices.
4. Fixed: Hardware with complex buffer arrangement could crash when playing to only some of the channels.
5. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).
6. Changed: Updated Polish translation (thanks Janusz Grzybek).
7. Changed: Czech language translation updated (thanks Johnny B).

18.0.179 (5/7/2013)

1. Changed: Main windows are no longer marked as 'not opaque' (as this could cause performance issues on some machines).
2. Fixed: The 'Tempo & Pitch' DSP plugin was causing crashes during playback.
3. Fixed: Metadata in languages such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc. was not displaying correctly - just drawing square boxes.
4. NEW: Added support for play / pause, previous, next, and volume media keys[.
5. Changed: 3GA files are treated like AAC / MP4 audio files, so they can import, play, and tag.
6. Fixed: Using the popup expression editor from an in-place expression editor in options could lead to a crash.
7. Fixed: The mouse controls could become unavailable with certain types of displays in Display View with build 178.

18.0.178 (5/3/2013)

1. Changed: Rounded frame edges (used by many skins) are supported.
2. Fixed: OSX 10.6 would show an extra window border around the main frame.
3. Fixed: The Apple internet reader couldn't seek so wave, aiff and probably other content couldn't be played over media network.
4. Fixed: OSX 10.6 could hide the main window when a child window went away.
5. Fixed: Some parts of the user interface would not respond to the mouse in build 177.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


  • MC Beta Team
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  • I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure..

Macbook Pro
OS X 10.8.3

When I install the new version (same thing happened with v180) the sound from the PC speakers would not work. Using headphones is OK.

I had this same problem in older versions and restarting MC solved the problem. This does not work with the latest versions. I also tried rebooting but this did not help.

If I open iTunes everything works fine (both headphones and PC speakers). After opening iTunes MC will then work fine.



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Finally, radio streaming properly working! This is huge. Thank you so much.


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DLNA devices discovery doesn't work anymore....

Please help!


  • Junior Woodchuck
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I wanted to mention that the "stutter" problem when changing from a higher-def (96/24) recording back to Redbook (44.1/16) still happens in this version, although overall stuttering isn't as common as it was.


  • Galactic Citizen
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The network connection (not the network itself) still dies (looses it's 'synch') given enough time and since there is no direct media server control, I can't easily shut them down, to re-start them.  Even after disabling the Media Network, then restarting MC, then restarting the network, then either waiting for the DAC to 'come up' OR re-starting MC again, the errors persist.  I assume that re-starting the computer resets them, since the problem takes a while to manifest after starting up in the morning…
Would it be an 'easy' task to add a network server restart function?

When viewing the player window (either the Media Network and/or the 'standard' player) 'Seq' column ALWAYS appears in the left hand position.  And even when selecting a previous saved preset (without Seq), the Seq stays in place.  It can be manually removed.  But it always appears whenever you re-enter either player window.

And in another portion of the program… (DSP Studio)
The pitch control is sorely lacking in resolution.  I'd like to be able to control the pitch in 10ths or even 100ths of a cent (  And no I don't expect this anytime soon, just an adder to a wish list, is all.

Much appreciate all the effort aimed in our (Macs) direction.

Custom 71A HP amp, Schiit Jggy dac, HD-800-Jmod, AOIP digital data feed, custom wiring and mains power feed, Mac Pro 4cpu 16GB ram SSD's


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Downloaded the latest version and it still hasn't fixed the  non playing of apple files issue, is there anyway to revert to the earlier build that did work as currently I have something I have paid money for that doesn't work?


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Sonicus Caelumus Tremendamus

Not to put too fine of a point on this, nor to be argumentative…

This is αlpha software which means it has had, does have, and will have bugs and functionality issues.  This is to be expected at this stage of development.

When it reaches ßeta stage of development, things will be more 'complete' in that 'most' of the functions should be working.

But to answer your question, do you know which version was working well for you?  If so, those downloads are still available from the main page of this Mac forum.  So just download a previous version and install it and run that version.

Custom 71A HP amp, Schiit Jggy dac, HD-800-Jmod, AOIP digital data feed, custom wiring and mains power feed, Mac Pro 4cpu 16GB ram SSD's


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Not to put too fine of a point on this, nor to be argumentative…

This is αlpha software which means it has had, does have, and will have bugs and functionality issues.  This is to be expected at this stage of development.

When it reaches ßeta stage of development, things will be more 'complete' in that 'most' of the functions should be working.

But to answer your question, do you know which version was working well for you?  If so, those downloads are still available from the main page of this Mac forum.  So just download a previous version and install it and run that version.


Apologies if I sounded a bit sharp, dont get me wrong I still like the product (and will keep on using it)just voicing out loud a bit of frustration at something stopping working when it was all going so well (as you said it is an alpha version so there will be hiccups) :). The last version that worked was 2 previous to the current one (not sure of the number).

Thanks for the quick reply.


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Sonicus Caelumus Tremendamus

So version 178 or 179 (we are on 181) would be the place to start.



Custom 71A HP amp, Schiit Jggy dac, HD-800-Jmod, AOIP digital data feed, custom wiring and mains power feed, Mac Pro 4cpu 16GB ram SSD's


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Sonicus Caelumus Tremendamus
Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.181 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2013, 03:51:00 am »

Ok so more weirdness.

Media Network went sideways so I'm playing thru USB.

Now about every 20 seconds to as much as a couple of minutes, the music just pauses for a second or 3, then resumes.

And this is happening after I just restarted MC, because the whole MC window locked up and wouldn't do anything, except continue to play the album.  I had to force close the app.

And when I monitor the %cpu (which normally runs ≈ 1.2 to 1.6), and the pause hits, the cpu drops to 0.1 or so, then jumps up to 3.8 when the music resumes.

Memory is in the ≈220MB (real) and ≈120 (private) range with no discernible creep.

Custom 71A HP amp, Schiit Jggy dac, HD-800-Jmod, AOIP digital data feed, custom wiring and mains power feed, Mac Pro 4cpu 16GB ram SSD's


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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.181 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2013, 07:17:37 am »

This was a bizzare issue.  Brought up MC and found the window controls off the screen.  Did all the usual "Mac" things to move a stranded window back to the screen but with no effect.  Arrggghh.  Rebooted.  No effect. 

Finally deleted the JRiver folder from under /Library/Application Support/JRiver.  This was the sledge hammer but it worked (after finding and restoring my registration key, rebuilding my library and rebuilding all my other settings inside MC.

This was version 181.

See attached screen shot.


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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.181 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2013, 01:40:06 pm »

On my rig, the last few versions have been unable to play past a single track without crashing. Everything seems to be going well; the track ends; pause; crash.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.181 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2013, 05:14:30 pm »

A bit more on the "stutter." I have experimented with changing the sample rate outside of MC -- for example, using the Audio/MIDI Utility. If I set the sample rate to, say, 96K, then play a 44.1K file in JRiver, it changes the sample rate all right, but the stuttering starts.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.181 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2013, 01:31:32 am »

Still not possible to use thumbnails on embedded cover arts as it crashes.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: JRiver Media Center for Mac version 18.0.181 Alpha -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2013, 01:49:43 pm »

This was a bizzare issue.  Brought up MC and found the window controls off the screen.  Did all the usual "Mac" things to move a stranded window back to the screen but with no effect.  Arrggghh.  Rebooted.  No effect. 

Finally deleted the JRiver folder from under /Library/Application Support/JRiver.  This was the sledge hammer but it worked (after finding and restoring my registration key, rebuilding my library and rebuilding all my other settings inside MC.

This was version 181.

See attached screen shot.

I've had this happen a few times myself. :-/

A quick note on this, It seems that it is trying to be "sticky" with the edge of the screen and with the top of the screen.  The top of the screen stickiness seems to be a problem because it is the top of the screen and not the top of the screen just under the menu bar.

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