I have a 2012 Oct Mac Mini with Win7 installed in Bootcamp. Totally clean install, with MC the only software I have installed on it. The Denon reciever it goes through is a 24bit 7 channel capable, hdmi connected reciever. The computer outputs a 1280x720 res desktop but I use the Intel Display software to scale the image down to compensate for the underscan on my TV so that I can see the Start button. I scale down to 60h and 55w. Occiasionally in the action center it tells me that this resolution isnt "optimal" but I can't think of anything else to do. I am having the following problems:
1. Since build 181 any movie file with multichannel audio wont play. Worse, it crashes MC immediately. The files are h.264 mkvs with passthrough dts or ac3 audio. I have bitstreaming turned on in options, but turned off for dts-hd audio because my Denon reciever can't deal with it.
Build 180 with WASAPI output and bitsreaming turned on works fine.
2. When I start the computer up and it starts in Theater View mode all the icons bunch up in the top left of the screen. If I try to escape out, I get taken to a random View in Theater view but can't navigate up to the rollers. Also, from that point on I am unable to escape of of Theater View or do anything at all except navigate the current list. If I start a movie in the list the screen wont go to Display view. The movie audio plays in the background.
3. A similar problem happens when going from Display View to Playing now then back to Display View. The interface freezes trying to go back to Display View and I can't escape out or do anything except ALT f4 to close the whole interface.