Following the request to open a new topic on the bitstreaming problem I encountered with MC18 ver 183.
It happens repeatedly on 2 different computers at home. One is a Windows 8 Shuttle SX79R5 connected to a JVC receiver through the on board REALTEK S/PDIF optical jack. The other PC is a GIADA D2305 HTPC connected to an Anchor Bay VP50 processor through the built in NVIDIA HDMI output.
While the Win 8 Shuttle PC has plenty of software loaded, the GIADA is brand new, virgin, with only MC18 installed. It's a pure HTPC that boots directly to MC18 theater view.
On both PC the setup is:
1. Output mode: WASAPI. I already tried direct sound with same lack of success.
2. Output mode setting: Exclusive. Other options left at default values. I already tried disabling event style - no luck
3. DSP & Output: None
4. Bitstraming: HDMI on the GIADA and S/PDIF on the Shuttle
Any video I tried to open caused an immediate crash to desktop on both computers.
Two observations not linked to the problem above.
1. The sound setup is too confusing. For example, there is no valid reason to allow the user to access both DSP and Bitsreaming setup screens as they are mutually exclusives. Output mode and output mode setting should not be set in separate screens. On the same note, IMHO sound setting for video playback should be re-consolidated and put back again in the video section.
2. Having the option to change the color of subtitles would be greatly appreciated.
Not related to this problem: You might want to think on enabling a "delayed startup". The GIADA is configured to access the library on the shuttle and MC18 tries to access it before the network interface finish linking to the network. I'm using currently a third party tool to delay start MC18 and would appreciate a built in option instead.