I can't get Autostack to work nicely with MC18.

I have a few thousand tracks and many of them are unstacked since using Unstack in MC17. I used Autostack in MC16 successfully. When I moved to MC17 I couldn't get results and waited for a fix but no luck. My move to MC18 to fix this yesterday leaves me with similar failure.
If I select a few different tracks with duplicates within the group they stack all under one track when I use 'Autostack Files by Name' and also if I use 'Auto Stack Files by Artist, Album, Name' etc. If I then Unstack I can lose files. (In MC17 I couldn't re-import the lost files back to the library easily either.)
Since MC16 days I have my files on a NAS.
I access the Autostack command by right click on selected files and select Stacks; Advanced; Autostack Files by Name)
My final goal is to get and keep everything in the library stacked correctly so I don't get tracks playing back twice.
I've been struggling with this for many, many months now so would really appreciate help.