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Author Topic: How do I replace a faulty FLAC file with a better copy from another album?  (Read 1433 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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I have a faulty rip from Album 1 called file 10.

I have another version of that track in Album 2 called file 7.

I deleted file 10 and copied file 7 into the folder for Album 1 and then renamed it file 10.

But when I try to play that file in Album 1 it is not there. I tried to edit the Meta data renaming Album 2 to Album 1 but I still only see it associated with Album 2.

I appreciate that this might be a very strange request, I am new to all this FLAC stuff, I am ripping my CDs into FLAC onto a hard disc and want to be able t play the same albums as I did as CDs.

Many thanks for your help in advance.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • Posts: 2007

I have a faulty rip from Album 1 called file 10.

I have another version of that track in Album 2 called file 7.

I deleted file 10 and copied file 7 into the folder for Album 1 and then renamed it file 10.

But when I try to play that file in Album 1 it is not there. I tried to edit the Meta data renaming Album 2 to Album 1 but I still only see it associated with Album 2.

I appreciate that this might be a very strange request, I am new to all this FLAC stuff, I am ripping my CDs into FLAC onto a hard disc and want to be able t play the same albums as I did as CDs.

Many thanks for your help in advance.

What I do for this situation is "leave" the bad track where it is - in MC's library - and then copy the new target "over" the old one via Windows Explorer - When Windows asks to overwrite - say yes.

Then in MC - you must run Auto-Import for it to recognize and adjust for the change.

It is key tho - to ensure that your "new" copy has the exact tags and attributes as the copy you are getting rid of. File name of course must be identical. I have "replaced" files like this many times without issue.




  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 299

thanks for your reply VP.

That's what I thought I did. copy the file in explorer, although I did not replace the old file. I just renamed it after I deleted the old file.

How do I ensure that the tags are all the same?


  • Citizen of the Universe
  • *****
  • Posts: 2007

thanks for your reply VP.

That's what I thought I did. copy the file in explorer, although I did not replace the old file. I just renamed it after I deleted the old file.

How do I ensure that the tags are all the same?

I would tag it up using MC. Best way to do that is from MC - I use two tabs - one tab with a view of my album that has the gimpy track that I want to replace...and then on the other tab - open up the "Explorer" on the Tree and navigate to your loal folder with the fresh copy.

If you want to transfer tags quickly - on Tab 1 - highlight your track to replace and hit CTRL-C - this will copy the MC tags to the clipboard - then switch to the other tab - and highlight your replacement and hit SHIFT-CTRL-V - this should offer up a dialog to past the tags. Once that's done - confirm that the file name is identical and copy it out to your "music" share/drive etc.

Again - there are a bunch of ways to do this - but this works well for a quick and easy replace.




  • MC Beta Team
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If you ever need something more advanced than what MC offers itself in this regard, I included a handy utility in MCAutoQueue that can handle all sorts of "replacing" tasks in MC.  It is called MCFileIngester, and its available free over in that thread.  It is still beta, but it works quite well.  It is mostly beta because I haven't finished documentation yet (sorry, I've been working on something else for it, and I've been quite busy at work the past few months).

Basically, it allows you to replace an existing file (or files) in MC's database without losing any tag data at all, via a variety of handy mechanisms.

The thread has some detailed descriptions, but here are some of the basics...

* The application has two primary "source modes":  Single File and Playlist.  This should be pretty straightforward, but Single File operates only on a single set of files (an existing one and a new one to "replace" the existing one), whereas Playlist mode takes a Playlist in MC as the Source and does the same operation on each file in the list(s).

* There are three different "Ingestion Modes" you can use (along with one advanced mode you can use to combine them based on special tags you add to MC's Library).  These are:

1. Standard:  Simple.  You provide a filename of the file that is already in MC, and a new filename to use to "replace" it (the new file can either be completely unimported or already in MC, it doesn't matter).  Then, it does the replacement/ingestion operation on these two files.  If you have it in Playlist mode, you provide it with two playlists (a "source files" playlist and a "new files" playlist) and it goes through and does each of them in order (order of the playlists counts, so item one in the source list matches item one in the new list, and so on and so forth).

2. Change Extension:  Even simpler.  You provide the filename of the "source file" that is already in MC, and then the extension of the new file you've created.  This assumes the filenames and paths of the files are identical except for the file extension.  This works well if you've already ripped the files with MC to a new format (like if you re-rip old 128k MP3s to new, fancy FLAC files, for example), and they're already all in the "right spot" and you just want to move all of the metadata over.  This also works with Playlists, you just don't need to provide a "new files" playlist (because it uses the extension).

3. Stack Swap:  This is the fanciest mode, and is quite clever and handy, once you know how it works.  Say you want to re-rip all of those old 128k MP3s to FLAC, but getting the filenames and tags to all match perfectly (other than the extension) in order to use Change Extension mode is a pain in the butt (maybe because you manually tagged the old files by hand a lot, and when MC does they YADB lookup everything doesn't quite match right).  This makes it so you don't need to worry about it.  Instead, just import all of those new files into MC, and match them with the files you want to replace inside MC.  To match them, you stack them with their "old" versions.  Make the "new files" (the ones with the crappy metadata but the nice quality) the "Stack Top" of each stack.  This should be quite easy with MC's built in Auto-Stacking capabilities, so long as the "basic tags" (Artist, Album, and Track Number) match, and then select the files and do Right Click > Stack > Advanced > Autostack by X.  The key is, make the new files the Stack Top (it'll ask you which to use when you do the Autostack thing).

Then, run MCFileIngester and give the "old file" (the one with the good metadata but the bad quality) as the Source File (or add them all to a Playlist to process a bunch at once), and run MCFileIngester on it.  It'll clone the metadata from the given old file over to whatever file is the current Stack Top (optionally removing the old file when it is done).

* There are a bunch of other options for the way the Ingest process can work.  The normal mode (I described above) would be "Replacement" (the "new file" replaces the "source file", which is removed from MC and can optionally be deleted from disk too).  However, you can also:

Clone:  Just copy the metadata from the Old file to the New file, and leave both of them in the database.
Stack With Source:  Stack the old and new files together (optionally cloning the metadata from the old to the new, and optionally making the "new file" the Stack Top).
And there's other handy options in there too.  For example, the different "clone" modes have a Only Clone Playstats mode which allows you to just clone "Playstats" (and [Rating] and [Date Imported] and whatnot).  This can be handy if the new file has better tags overall (you worked on it when you re-ripped them, maybe, or YADB got better since the old rip), but you want to preserve your ratings and whatnot.

It can be driven from the command line, or from the GUI, and it works very nicely with MCAutoQueue to automate the process if you'd like.  And, I used audio files as my examples above, but it was really designed to solve this same problem for my Video files (which I automatically convert after they've already been imported into MC).  It'll work on any file type MC can use (even documents and stuff).
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  • MC Beta Team
  • Citizen of the Universe
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I should add...

I strongly recommend that you do a Library Backup before using this.  I've tested it heavily and it won't hose your Library entirely, but you might screw it up, so better safe than sorry.  I'd love to make it so the program automatically creates a backup for you before doing its magic, but the only "backup" command MC offers is interactive (it prompts you to choose where to save the backup) and the main goal of this program is to make this system fully automated.

I also looked, and I have MCFileIngester tagged as Alpha in that thread, but I've been using that version in production for three and a half months now and it works pretty much flawlessly for my needs.  Like I said, unless people find bugs, I just need to do the documentation for it and I'd call it done.
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  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 299

Thanks for the replies guys. I am very grateful to you.

Can I ask a very basic question?  What is MC?

Am I missing something?



  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 299

sorry ignore my last question.

MC = Media Centre.... Dohh

So how do I edit the tags in MC?

Is it possible to merge multiple disc albums into one album so that I can play a whole opera for example without the break.

Thanks again for your help on these very basic questions.
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