Smart IMO.
I think so too. For those that are really desiring a fully polished app, that will come and at a $50 cost. For those like me who want to get in as early as possible, test and offer feedback to guide featureset improvements and add-ons, then half the cost and some work arounds is solid and can be fun.
There are plenty of music apps with db features for the Mac. I suspect most are here because they want something renowned and stable with excellent streaming support but NOW! on a Mac. That's why I am here. Audiophile and all that (or so my geeky membership card reads), but I'm a realist and a computer enthusiast too.
Make the thing work. That's the key. Stomp out devastating bugs second (which is really just a part of the first step),
then get the look down.
I am pretty hostile to the current gui. It lacks the intuitive commands I've had the pleasure of using on my Mac and under various *nix OS'. No complaints because this is alpha and I paid half price. I won't let my rather bestial opposition to anything Windows-like come between helping to get this executed in the best, most timely and efficient way possible.
That said, dump the Windows goop and get all the Mac goodness we know and love

Down the road that is