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Author Topic: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC  (Read 48123 times)


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3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« on: June 09, 2013, 09:31:30 pm »

Background:  Some background on BD 3D Support.  There are three paths that MC could take:

1) Leverage the Public Domain filters.  MC's entire video playback leverages the work done by developers like nevcairiel and madshi for the development of the direct show filters required (splitters, decoders and renderers).  These guys provide their dev efforts to the wider PC community for free and tend to work and including features that interest them.  So far 3D is not one of those interests and may never be.  Both post their work over at the Doom9 forum and have threads you could continbute too if you want to advocate for such features.  FYI - The other feature "missing" from Licenced BD Players is BD Menu Support.

2) Become a licenced BD Player (aka PowerDVD, TMT etc).  This would mean they would then have to support the full spec including 3D and Menus but also stuff like Cinava and other copy protection mechanisms.  It also costs a heap in both time and money.  I don't think this is the path JR would go down (thankfully)

3) Support 3D File Type for launching a 3rd Party Player.  There has been a suggestion put where MC would recognise that a BD was 3D and then launch (if installed) the embedded TMT player for this content.  A few have shown some interest in this but there has not been much traction to date.  I like this as it combines with #1 nicely.

While we wait for one of the three options to appear, here is a work around on how to get a Pseudo integration of a 3rd Party Player in MC using AutoHotKey.

What it does: When you insert a 3D Blu-ray Disk (ISO) it:
     - Closes MC (it's alright it will come back later but it frees up resources and prevents conflict between players)
     - Run your favourite Blu-ray playback SW for 3D (eg it is configured for Arcsoft TMT 6 out of the box)
     - When you press the "STOP" button on your Remote Control you end up back in MC (closes Arcsoft and run MC)

Requirements:  Your going to need to have installed and working in their own right:
1) Arcsoft TMT 6 (script is setup for this but you can modify for other version)
2) AutoHotkey ( this is a freebie scripting app that does all the work)
3) JR Media Center of course!

What you need to do:  Here is how to configure the lot to work together:
1) Install AutoHotKey
2) Using the following script as a template, Edit (to suit your needs) and save as "3d.ahk" to your Windows Start-Up folders so it loads when Windows Starts Up.

Good Luck and here is hoping that the JR Lads include a 3D BD file type option so we can call external progs soon!


Code: [Select]

; --------------------------------------------------------
; The following script will detect if a 3D BD mounted and use Total Media Theatre starts up
; --------------------------------------------------------

#SingleInstance, Force

WM_DEVICECHANGE( wParam, lParam )
  P := lParam
  If ( wParam = 32768 AND *(lParam+4) = 2)
    Drv := Chr(65+ LN(*(P+12)+(*(P+13)<<8)+(*(P+14)<<16)+(*(P+15)<<24))/LN(2))
    IfExist, %Drv%:\BDMV\STREAM\SSIF
      run MC18.exe /close
;      run "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvstlink.exe" /enable ; You can enable this cmd if needed by removing the first ";"
      run "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcSoft\TotalMedia Theatre 6\uMCEPlayer6.exe" ; You can change this to suit your player requirements
OnMessage(0x219, "WM_DEVICECHANGE")

#IfWinExist ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 6 for Windows Media Center
    Media_Stop::  ; This is the STOP button (Media_Stop) - you can change to suit your requirements
    Send {Media_Stop}
;      run "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvstlink.exe" /disable ; You can enable this cmd if needed by removing the first ";"
    Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 18\Media Center 18.exe"
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2013, 12:22:38 am »

FYI - When you first setup the NVidia 3D drivers it adds a 3D 1080p and 720p to the allowable resolutions.  If you find any issues with MC's own display rate changer selecting the 3D 1080p in stead of the normal 1080p setting then try uncommenting out these lines in the above script:

Code: [Select]
    run "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvstlink.exe" /enable
    run "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvstlink.exe" /disable

Also let me know if there are any oddities when using the above as some systems may need to have a short wait command so the mode has time to change before either MC or TMT is launched.
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2013, 04:29:56 am »

Thank you for this.

What's the TMT5 alternative to uMCEPlayer6? Is it simply uMCEPlayer5? Sorry not at PC.

Ta v much indeed


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2013, 06:09:08 am »

You would have to check but it is probably that.  You will also need to check what the window name is and modify that as well so the script can close it on a STOP.  Let us know how you go.
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2013, 07:21:12 pm »

Hi there, what changes do I need to make so that this ahk script works for all iso, whether blu ray, 3D blu ray or DVD?



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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2013, 07:29:08 pm »

Also, what do you mean by "check what the windows name is", what is that? and how do I check?

many thanks


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2013, 06:45:42 am »

I'm not sure you need a script at all, if want you want to do is for all BD to play in another player, you could either:
1) Set Windows Auto Play to your preferred player ; or
2) Set MC's Tools --> Options --> File Types --> Other --> Blu-ray and change the Playback Method from Automatic to External Program ... you may have to play with the various options to see what works.

The script is designed to differentiate between types of BD disks.  That said I could make one do various things for all type of BD but please try the above first and if it does not do what you want then let me know what the issue is and I can then see what I can do.
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2013, 08:53:28 am »

Also, what do you mean by "check what the windows name is", what is that? and how do I check?

many thanks

I can get the process to,work all the way through up to the STOP. STOP only stops TMT, it does not close it andnre open MC. I may have the wrong window name, but I have tried both the names that appear when right clicking on the tray icon. Otherwise faultless for 3D. It did take me a little while to work,out why my remote was not functioning with TMT, and that was because the script starts the MCE add on, and I did not have that one configured in my iMon Manager which converts the IR into keystrokes.

I'm not sure you need a script at all, if want you want to do is for all BD to play in another player, you could either:
1) Set Windows Auto Play to your preferred player ; or
2) Set MC's Tools --> Options --> File Types --> Other --> Blu-ray and change the Playback Method from Automatic to External Program ... you may have to play with the various options to see what works.

The script is designed to differentiate between types of BD disks.  That said I could make one do various things for all type of BD but please try the above first and if it does not do what you want then let me know what the issue is and I can then see what I can do.

I appreciate this suggestion and have tried it, but I don't like the auto launch of TMT each time a disc is inserted, as often I might just be ripping a disc, plus, I do like then fact that MC is more seamlessly integrating TMT in the way your script works, so an all-iso script would be great! What do I need to change to get that to work?
Thanks for all the help!


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2013, 11:11:23 am »

The script is designed to differentiate between types of BD disks.  That said I could make one do various things for all type of BD but please try the above first and if it does not do what you want then let me know what the issue is and I can then see what I can do.

Hi Nathan:
Thanks for your contribution. Based on your script, I paid for tmt6.
If it could be made to work with all types of bds in a changer or sony BDP-7000ES, fine.




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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2013, 05:17:53 pm »

Ok - couple of quick points

1) if you want ALL BD's then remove the red bits from this line - IfExist, %Drv%:\BDMV\STREAM\SSIF.  Now this will remove the detection of 3D all together.  If you still need separate 3D dectection to use the NVIDIA 3D Visioin enable / disable part of the script then let me know as I will have to rewrite it.

2) If STOP is stoping playback but not closing the player have a look at this line #IfWinExist ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 6 for Windows Media Center  The name must be exactly the same as what is reported in the Windows the app runs in.  Post a screen shot or some more details of what 3rd party player you are using as they all keep changing their names with each release!
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2013, 05:21:38 pm »

It did take me a little while to work,out why my remote was not functioning with TMT, and that was because the script starts the MCE add on, and I did not have that one configured in my iMon Manager which converts the IR into keystrokes.

Ahh - you may also need to config iMon Mgr so the script can see these events as well (else it will no know you have pressed anything).  I have no idea on this - I just use Windows MCE support - works out of the the box
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2013, 11:13:47 pm »


Ok - couple of quick points

1) if you want ALL BD's then remove the red bits from this line - IfExist, %Drv%:\BDMV\STREAM\SSIF.  Now this will remove the detection of 3D all together.  If you still need separate 3D dectection to use the NVIDIA 3D Visioin enable / disable part of the script then let me know as I will have to rewrite it.

2) If STOP is stoping playback but not closing the player have a look at this line #IfWinExist ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 6 for Windows Media Center  The name must be exactly the same as what is reported in the Windows the app runs in.  Post a screen shot or some more details of what 3rd party player you are using as they all keep changing their names with each release!

Ha, I thought your suggestion in 1 was what was needed, that's great. What equivalent do I need for DVDs? And do I need some kind of OR statement to handle BD OR DVD?

Screen shot coming for 2.



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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2013, 11:31:01 pm »

I get why on BD's you may want a 3rd party player due to missing features (menus) but why DVD?  MC supports menus for DVD and is a far better quality player if you can run ROHQ. 
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2013, 12:44:38 am »

Against my own better judgement here is a sample script that watches for a Disk Change then lets you do different things (or the same thing) for a DVD, BD, and 3D BD.  For this bits you don't want then comment out by adding ; at the beginning of all the lines for that section.  For testing to see if it works as expected you can also uncomment the MsgBox lines.

Code: [Select]
; --------------------------------------------------------
; The following script will detect if a Disk is mounted and use Total Media Theatre starts up
; It will enable you to choose different actions for DVD, BD, and 3D BD
; --------------------------------------------------------

#SingleInstance, Force

WM_DEVICECHANGE( wParam, lParam )
  P := lParam
  If ( wParam = 32768 AND *(lParam+4) = 2)
    Drv := Chr(65+ LN(*(P+12)+(*(P+13)<<8)+(*(P+14)<<16)+(*(P+15)<<24))/LN(2))

    IfExist, %Drv%:\BDMV ; Checks to see if it is a BD
      IfExist, %Drv%:\BDMV\STREAM\SSIF ; Checks to see if it is a 3D BD
;        MsgBox, This is a 3D BD
        run MC18.exe /close
;        run "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvstlink.exe" /enable ; You can enable this cmd if needed by removing the first ";"
        run "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcSoft\TotalMedia Theatre 6\uMCEPlayer6.exe" ; You can change this to suit your player requirements

      else ; Must be a 2D BD
;        MsgBox, This is a BD
        run MC18.exe /close
        run "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcSoft\TotalMedia Theatre 6\uMCEPlayer6.exe" ; You can change this to suit your player requirements

    IfExist, %Drv%:\VIDEO_TS ; Checks to see if it is a DVD
;      MsgBox, This is a DVD
      run MC18.exe /close
      run "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcSoft\TotalMedia Theatre 6\uMCEPlayer6.exe" ; You can change this to suit your player requirements

OnMessage(0x219, "WM_DEVICECHANGE")

#IfWinExist ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 6 for Windows Media Center
    Media_Stop::  ; This is the STOP button (Media_Stop) - you can change to suit your requirments
    Send {Media_Stop}

;    IfExist, %Drv%:\BDMV\STREAM\SSIF ; Checks to see if it is a 3D BD and then optionally turn off 3d Mode
;      {
;      MsgBox, This is a 3D BD
;      Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvstlink.exe" /disable
;      }

    Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 18\Media Center 18.exe"
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2013, 07:39:05 am »

here's a couple of screen shots of the possible window names that i need for the script, which do you think i need? using either I cant seem to get pc to return to MC and close TMT on pressing STOP when in TMT.

thanks so much!


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2013, 06:51:44 am »

Here is mine - looks the same with out the "6 " in it.  Have you tried just removing the "6 "?
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2013, 06:54:09 am »

My bet is you have a different issue where the keypress is not getting sent through - I only use the std MCE so I can not advise on how to do this with iMon
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2013, 09:00:23 am »

Ahhhhhhhhh....... It may be the sheer beauty of the wonderful imon once again.......

I'll try out your suggestion.

Ps the script for standard blu ray works a treat, just got to get this STOP sorted now!


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2013, 08:25:29 am »

Against my own better judgement here is a sample script that watches for a Disk Change then lets you do different things (or the same thing) for a DVD, BD, and 3D BD.  For this bits you don't want then comment out by adding ; at the beginning of all the lines for that section.  For testing to see if it works as expected you can also uncomment the MsgBox lines.

Code: [Select]
; --------------------------------------------------------
; The following script will detect if a Disk is mounted and use Total Media Theatre starts up
; It will enable you to choose different actions for DVD, BD, and 3D BD
; --------------------------------------------------------

#SingleInstance, Force

WM_DEVICECHANGE( wParam, lParam )
  P := lParam
  If ( wParam = 32768 AND *(lParam+4) = 2)
    Drv := Chr(65+ LN(*(P+12)+(*(P+13)<<8)+(*(P+14)<<16)+(*(P+15)<<24))/LN(2))

    IfExist, %Drv%:\BDMV ; Checks to see if it is a BD
      IfExist, %Drv%:\BDMV\STREAM\SSIF ; Checks to see if it is a 3D BD
;        MsgBox, This is a 3D BD
        run MC18.exe /close
;        run "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvstlink.exe" /enable ; You can enable this cmd if needed by removing the first ";"
        run "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcSoft\TotalMedia Theatre 6\uMCEPlayer6.exe" ; You can change this to suit your player requirements

      else ; Must be a 2D BD
;        MsgBox, This is a BD
        run MC18.exe /close
        run "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcSoft\TotalMedia Theatre 6\uMCEPlayer6.exe" ; You can change this to suit your player requirements

    IfExist, %Drv%:\VIDEO_TS ; Checks to see if it is a DVD
;      MsgBox, This is a DVD
      run MC18.exe /close
      run "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcSoft\TotalMedia Theatre 6\uMCEPlayer6.exe" ; You can change this to suit your player requirements

OnMessage(0x219, "WM_DEVICECHANGE")

#IfWinExist ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 6 for Windows Media Center
    Media_Stop::  ; This is the STOP button (Media_Stop) - you can change to suit your requirments
    Send {Media_Stop}

;    IfExist, %Drv%:\BDMV\STREAM\SSIF ; Checks to see if it is a 3D BD and then optionally turn off 3d Mode
;      {
;      MsgBox, This is a 3D BD
;      Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvstlink.exe" /disable
;      }

    Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 18\Media Center 18.exe"

Is it possible to configure the script so that it only launches TMT if MC is open and running as the top window? I'm ripping a bunch of discs when I can and don't want TMT to launch and start playing the disc.

Thanks v much


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2013, 01:58:23 am »

Does anyone know what additional code to include to get the startup script to only open TMT if MC is running?



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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2013, 02:37:19 am »

Sorry - not the time to play for a bit , but your going to want to add something like

#IfWinExist JRiver Media Center 19



If you can not work it out, I can look at it tomorrow if you like

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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2013, 04:47:38 am »

Mate, cool, I'll give it a go. Thanks


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2013, 05:09:40 am »

No probs - if you can't sort it I'll have a try tomorrow!
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2013, 07:04:27 am »

Ah, mate, genius. Works a treat. I had to change reference to "Media_Stop" to "O" because iMon uses emulated keyboard shotcuts and Stop in TMT is key O. But now it all works A1. Next I want to work out how to unmount the mounted file from VCD ... Need another glass of wine first!


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2013, 03:12:38 pm »

 Well done.... + ;D I find Wine Helps!
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2013, 07:34:33 am »

I find the "ifwinexist, jriver media centre 19" logic is not working, such that if MC is not open and I mount an iso, the TMT starts up. I have MC in server mode all the time since I use JRemote. Is that the correct code?


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2013, 04:25:14 pm »

It doesn't look like ArcSoft TMT supports ASIO drivers. If one wants to route the sound through JRiver will they be able to leave JRiver running?


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2013, 03:59:33 pm »

It doesn't look like ArcSoft TMT supports ASIO drivers. If one wants to route the sound through JRiver will they be able to leave JRiver running?

Try commenting out the "run MC18.exe /close" or change the value from "/close" to something like "/stop" as you may find MC will try to play the BD as well.
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2013, 04:02:35 pm »

I find the "ifwinexist, jriver media centre 19" logic is not working, such that if MC is not open and I mount an iso, the TMT starts up. I have MC in server mode all the time since I use JRemote. Is that the correct code?

If the MC GUI is not running the "ifwinexist" is going to be false.  Isn't that what you wanted?
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2013, 07:21:12 pm »

If the MC GUI is not running the "ifwinexist" is going to be false.  Isn't that what you wanted?

Yes, this is how I am trying to configure it, so that only if MC is open will the script continue nd open TMT etc. problem is that I added the ifwinexist, but it seems to ake no difference.

Appreciate your help, everything else about this script is exactly what I was trying to achieve, and it's an awesome outcome!


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #30 on: October 19, 2013, 07:41:13 pm »

Sorry Z - I'm not to clear, on what the conditions that are and are not working (as I thought in an earlier post you said it was working).  Do you mind explaining again!
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #31 on: October 19, 2013, 10:28:52 pm »

Sorry Z - I'm not to clear, on what the conditions that are and are not working (as I thought in an earlier post you said it was working).  Do you mind explaining again!

The script does what I wanted, it plays an iso or a physical disc using TMT when selected from the library within MC. Perfect. What I was trying to do was to have the disc or iso played ONLY if MC was open. This is so that if I just insert a disc or mount an iso from outside MC it will not be played automatically by TMT eg if I am ripping a disc I don't want TMT to start up. Sorry if I was not clear.

I have tried putting curley parentheses in around the script following the ifwinexist, but not had any luck yet.

Appreciate your help!


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #32 on: October 19, 2013, 11:21:07 pm »

OK - if TMT is starting automatically, it could also be Windows Autoplay settings?  Also you can take out the ";" in front of the MSG Boxes and you will then see where the script is going.
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2013, 05:00:34 am »

OK - if TMT is starting automatically, it could also be Windows Autoplay settings?  Also you can take out the ";" in front of the MSG Boxes and you will then see where the script is going.

Thanks for this. The message boxed are working fine, so the scrip is making proper progress. What I want to achieve is for the script to only continue if MC is open. I have tried the following:

ifwinexist, JRiver Media Center 19
...the script ...

But its now working. Instead the script alway runs.

Any bright ideas?


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #34 on: October 28, 2013, 05:31:45 am »

I'm away for a couple of days - will have a look when I'm back - sorry!
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #35 on: November 04, 2013, 02:55:57 am »

Still not had a chance to play  :'(
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #36 on: November 07, 2013, 09:37:02 pm »

Hi Z see if this does what you want (seem to work for me).  Try wrapping under WM_DEVICECHANGE as follows (red text)

WM_DEVICECHANGE( wParam, lParam )
  IfWinExist JRiver Media Center 19

.........Your Code......

OnMessage(0x219, "WM_DEVICECHANGE")
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #37 on: November 07, 2013, 10:27:17 pm »

Thanks so much! Will give it a go


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #38 on: November 10, 2013, 03:19:39 pm »

Thanks so much for your help jmone! Works just as I was hoping! Really appreciate your kind effort.


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #39 on: November 10, 2013, 03:51:16 pm »

No probs!  Glad it works  ;D
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #40 on: December 09, 2013, 07:22:16 pm »

This is a great script. Thank you so much for this. Here is a list of commands one can use instead of media_stop, which is I am assuming a remote control button press.



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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #41 on: March 09, 2014, 01:17:55 am »

Another Thanks for this excellent Script!!

I had to tweak it quite a bit to get it to work reliably with the sleep command to introduce delays between certain run commands, especially between the NVIDIA 3d switch and the ISO mount when it first scans. Several of my disc ISOs have varying lengths between the mount and the scan completing which would cause MC to crash and other parts of the script not working as expected.  Leaving the script running for a while and opening several discs also causes high memory use so I put a script reset in and a few other tweaks that are nice failsafes to correct for timing issues that sometimes cause things to get out of sync.

I also found a way to run TMT6 in metro mode on win 8.1 without a single crash switching in and out. I like to go back to where I was last in MC too, so I put it into stop instead of close.
I also unmount the ISO after each script run because it makes it much faster for the next mount.
DVDFab ISO program is the best out of all the ones I found for speed, reliability with the right process and commands that works for this type of use.
I tried old magic ISO, Slysoft and Daemon tools and DVDFab was by far the best and it was also none intrusive with no annoying pop ups.

I spent a whole day troubleshooting script issues and have a bit of a clean up to do. When that's done I'll post my script.


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #42 on: March 09, 2014, 01:58:51 am »

Glad it was of some help, and I'm sure a few would love to see you script when it is done!
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #43 on: March 15, 2014, 03:47:42 pm »

I rip all of my discs to mkv can this script be configured to do the same as if I inserted the disc.


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #44 on: March 15, 2014, 04:37:23 pm »

Hi Sean - what are you trying to do exactly? 

The initial purpose of this script was to divert just the 3D BD (MVC) playback to a thirdparty player like TMT / PDVD.  To my knowledge there is only one SW Player (Stereoscopic) that can handle MVC in MKV (eg not TMT / PVDV) so there has been little interest in ripping 3D BD to any MVC compatible container (and it also doubles the "file" size over the orignal BD as it records both Left and Right eyes as separate streams).

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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #45 on: March 15, 2014, 05:52:51 pm »

I was not aware of that I just bought my first 3D BD (Gravity) haven't even ripped it yet and am just starting my research of options.
I think I will just do a standard rip for 3D then as I don't want to spend money on media player that will get little use.



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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #46 on: March 15, 2014, 07:05:00 pm »

I was not aware of that I just bought my first 3D BD (Gravity) haven't even ripped it yet and am just starting my research of options.
I think I will just do a standard rip for 3D then as I don't want to spend money on media player that will get little use.


I am new to ripping also. It was Jmone that helped me start ripping to iso. All worked fine, but my Galaxy Note- 1st generation will not play it.
I have to start learning how to use mkv to convert
Mkvbeta is what I use now and I  have ripped almost 30 3D movies to mkv3d. I can play the mkv ripped  version with MC 19. Infact I have Gravity 3D ripped also with no issues at playback time.
My Samsung Galaxy note plays these movies fine with no issues also.
So I will suggest  that you try mkv. It does not hurt. If you are using any droid hand set, you are better off with mkv now.


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #47 on: March 15, 2014, 07:24:56 pm »

3D BD uses MVC which is a stereoscopic extension of AVC/264.  It gives full frame and resolution alternating Left/Right images.  The Licensed BD players (like TMT/PDVD etc) support this format from BD Discs (and ISO) but AFAIK not from MKV (but this may have changed since I last looked).  Ripping a BD 3D to a file has several major drawbacks:
- MVC : only one player supports it (Stereoscopic) and the file size is now larger than the original BD as the process of extracts a standalone AVC for each eye
- SBS (or TB) : You can convert these to MKV that will play in any player including MC and you will get 3D but it needs to be re-encoded in a format like "Side By Side" that your 3D TV will then convert for display.  As these have one AVC track with the Left/Right eye displayed in half the screen you end up effectively halving your Horizontal Resolution (and similar for Top to Bottom encoding).

So the only "real" solution at this stage is to keep them 3D BD on Disc or ISO then launch TMT/PDVD etc when these are detected.
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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #48 on: March 15, 2014, 09:23:38 pm »


I was unable to use TMT6 to play my ISO movies. Also , my Samsung Galaxy note 1st gen. was not able to play the ISO.
My Directv receiver does not understand ISO files. With Mkv format, I have had no issues playing  these movies with any player
I am at this point looking for compatibility  with media players.
When video is available in MC for Linux, I will be using mkv format.
If ISO had been playable with various players, I will have stayed with it.
Thanks again.


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Re: 3D BD : Integrating a 3rd Party Player with MC
« Reply #49 on: March 31, 2014, 08:14:45 pm »

Sorry for the bump, but I'm having some trouble with this.

Autohotkey isn't 'persistent'. I assume it runs then exits immediately, even tho it looks like nothing is happening on the screen. How do I get the script to not immediately close?  I simply copied and pasted it from the first post. (Changing the program names to match my own)


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