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Author Topic: Couple help requests - Alphabets and Custom Views  (Read 1943 times)


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Couple help requests - Alphabets and Custom Views
« on: June 16, 2013, 11:41:24 pm »

- Doesn't seem to be an available option to display an alphabet in pane view. Any way to manually tweak the code here?

- Also, how about copying a custom view? I can't even find where MC18 stores them. I've got a standard view I like for collections ... e.g. Mercury Living Presence and The Decca Sound, and so far end up having to recreate the same view from scratch. Only difference is the rule for file display. Am I missing something here?



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Re: Couple help requests - Alphabets and Custom Views
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 02:57:45 am »

This should do for the alphabet. Just make a pane with an expression and enter if(Regex([Artist],/#(^[a-z])#/, 0),[R1],) (replace [Artist] with whichever field you wish..

To save a custom view right click it > Customise View > (In the settings window scroll down to "Save this view") > Then give it a name. The next window will also tell you where MC18 stores them too..

Hope it helps


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Re: Couple help requests - Alphabets and Custom Views
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 07:00:57 am »

Quote from: sKiZo
- Also, how about copying a custom view?

Drag and Drop if you want to copy a view

also there is a built in grouping (customize view)...see screenshot


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Re: Couple help requests - Alphabets and Custom Views
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2013, 07:06:17 am »

you beat me to it Lasse_Lus i was just about to correct myself

Edit that was wrong sorry, was early in the morning & I hadn't had any coffee, the expression before only accounted for letters only not letters & numbers

if(Regex([Album Artist],/#([[:alnum:]])#/, 0),[R1],)

or alternatively as Lasse_Lus suggested, I'm trying to learn about regex & completely forgot about the simpler solution


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Re: Couple help requests - Alphabets and Custom Views
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2013, 12:44:39 pm »

... and the winner is ... BOTH!

I went with Cassangelo's suggestion for the alphabet as it looked like he put a lot more work in it.  ;)

How's that for a true minimalist look?

Bonus points if anyone knows how to add a custom field to the display on an android remote. I have movies stored in several places (including a Maggie DVR) and I track them all in MC18 using a zero length MKV marker file. I can find them using a couple custom fields, but those don't show in the gizmo. I'm currently adding the index number to the movie title, but it gets a bit cluttered ...

The custom views thing was too easy for words ... thanx all ...



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Re: Couple help requests - Alphabets and Custom Views
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2013, 01:42:22 pm »

Just go to Tools > Options > Media Network > Advanced > Customize views for Gizmo & WebGizmo & have a fiddle around in there using your custom field. Once you customize the view you may have to restart media center for the change to take effect.


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Re: Couple help requests - Alphabets and Custom Views
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2013, 04:17:48 pm »

I did play with custom views and playlists, but not really what I was going for. I was hoping there was a way to add a summary screen for a movie, and also add my custom fields to that.

I'm using an android tablet as a remote and if I finger a file (gotta be a better way to put that) it immediately tries to load that selection. This results in a blowout if it tries loading a file one of the zero length marker files on the server that I use to database the stuff stored on my DVR or dvd. In a perfect world, I'd be able to either:

- List the custom fields on the main gizmo scrolling lists.
- Get a pop up that gives me the movie summary similar to what you see when hovering over a title in the main program.

So ... short version ... use the remote to load movies directly to the big screen from JRiver MC18 if they're stored on that machine OR have the info I need handy either on the scrolling list or summary screen in the gizmo so I can grab the other remote and enter the movie index number for those titles stored on the DVR. To make matters interesting, I also use a hard drive dock to expand storage on both the JRiver computer AND the DVR, so I need to know which hard drive to load for a specific title too ...

Starting to think I might be better off just exporting the library to a database app ... Memento looks interesting ...

Just to make things a bit more interesting, MC18 doesn't do CSV exports that Memento can import, so I'd also have to do an XML to CSV conversion ... Remotes are supposed to make life easy ...  ::)



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Re: Couple help requests - Alphabets and Custom Views
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2013, 06:51:07 pm »

I don't think there is any way currently to add a summary screen for movies, something I am hoping for too..

As the the blowout, from what I understand is that you wish them not to be selectable, I don't think this is possible either because no matter which expression you use to build your view, it will be selectable.. Another solution would be to replace the zero length marker files with ones that show a couple of seconds of a black screen, so then you wouldn't get this blowout if you accidentally select them.

Finding out which drives the movies are on you could build a view with 2 categories the first one being mid([Filename (Path)],0,1) & the second being [Name]  (The mid expression just pulls the first letter from the filename path being the drive letter)

This would split up your movies by drive though if you still wished them all to appear on the same view you could opt for something like this
One category, using an expression along the lines of
<font color="mid([Filename (Path)],0,1)00000">[Name]<//font> (For this to work you couldn't have an external hard drive letter above F for it to work" I would fiddle around with the hex number to get something that looks nice) (This might not work in webgizmo or gizmo, I haven't tried myself but I do remember a recent update saying html tokens can be used in most areas of the program, so it might be worth a try)

hope this helps


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Re: Couple help requests - Alphabets and Custom Views
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2013, 07:38:34 pm »

Nice try, and good practice for you too ... but, not gonna work for my situation. Drive letter is assigned to the external dock I use on the media server, and the Magnavox DVR doesn't assign one. There I have to switch drives with the unit powered off, and when I turn it the DVR on, it doesn't know the difference - just reads the index table on that drive for navigation. That's a DIY tweak too, so I'm lucky it works at all. Real handy though - the DVR only supports drives up to 1tb ("only" 1tb - we've come a long ways) and that fills up fairly fast at full frame resolution.

Thanx for the help, and I'll do some digging for an android database that can import an MC18 XML export. Seems like that would be a lot more flexible than Gizmo can offer as we speak.
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