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Author Topic: files don't get imported from AVCHD\BDMV folder  (Read 6422 times)


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files don't get imported from AVCHD\BDMV folder
« on: June 18, 2013, 11:20:03 am »

Just noticed that files don't get imported from BDMV folder of AVCHD videos.
My camera puts mts clips into AVCHD\BDMV\STREAM folder structure.
MC18 doesn't import those files.
If I put any kind of files  (mts, avi, jpg, etc) under BDMV folder - they don't get imported.
If I move those files from STREM or BDMV higher in the folder structure then they do get imported...
Is this a feature or a bug or I set something wrong?


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Re: files don't get imported from AVCHD\BDMV folder
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2013, 12:26:08 pm »

You can click the options button on the Camera window and specify any path.

I use the root of the device for my RX-100, because it does the same thing with the video files.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: files don't get imported from AVCHD\BDMV folder
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2013, 12:45:21 pm »

but the files are on the hard drive.... I manually transfer my photos/videos from memory card to hard drive.
I guess, MC gets confused by the folder structure...
It's a "feature" then?

You can click the options button on the Camera window and specify any path.

I use the root of the device for my RX-100, because it does the same thing with the video files.


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Re: files don't get imported from AVCHD\BDMV folder
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2013, 12:54:48 pm »

but the files are on the hard drive

I missed that.  I thought they were on the camera.

I'm not sure how to handle this.  Would it work to import using Action Window > Camera so the videos end up in a more standard folder structure for home videos?
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: files don't get imported from AVCHD\BDMV folder
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2013, 01:05:59 pm »

MC says  "Camera not Found" (of course).
Well, it's certainly a bug feature.

I usually don't shoot in avchd and if I did before I would rename/move those mst files, so it was all OK.
But lately I got lazy and started copying entire AVCHD folders without any alternation... and just found out that I was missing all my recent camera videos in MC library...

I missed that.  I thought they were on the camera.

I'm not sure how to handle this.  Would it work to import using Action Window > Camera so the videos end up in a more standard folder structure for home videos?


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Re: files don't get imported from AVCHD\BDMV folder
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2013, 06:00:05 am »

I've got a different take on this as AVCHD is a folder structure of linked material just like BD or DVD.... and hence MC's approach is correct but there are some missing bits to make it work.  AVCHD is not really that different from BD so most of what is needed should already be in place.  Also this structure is used by both modern Cams and also some DVR's.

I've just tested on my AVCHD camcorder and.....

Firstly, in the BDMV folder the "Index" file normally has the extension of "BDM" not "BDMV" which is NOT recognised by MC.  Also the Playlists have an extension of "MPL" not "MPLS".  The actual footage (in the stream folder) is then stored in "MTS" not "M2TS" extensions.  Now I've tried renaming these extensions from the 3 to 4 char versions and MC then will import the content as you would expect but the fail to play (I'm guessing it is a LAV Splitter Issue).

To make a AVCHD structure import and play (plus the ability to then create Particles for each of the playlists = clips), some changes would need to be done such as:
1) Have MC accept and treat "index.bdm" the same as "index.bdmv" (and MPL as MPLS so you can create particles for each of them so they can be tagged and played as separate clips).
2) Get a sample to Nevcairiel to see why it will not play (and if he cares to mod Lav Splitter to support AVCHD).  If Nevcairiel is interested I can upload a short sample for testing.  

In the interim your solution is to just copy the content of the structure out and import and tag them as files.

JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: files don't get imported from AVCHD\BDMV folder
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2013, 06:07:42 am »

LAV does not and most likely will not support AVCHD. It uses libbluray to process the BD structures, and this would need extensive changes to handle the differently named files, so unless libbluray starts supporting it, it'll most likely not change. I also have no idea if the files themself are the same, i would guess not.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: files don't get imported from AVCHD\BDMV folder
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2013, 06:22:42 am »

Makes sense as most of us import the content into a video editing suite then edit them to produce either files or a BD structure.  That said the DVR content would normally just want to be played as is.  The file structure is very similar and video content is identical to BD but in 3 char format but the video format can be up to 1080 / 50 and 60p.

Here is what the structure looks like
Code: [Select]
    ³       THUMB.TDT
    ³       THUMB.TID
    ³   ³   INDEX.BDM
    ³   ³   MOVIEOBJ.BDM
    ³   ³   
    ³   CLIPINF
    ³   ³       00000.CPI
    ³   ³       00001.CPI
    ³   PLAYLIST
    ³   ³       00000.MPL
    ³   ³       00001.MPL
    ³   STREAM
    ³           00000.MTS
    ³           00001.MTS
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: files don't get imported from AVCHD\BDMV folder
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2013, 01:48:29 pm »

Nathan -  thanks!

So, it's not a bug it's a feature.
MC treats AVCHD folders the same way it treats a DVD rip folders. Got it.
It treats them in this way but cannot play/import, right?
Well, it's fine with me - I don't need to keep the AVCHD folder structure, I'll be doing what I've been all along - move mts files to regular folders.

...but one certainly needs to be aware of this feature.


I've got a different take on this as AVCHD is a folder structure of linked material just like BD or DVD.... and hence MC's approach is correct but there are some missing bits to make it work.  AVCHD is not really that different from BD so most of what is needed should already be in place.  Also this structure is used by both modern Cams and also some DVR's...


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Re: files don't get imported from AVCHD\BDMV folder
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2013, 02:48:44 am »

FYI - after some digging, you can get AVCHD structures to play in MC just fine by "converting" them from their 8.3 file names to long filenames with that attached batch file .... just run it (minus the ".txt" extension) from the BDMV directory and all should be good - original post was here
JRiver CEO Elect
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