Hello everyone,
I'm a MC Noob, I hope I'm not asking a silly question here.
Suppose I have to PCs, A and B. Prior to installing J River, Bot PCs maintain an exact copy of the same library. On each machine, the files even are on the same path (Same path, but of course each on the respective harddrive of each pc. Music Directory for both PCs is E:\)
So I installed MC on both machines and imported my Music, so from my understanding, the libraries are identical up to now.
I chose File -> Library -> Sync Library and only checked "Merge Playlists". My Server side Playlists appeared on the Client, but they were all empty.
Two Questions:
Is Syncing playlists possible without syncing Files? It would take me a darn while to upload all those files, plus it would probably interfere with my backup service (recursive backup situation?)`
To which directory does MC copy incoming files if I chose to sync files? The folder structure of the server or the one specified in the Options?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Edit: Better Title