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Author Topic: Theaterview feature request - "Items to show" presets  (Read 873 times)


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 118
Theaterview feature request - "Items to show" presets
« on: July 09, 2013, 07:13:20 am »


Feature request here to see if anyone else has any interest as well...

As I continue to play around with and setup my views in theaterview, I constantly go back and forth testing new views and layouts. Is it possible to have an option to have a save as preset option similar to how the renaming function works? This way, I can go back and forth and compare or test new layouts without impacting my current view.

I realize I could probably setup another zone and do some testing, but then I would have to recreate it again in my playback zone and that leads to potential misses and mistakes.



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