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Author Topic: Can I download files from JRiver Media Server for local playback?  (Read 3200 times)


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I searched the forum and couldn't find an answer, maybe I'm not using the right words.
I'm wondering if JRiver media Center server can act as a secure file server. I'd like to download files to my devices while home or on WiFi to be played locally.

I do copy files to my phone with a USB cable when home, but it would be so much easier over WiFi.

I have about 5 or 6 GB of music on my phone and play it locally so I don't use up my data allowance. When I'm at work or somewhere else where I can access WiFi, I'd like to be able to download some additional music from my server to my phone or windows 7 laptop to be played locally when away from WiFi.

Can I do this with Gizmo or some other JRiver client tool.

I know I could use Windows to just share out the files, but I would like to do it using the existing JRiver Media Server for ease of use and administration...

Thanks in advance




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Re: Can I download files from JRiver Media Server for local playback?
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2013, 06:22:25 pm »

You could play files from Media Server at another location, but you can't download them that way.

You could also sync files to a handheld or phone.


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Re: Can I download files from JRiver Media Server for local playback?
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2013, 01:18:37 am »

You could play files from Media Server at another location, but you can't download them that way.

You could also sync files to a handheld or phone.

actually you can, but it requires modding the Gizmo webserver files to generate an HTTP response resulting in a downloadable URL link. this is actually really simple for FLAC files, or other media files otherwise unstreamable by browsers directly.

Code: [Select]
<!-- begin: loop(z, 0, min([LibraryFilesCount], 100)-1) -->
{ 0: { src:"[LibraryFile([z]).FileLink]&Conversion=WebPlay&Playback=1",type:"[LibraryFile([z]).MediaType]"}, config: { title: "[LibraryFile([z]).Name]", cover: "[LibraryFile([z]).ImageLink]"[LibraryFile([z]).AdditionalConfig]}},
<!-- end: loop -->

you need to look for that loop in play_html5.html and completely remove the parameter for Conversion (to force a FLAC file to download). but most other audio file formats are supported natively in the browser, so we can try forcing a mime-type but after some experimenting it looks like the HTTP response just gets the content type from the audio file itself.

the easiest way to do this is simply add your own <audio> element with a control property that allows right-click "Save audio as.."

ill stop there, in case this kind of thing is frowned upon  ;D
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