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Author Topic: I cannot make MC18 start automatically play my paly list after bootup.  (Read 3469 times)


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In MC17, whenever I rebooted my computer, it started playing the music from wherever I left it at shutdown. Since I upgrade to MC18 I lost this functionality. I am struggling to find a way to fix it but I am not having any luck. Can someone help?


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Have you looked here?

Tools ->  Options ->  Startup


FastKayak / Larry


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Yes I did. Attached is the screen shot.


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After your system boots, does MC start but not play OR MC doesn't start at all?


FastKayak / Larry


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a link in the autostart folder - and it works



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It starts, and Stay's at the screen shown in the attached image. I expect it to go to playlist and start playing from where I left it. It does not. If I manually make it play, it starts playing from same song every time. In last one year, I heard this song every time I pressed play and got so tired of it now want to delete it. I posted this question twice before but I believe, JRiver has higher priorities than helping me.


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I just tried those exact same options and it worked fine:  It started Media Center in Theater View, started playing the most recently used Playing Now list, and started with the song that was last playing when I shut it down.

Did you accidentally enable Options > General > Advanced > Clear Playing Now on Exit?

If so, that'd break it.
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  • World Citizen
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No "Clear Playing Now on Exit" is not checked as shown in the attached image. If I exit from MC and restart the program, MC will play from where it left. If I restart the computer instead of Shutting it down, MC works.

But if I shut the computer down and power it on, no matter after a minute, an hour or after a day, MC stop at "Audio" as my previous post shows.


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for me, the automatic playback only works when I use the autostart folder
settings that are known to me

options - general - advanced - "clear playing now"
options - startup - startup actions - "start playing current list"
options - startup - windows startup - run on windows startup - (i have) "nothing"

and maybe....
options - startup - startup interface - location - (i have) "last location"



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I followed the instructions
options - general - advanced - "clear playing now"
options - startup - startup actions - "start playing current list"
options - startup - windows startup - run on windows startup - (i have) "nothing"
options - startup - startup interface - location - (i have) "last location"
Only option missing was "Last Location". I enabled it, but the result stays unchanged. If I exit the program and restart it, MC plays from where it stoped. If restart the compute, it plays from where it left. But if I shut it down and restart it after a minute. It stays at Audio as my first screen shot shows.


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I'm sorry, have at the moment no more idea


what happens when MC starts in the standard view


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It sounds like something isn't ready (maybe network connections) on the machine when it tries to start.  If it behaves differently between a cold boot and a hot reboot, then it can't really be a bug in MC, something on your PC is acting differently between the two.

Just to be clear, when you shut down and then boot back up, MC launches in Theater View as you'd like, but nothing plays (not the wrong thing plays).  Right?

In any case, this should be easily solved by scheduling a MCC command to play Playing Now in the Windows Task Scheduler.

Start > Type "Task Scheduler" and hit return on the Task Scheduler to open it.
Make a new Basic Task.
Give it a name like (MC Starts Playing)
Under Trigger choose When I log on.
Under Action choose Start a Program, and then paste this in:
Program: mc18.exe
Arguments: /MCC 10001,0
Choose Open the Properties dialog for this task when I click Finish.
In the Properties dialog, switch to the Triggers tab, and Edit the trigger.
Check the Add a delay box, and set some kind of delay (hint: you can type whatever you want in the box, or pick from the presets).

Keep MC set to auto-launch on boot, as you had it.  This will send the Play command (which will play playing now) when you boot, a few seconds after login.
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  • World Citizen
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Thanks for the help, I learned how to run scheduler and your assumption is right "MC launches in Theater View as I'd like, but nothing plays (not the wrong thing plays)."
I followed your instructions. Two things happened. 1) At Startup after one minute, the screen changes to "Artist" instead of staying at "Audio". I tried 2 Minutes and 5 Minutes but had a same result. It does not go to Playing Now. Ideally I would like it to go to "Info" in Theater View. I tried the settings in Option Menu for Now Playing and Theater View Now Playing. But had no effect.

2) Now when I manually go to Playing now, it knows where I left it last time. So I have to press play and it starts playing from where I left it.

Just as a side note, it was working fine in MC17. When I upgraded from MC17 to MC18, Computer at startup was still looking for MC17. I had to manually clean it up and tell it to use MC18. Computer still had references to MC17 in Registry, last week I cleaned them out but that did not help either.


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Hi everybody.

I have raised this issue a couple of times in this forum but got no answer. In MC 17 the function "Start Playing current playlist" was working without any problem. When I upgraded to MC18 it was not working anymore. The problem is the 100% the same as described above. Nothing has been changed on my computer - only the update. There is a bug in MC18 and I think it is related to the different versions of Window 7 we all use. I have had this issue before with other programs as well. The "program" was working on a English Windows 7 machine but not on a Danish version. I have downgraded to MC17 and now everything is working perfect again. I will not buy any new MC release before this issue has been solved.




  • World Citizen
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Same thing with me. I posted this question twice before this post. No one ever answered. I wounder where the developers are? Do I have to post bad comments about JRiver on other web sites like Audiophile to get attention from JRiver support?

But, I guess its not worth any more I as bought JRiver 19. Hop fully it will resolve the problem or I will be complaining on other web sites for JRiver's poor support.


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I need a little help reproducing this.

I configure MC to start playback of the last playlist when it starts and it does.

By design, it only starts playback in the current zone.  It only works with local zones (not DLNA).

If it doesn't work right after a boot, is it possible the files are not accessible?  What's in Playing Now when it doesn't play?

Someone above said to clear the current playlist, but you should not do that.  If you do, there will be nothing to play when it restarts.

Any tips to reproduce would be appreciated.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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I had a similar problem. At boot-up MC would get to playing now but not actually play anything (Ape files from C: drive). Manually starting MC a minute or so after boot always started music successfully. BTW in the case where MC didn't play MC was responsive, it just didn't start playing. 

I put MC in Windows task scheduler (1 min delay from boot) and all is well.  My system is a dedicated HTPC so not much installed.....with two exceptions (and I have no idea if these matter, I bring them up as they are probably not common). 1) Drivebender, and 2) HDsentinel Pro. 

Would a log file be useful?  I'd be willing to create one.

FastKayak /Larry


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I had a similar problem. At boot-up MC would get to playing now but not actually play anything (Ape files from C: drive). Manually starting MC a minute or so after boot always started music successfully. BTW in the case where MC didn't play MC was responsive, it just didn't start playing. 

I put MC in Windows task scheduler (1 min delay from boot) and all is well.  My system is a dedicated HTPC so not much installed.....with two exceptions (and I have no idea if these matter, I bring them up as they are probably not common). 1) Drivebender, and 2) HDsentinel Pro. 

Would a log file be useful?  I'd be willing to create one.

FastKayak /Larry

A log showing a failed play sent to logs at jriver dot com would be nice.

It would show if the program even tried to play.

My guess is there's a race condition where the play can fire before the zone is ready, but it's just a guess.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Log file sent.  Subject line starts with FASTKAYAK


FastKayak / Larry


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Did the log help?

FastKayak / Larry


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Did the log help?  Second request for an update!

FastKayak / Larry


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The reason it isn't working is that the 'start playing current playlist code' doesn't engage if the program was started with any command line switches.  This is because we didn't want the program to start playing the current playlist if it was launched with a command like /Play "C:\1.mp3".

And when MC starts at boot, it runs with /Boot (a little hint so that it does the right stuff).

I'll change the logic to instead say "if you're not already playing, start playback".  I think it should work in both cases that way.

Next build:
Fixed: The option to start playback of the current playlist would not work when MC was configured to start when Windows loaded.

Thanks for everyone's help.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • World Citizen
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Sounds good to me.  I'll give it a test when the build gets out.


FastKayak / Larry
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