Thanks, That is what we do now. We have the tree, and two Views, split and locked. Folks can click or drag tunes to the now playing view, add, reorganize, etc. I even try to lock View 2 so clicking on the tree won't change it from Now Playing. Every once in a while though it decides to lock View one, like the views switched places. That of course makes it unusable for the n00bs. I have to go unlock the view, and move the lock back to the right hand view "Playing Now". But that doesn't happen often.
What does happen is folks look at the view (details) and it looks like an xls to them and they can't figure out what to do. We get folks that have never seen the jukebox before, and they need a class to show them how to pick an artist, album, and then track. On the other hand, I love the configurability, and have no problem using a complicated standard view. I will try another's suggestion to use Party Mode, to keep them from messing with the setup. That seems to have no effect, but I will try again. Interestingly, the idea of hiding the tree makes it worse. When you hide the tree, don't you also hide the top panel showing what is playing? If you do that folks have to look at the Now Playing list to see what track is playing. But since the list does not delete the ones played, they have to look at Now Playing, and see if they can find the color shift of the one playing, or the little arrow pointing at it. It usually is somewhere in the middle of the list of Now Playing. If it would remove played songs, they could just look at the top of the list. So I need to keep the tree so we can see what song is playing easily. It doesn't have to be pretty, just functional. It doesn't have to be theater view, standard would work too. Another issue is that these days everyone has a tablet or phone and when they see a jukebox like device they go for the touchscreen. Since we do have a touchscreen for the monitor, we have a great deal of problems with folks moving files, or the dreaded popup "Do you want to enable pane tagging", when someone tries to use the touchscreen. They come and get me so I can say "No we don't want pane tagging". Standard View with a touchscreen is a disaster. No matter what skin you use, the scroll bars are not wide enough to get with a finger and you end up dragging tunes around the desktop. I have used Noire skin and made it bigger and upped the fonts, I even run the desktop at 1280x1024 to try to get Standard view to have bigger scroll bars. Still problematic with folks missing the scroll bar with their finger. And most of the good data of Standard view has to be thrown away to try to keep it big enough so folks don't have to sit at the PC. They can stand and use the mouse. Just not the touchscreen. If I try Obsidian touch Skin, the touch works great, and you can find what you want, but you can't drag it to the playlist, nor can you see that is playing while you are picking.
As far as marking a show in Theater View as watched, I have that mostly solved. A fine soul here shared an expression I modified a bit and it works great. You get a checkmark next to the file name if it has been watched more than 95% of the way. Then I make sure the view we pick from does not show files with checkmarks in that field. I actually use the checkmark as the item I look for. If it has a check, then it has been watched. In fact the checkmarks are a little dimmer as you watch the show being fully bright at 90+ percent.
Here it is
ifelse(isequal(watched(1), 2),
regex(Watched(0), /#(\d+)%#/, -1)/
if(isrange([R1], 5-95), [R1]%, ✔))
So how do you mark a show watched without actually watching it? I created a new field called watched. The only choices are "w" and nothing. If I put a w in the field, the file won't show in either Standard or Theater. So if I need to mark a whole season watched, I just highlight them, TAG, and put a w in the field.
Sorry to go on and on. I really appreciate any help you all can provide.