I reinstalled MJ8. During installtion I noted the 'installing APE plugin' message. Still getting the same effect described above. The actual message I get it is 'You are attempting to play an APE file that was encoded with a version of Monkey's Audio which is newer than the installed APE plug-in. There is a high likelyhood that this will not work properly. -(which it doesn't)- Please download and install the newest Monkey's Audio plug-in to remedy the problem. Plug-In version: 3.94b1; APE file version: f'
Upon downloading and successfully installing the APE plug-in for MJ8.0 off the web, I get the same problem. I seem to have no problems encoding the same material in wma or mp3. I get the same problem, for example, when i encode in wma (plays fine), then convert to APE (get the same error). So it must be in the encoder itself.
I'm using MJ 8.0.198;