Here is a paste of something I wrote to MHorton re. the same subject:
MPC Input plugin
Get the cool beta input mpc plugin, especially designed for MJ v.8 here: (Trelane, the guy who is writing it, is
the coolest, most kind and efficient guy)
Get the latest and fastest mpc encoder here: 0.90s.
Now you got what you need.
In MJ, go to Options, Encoding, choose External encoder, choose the position of the unzipped o.90s encoder.
Then in the second line, below "Exe path", type: --xtreme %IN %OUT
That setting will make the encoder encode in the xtreme-setting. Basically there are three settings:
Standard- type: "--verbose %IN %OUT"
Xtreme-type:as above
Insane-type: "--insane %IN %OUT"
In the line "Extension" overwrite the existing "mp|PLS|" with "mpc"
Then in MJ, go to Settings, choose Pluginmanager, choose Add plugin, and select the mpc plugin that you downloaded from naivesoftware's page.
When you have installed this input plugin, you should see it in the list in plugin manager under Input plugins.
Select then this mpc plugin and choose "configure".
Usually the default settings here are as they should be - but at least make sure that under Replaygain settings, that the Clipprotect is off, and that equalising is checked for Musepack and not Winamp.
Now you are set to go, both in encoding and playing mpc files.
In order to check the ABX program, that you can use to perform proper blind tests with, start here: