The latency comes by Acourate a software for room correction and digital frequency crossovers. an estimation downward for online convolution: With 65536 taps for example you get a latency of 743ms. Acourate works easy with higher number of taps such as 262144 which produce a latency of 2972ms. And this value is to high for JRiver which is only applicable for maximum 2500ms.
The latency [ms] will be calculated by dividing half of filter length by sample rate.
The value 2500 I have found in a posting of Bob Katz who had initially a problem with to high latency. More latency comes by ASIO buffer size up a maximum of 2048 samples. I will use an 8-channel Focusrite Saffire 40 Firewire interface for a 4-way active loudspeaker.
It would be fine if you increase the maximum latency from 2500s to 5000ms. This value delivers a future-proof solution for further steps with Acourate.