PS. Yes I know about the tagging convention, unfortunately I tagged many of my shows with a dot separating the season from the episode (Star Trek Deep Space Nine.s05e.03.mkv instead of Star Trek Deep Space Nine.s05e03.mkv) and it doesn't look as if MC accepts this convention.
You can use Tools > Library Tools > Fill Properties From Filename… with the following to fix that:
[Series].s[Season]e.[Episode].mkvAnd depending on how you have your files organized, you may be able to simplify setting the Media Sub Type with an expression such as:
if(isequal([Filename (path)],TV,8),TV Show,
if(isequal([Filename (path)],Downloads,8),Other,
In English, that's
doing a comparison to see:
- Does the folder structure contain "TV" in it? If it does, set the Media Sub Type to "TV Show"
- Does the folder structure contain "Downloads" in it? If it does, set Media Sub Type to "Other"
- For all other folders, set Media Sub Type to "Movie"
The rule is applied to my
\Video\ folder, and the folder structure I use on all my drives is:
\Video\Watched This way, as long as the file is placed into the correct directory, the Media Sub Type will be set correctly without Media Center having to guess. (the new/watched directories are only used for Movies)