Thanks Matt,
It's really not that big of deal. I can watch 3D using my Blu Ray player or another app for this, since there really isn't that many of them anyway.
One more question that I just can't seem to get resolved on my DTS issue, but dealing with music.
I have my favorite CD ever that is encoded with 5.1 DTS. However, when I play it I only get white noise no matter what I do. Keep in mind that I do not have the option to use the decoders in JRiver at the moment. Because my processor only takes SPDIF inputs (single ended) and it does not work with multi-channel PCM. Therefore, it must do the decoding.
So with that in mind, how do I get my DTS 5.1 CD, to bitstream to my processor without any white noise?
Thanks! Love the product so far!