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Author Topic: MC crashed while playing Google Play Music from my Nexus 7 via DLNA  (Read 1499 times)


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I found a really cool app for my Nexus 7 called Cast To UPnP/DLNA for GMusic.  It makes all DNLA renders on your network look like Chromecasts to your Android 4.0+ device.  This allows me to stream Google Play Music (Including All Access) to my HTPC which is connected to my whole-house audio system.

It works great, but I had MC crash on my today while playing music to it.

Log sent...

Also, I'm having issues with recording TV to .ts files from my HD Homerun.  I get a bunch of 0-1 second long recordings, then finally one around 58-59 minutes that has most of the show.  Maybe there's also something in the log about that...


rec head

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Re: MC crashed while playing Google Play Music from my Nexus 7 via DNLA
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2013, 07:56:56 pm »

You will probably have better luck using 2 different threads for the different problems.


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Re: MC crashed while playing Google Play Music from my Nexus 7 via DNLA
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2013, 01:14:00 pm »

That sounds neat.

Can you reproduce the crash?  Would you be willing to try MC19?

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC crashed while playing Google Play Music from my Nexus 7 via DNLA
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2013, 01:24:08 pm »

I decided to upgrade to MC19 over the weekend.  I also found another option leapcast that doesn't require an app running on my tablet to convince Google Play Music that my HTPC is a Chromecast and that doesn't require MC at all.  However, it seems to stop working each time my HTPC goes into standby, so I may be going back to the Cast to UPnP/DNLA option.  I'll try out the Cast to UPnP/DNLA option again today or tomorrow with MC19 and let you know if I see the problem again.



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Re: MC crashed while playing Google Play Music from my Nexus 7 via DNLA
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2013, 10:38:27 pm »

MC19 still has issues being used as a DLNA renderer for Cast to UPnP/DLNA for GMusic.  It seems to happen most often when I start skipping tracks forward/backward.  See log attached.

Hopefully you can figured out what's going on, because other than the battery drain on my Nexus 7 (I believe it proxy's all .mp3s through it from GMusic rather than sending MC the real URL of the music on GMusic directly) it sounds much better through MC19's playback engine than through leapcast's.

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