More > JRiver Media Center 19 for Mac
How to Purchase an Upgrade
If you already own JRiver Media Center for Mac 18.0, you can download MC19 and install it. It will ask you to upgrade and the price should be $14.98.
Thanks for considering an upgrade.
Alternate Purchase Method
Restoring a License
--- Quote from: JimH on September 27, 2013, 06:36:17 pm ---If you already own JRiver Media Center for Mac 18.0, you can download MC19 and install it. It will ask you to upgrade and the price should be $14.98.
Thanks for considering an upgrade.
Alternate Purchase Method
Restoring a License
--- End quote ---
is it possible to have a good offer to upgrade MC19 for both of Mac and PC version???
No. Each OS is separate. Sorry.
Max Delissen:
When I first bought MediaCenter for Mac 18 in April 2013 it was still pretty much in it's experimental stage, with a lot of functions not working yet. But I know a lot of happy MC for Windows users, so I thought I should give the Mac version a try and see what it develops into. I made use of the 'early adopter' discount, and paid $35. I was promised a 'permanent license' for MediaCenter. That's also what it says in the conformational I got after payment: Permanent proof of purchase.
Now that Media Center 19 has arrived, I had to actually buy a new (additional) license. Okay, it's not very expensive, but it's not exactly 'permanent' either. Of all the software I have bought for my Mac, JRiver MC is actually the fist one that asks for an additional payment for a new (=higher) and upgraded version. Hm...
It looks like MC19 is much further developed than MC18, so it should be much more fun to use. MC18 wasn't very much fun to be honest. Some annoying things kept going wrong and even the 'stable' versions proved to be a bit shaky. So it also looks like my early payment for MC18 has helped the development of MC19, without giving me much in return. I'm not against investing, but one of the things one expects from an investment is a return. Which I honestly feel I didn't quite get.
I think I should have been told explicitly that the license I got was for a single version. I honestly can't remember reading about it back then either. If I'm mistaken about this (which I hope), please let me know what I'm doing wrong, because adding my old license key (the one I get after 'renewing' my license) only to see the pop up message that my license is no longer valid really p•sses me off...
The development of MC19 took about 6 months after I bought MC18. Does that mean that I can expect another new purchase of MC20 in another 6 months or so?
I did pay the extra money for MC19, and I intend to keep using it, because it finally looks like it's turning into a very promising (and good sounding) audio platform on the Mac, but this licensing business is something I have trouble with getting used to... Can someone please elaborate?
Here's how JRiver's development and upgrade process works:
In the end, it is up to you whether to spend money or not. We do appreciate it when people support our work.
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