hi,for the last 3 days i been trying to make a expression, but it's too confusing to me. so i came here to ask if someone can help me. i download lots of adult movies and videos... here is what i want, i already made a new library view call adultery under video on JRiver Media Center. and i also have add a new field call adultery. what i need is when i download a adult movie,i want it to go to the adult section automatically, EX: like for tv shows and movies..i have all the movies, music, tv shows' adult on a diffrent folder, and i have them all put to auto import for each folder, like the tv shows Tag media sub type: tv show, for adult i have added the the Tag media sub type: [adultry] but the problem is when I'm finish downloading a adult movie it doesn't show up on the adult section like the tv shows does or like the movies does. how can i change this? I'm i doing something wrong? please help me to to put import my adult movies like tv shows and movies. it Will be a big help