The "OR" is a default boolean for searching so you don't need to specify it.
name=[night ",[day "," night "," day "," night]," day]
Note:- the spaces are important.
Essentially this rule returns:-
any trackname thats starts with a whole word (ie: one followed by a space} - [night " - followed by anything
any trackname thats starts with a whole word - [day " - followed by anything
any trackname has a whole word (ie: one preceeded and followed by a space} - " day " - then preceeded and followed by some(any)thing
any trackname has a whole word " night " - then preceeded and followed by some(any)thing
any trackname thats ends with a whole word (ie: one preceeded by a space} - " night] - preceeded by anything
any trackname thats ends with a whole word - " day] - preceeded by anything.
This rule would exclude a song called simply "Night" or simply "Day"
For that you would have to have:-
name=[night ",[day "," night "," day "," night]," day],[night],[day]