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Author Topic: Moving tunes and covers from MC18 to Mac version 19  (Read 5039 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Moving tunes and covers from MC18 to Mac version 19
« on: October 02, 2013, 02:11:02 pm »

I have been a JRiver user for a number of years now and would like to try the Mac version of the software. Is there an online guide describing how this can be done. Since I have been ripping my CD collection for the past two years I want to make sure I do everything right the first time. Will JRiver Mac 19 read my music files and covers directly from my Windows external hard drive, or, does some conversion need to be done first. If so, are there any hints on how to do this? I am most concerned about the album covers which took the most time to locate on line. Depending on when the ripping was done my files are either FLAC or WAV. If conversion needs to be done first to AIFF formats does it matter if it is done on a Windows machine or should it be done on the iMac. Many questions as you can guess but am hopeful you have some online guide for this transition. Regards, Richard


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Re: Moving tunes and covers from MC18 to Mac version 19
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2013, 02:14:29 pm »

Download MC19 for Mac and point it to the same external drive and you're done.  All the albums, tracks and artwork will be there.  Simple.

Of course make a backup of your MC19 (windows) version.
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  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Moving tunes and covers from MC18 to Mac version 19
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2013, 02:21:13 pm »

Download MC19 for Mac and point it to the same external drive and you're done.  All the albums, tracks and artwork will be there.  Simple.

Of course make a backup of your MC19 (windows) version.

I am not importing from another MC just my working drive, and yes all albums are there but it does not appear I can import all with one click like 18, what am I missing ?


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Re: Moving tunes and covers from MC18 to Mac version 19
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2013, 03:28:31 pm »

Are you currently running MC19 or MC18 on a Windows machine?

What format is your Windows external drive in FAT32 or NTFS? If NTFS the Mac will only be able to read files but not modify or add new ones.

Are the album covers for the music files embedded in the music files or do you have the cover art stored in the album folder? Or are you having MC store it within it's own cover art library?

Both FLAC and WAV files will play fine with MC19 on the Mac. As a side note many Mac users prefer to store in AIFF format as opposed to WAV if they are leaving the files uncompress (ie not FLAC or Apple Lossless). Regardless no need to convert them.

Lastly as to your import question, in MC19 on the Mac you would do the following to import all your music files assuming they are located all within one folder (or all the individual album folders are under one folder.

File->Library->Import->Import a Single Folder (Next button)

Select the folder using the browse button.

Click Finish.

Mac Mini (16Gb memory, 2.3GHz i7, SSD), Synology NAS, MSB Analog DAC, Tubes, Cables, DeVore O/96s


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Moving tunes and covers from MC18 to Mac version 19
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2013, 06:45:44 pm »

Thks bplexico, Your last instruction got it, I was importing from my external Mini drive, the single folder selection is what I overlooked.  



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Re: Moving tunes and covers from MC18 to Mac version 19
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2013, 12:02:30 am »

Thks bplexico, Your last instruction got it, I was importing from my external Mini drive, the single folder selection is what I overlooked.  

Happy to assist! Always love a happy ending.

Mac Mini (16Gb memory, 2.3GHz i7, SSD), Synology NAS, MSB Analog DAC, Tubes, Cables, DeVore O/96s
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