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Author Topic: Problem with Kernel Streaming  (Read 5083 times)


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Problem with Kernel Streaming
« on: September 27, 2013, 06:32:24 am »


It seems (at last in my system) that switching from pause to play makes the program crash...



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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2013, 06:07:21 pm »

This is 100% repeatable?  I haven't seen this.  Any luck getting it to work?
Adam Thompson, JRiver


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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2013, 01:48:50 am »

This is 100% repeatable?  I haven't seen this.  Any luck getting it to work?

In my system is so repeatable that I had no option but to revert to a previous version, which works fine.
Pressing play works fine but after you pause if you try to play again JRiver 19.0.45 crashes 100% of times.
I have no other clues sadly...


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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2013, 07:21:11 am »

Is it on an older PC?

Try switching the browser engine that MC uses.  Chromium and IE engines are both available.  Tools/Options/Tree&View.


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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2013, 08:44:50 am »

Perhaps you're using Kernel Streaming?  It's one of the only outputs that depends on a well-behaved driver for pause.

Please try WASAPI or ASIO, as it's basically impossible for them to crash on pause.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2013, 07:41:54 am »

Perhaps you're using Kernel Streaming?  It's one of the only outputs that depends on a well-behaved driver for pause.

Please try WASAPI or ASIO, as it's basically impossible for them to crash on pause.

Thank you Jim, thank you Matt for your suggestions.
Yes, I am using Kernel Streaming.
First I followed Jim's suggestion, switching browser engine from IE to Chromium but it didn't solve the issue.
Then I tried Matt's, switching from Kernel Streaming to WASAPI (apparently I do not have ASIO as an available option).
That solved the pause/play problem but then I remembered that, since I begun using my computer for music, for some
reason WASAPI was not a viable alternative as I get plenty of "tocs".
That was (and is) the reason for using Kernel Streaming, which works flawlessly.
 I reverted back again to a previous version (38) that hasn't the issue.
Any hints, apart using old version?
Thank both of you very much.
Best Regards


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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2013, 03:28:06 am »

Thank you Jim, thank you Matt for your suggestions.
Yes, I am using Kernel Streaming.
First I followed Jim's suggestion, switching browser engine from IE to Chromium but it didn't solve the issue.
Then I tried Matt's, switching from Kernel Streaming to WASAPI (apparently I do not have ASIO as an available option).
That solved the pause/play problem but then I remembered that, since I begun using my computer for music, for some
reason WASAPI was not a viable alternative as I get plenty of "tocs".
That was (and is) the reason for using Kernel Streaming, which works flawlessly.
 I reverted back again to a previous version (38) that hasn't the issue.
Any hints, apart using old version?
Thank both of you very much.
Best Regards

I have downloaded the new version (49) that has exactly the same problem.
I had to return to 38. I ask you which is the difference between 38 and newer versions that causes the problem with pause
using Kernel Streaming? Do you think the issue will be addressed in future versions?
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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2013, 07:49:28 am »

Sorry If I make the question again but I did not receive an answer.
I am using Kernel Streaming as I cannot use ASIO or WASAPI.
Since version 45 JRiver crashes after pressing play if on pause.
After trying every new version I must return to version 38 that has not the problem.
As this is a very annoying problem, will you address this issue in the future or should I look for a different player?
Many thanks
Best Regards
Stefano Amico


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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2013, 08:02:01 am »

If WASAPI worked but had a tick sound, try the other WASAPI.  Disable "Event Style".


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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2013, 08:15:38 am »

Sorry If I make the question again but I did not receive an answer.
I am using Kernel Streaming as I cannot use ASIO or WASAPI.
Since version 45 JRiver crashes after pressing play if on pause.
After trying every new version I must return to version 38 that has not the problem.
As this is a very annoying problem, will you address this issue in the future or should I look for a different player?
Many thanks
Best Regards
Stefano Amico

I've never had fully reliable "Play/Pause" with any USB DAC using Kerel Streaming, this is going back before MC18 even.

Mind you, they all worked absolutely fine if I never used Pause.  I've not done any testing on MC19 as now I use ASIO on both DACs I own. (W4SDAC2DSDse and Meitner MA-1)

Pressing Pause then Play would, intermittently in all cases cause a crash, not always, sometimes I could press play/pause repeatedly with no problem leading me to believe the issue was gone, ultimately it always returned. I ran this way for ages,  just never using Pause. (I'm an audio only user)

I had the option to use WASAPI in all cases, so I eventually switched. Most recently with newer DACs I've been using ASIO.

Does your specific DAC limit you to using Kernel Streaming only?  

Having said all of this, I've never been clear at all where the actual issue resided. It did seem that way back when, Play/Pause would crash the system virtually every time. In later years, as mentioned, it worked some of the time. Unfortunately I can't reliably state whether the improvement was due to MC, Newer DAC/Drivers or even newer computer platforms/chipsets.

Good Luck with this one!

MC-27-28> Meitner MA 1V2> CJ-GatV2> CJ ART 300s> Magnepan 20.7


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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2013, 08:49:20 am »

I'm testing using Kernel Streaming to a Mytek, and pause is working nicely for me.

However, pause requires the driver to support transitioning between KSSTATE_RUN and KSSTATE_PAUSE.  Some drivers don't do this nicely.  If you have a driver that doesn't do it nicely, please talk to the driver / hardware maker.  JRiver would be happy to try to help them.

WASAPI and ASIO do not require the driver to support any sort of transition.  They're also more efficient.  So my advice would be to focus on getting WASAPI running in your case.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2013, 11:35:24 am »

I've never had fully reliable "Play/Pause" with any USB DAC using Kerel Streaming, this is going back before MC18 even.

Mind you, they all worked absolutely fine if I never used Pause.  I've not done any testing on MC19 as now I use ASIO on both DACs I own. (W4SDAC2DSDse and Meitner MA-1)

Pressing Pause then Play would, intermittently in all cases cause a crash, not always, sometimes I could press play/pause repeatedly with no problem leading me to believe the issue was gone, ultimately it always returned. I ran this way for ages,  just never using Pause. (I'm an audio only user)

I had the option to use WASAPI in all cases, so I eventually switched. Most recently with newer DACs I've been using ASIO.

Does your specific DAC limit you to using Kernel Streaming only?  

Having said all of this, I've never been clear at all where the actual issue resided. It did seem that way back when, Play/Pause would crash the system virtually every time. In later years, as mentioned, it worked some of the time. Unfortunately I can't reliably state whether the improvement was due to MC, Newer DAC/Drivers or even newer computer platforms/chipsets.

Good Luck with this one!

Thank you very much for answering
I am using Audioengine D2 DAC as a WI-FI bridge to my actual DAC, Hegel HD20.
I cannot use WASAPI because of the many "toc" noises I would get (I do not have ASIO among the options).
Therefore I have always being using Kernel Streaming with JRiver 18 and 19 up to version 38 (that I am still using) without problems with pause/play. Never.
So my question: something should have changed on that respect between version 19.0.38 (working ok) and the following ones.
Something that affected the behavior of the pause button.
Today I installed 19.0.50 and had the same problem. Reverted to 19.0.38 and everything is ok again. How could it be a problem of drivers?


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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2013, 11:42:08 am »

I cannot use WASAPI because of the many "toc" noises I would get (I do not have ASIO among the options).

Have you tried switching buffer sizes and/or toggling event style?

Therefore I have always being using Kernel Streaming with JRiver 18 and 19 up to version 38 (that I am still using) without problems with pause/play. Never.
So my question: something should have changed on that respect between version 19.0.38 (working ok) and the following ones.
Something that affected the behavior of the pause button.
Today I installed 19.0.50 and had the same problem. Reverted to 19.0.38 and everything is ok again. How could it be a problem of drivers?

I'm sorry, but I can't explain this.  The last change in the Kernel Streaming code was July 1, 2013.

We've talked about switching Kernel Streaming to using a pause model more like WASAPI and ASIO (where they roll silence), but I don't know when this might happen.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2013, 01:17:58 pm »

I am using Audioengine D2 DAC as a WI-FI bridge to my actual DAC, Hegel HD20.
Connect the DAC directly, just to test.
I cannot use WASAPI because of the many "toc" noises I would get (I do not have ASIO among the options).
Did you try the WASAPI change I suggested above?


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Re: Problem with Kernel Streaming
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2013, 03:38:43 am »

Thank you all.

I followed your suggestions with no avail.
Switching to WASAPI doesn't work, whichever the buffer size. Disabling or not " Event Style" doesn't bring any advantage.
I always get some "tocs"", more or less, depending from the buffer.
From that point of view Kernel Streaming works flawlessly. I wrote an e-mail to Audioengine support saying that JRiver would help them
in case they decide to design a better driver. I am not optimistic they will.
So for the moment I have no choice but to stick on version 19.0.38 and I hope that, quoting Matt:

"We've talked about switching Kernel Streaming to using a pause model more like WASAPI and ASIO (where they roll silence), but I don't know when this might happen"

you will make it happen soon ;-)
Best Regards
Stefano Amico

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