ABOUT" WHEN MEDIAJUKEBOX IN FRENCH?".This indication for people with the VERY BIG handicap to be mono-lingal on this forum
Dapres des reponses anterieures,il n est prevu aucun autre language pour MediaJukebox
En toute objectivite,si jamais ils devaient commencer des versions en languages autre qu englais,je ne pense pas que le francais soit le bon choix.Petit marche,peu de gens branches sur le weeb
La seule solution est "la solution Winamp".Ce sont les usagers qui ont traduit le texte
Ne compte pas sur moi...!!!!!La moitie des fonctions de MediaJukebox,je ne sais pas a quoi ca sert!!!
Dapres of the former reponses, it N is prevu no different language for MediaJukebox In all objectivity, if ever they were to begin versions in languages other qu englais, I do not think that French is the good choix.Petit functioning, few branches people on the weeb the only solution is " the Winamp".Ce solution are the users who translated the text does not count on me...!!!!!La moitie functions of MediaJukebox, I do not know has what Ca is useful!!! hello!
According to previous answers,there is no plan for other language that english
The day they will start it,in all objectivity,french is not the good choise.Small market,not many people on the web
One solution is the "Winamp solution".Users wrotte notice in many languages.
Do not count on me!!.I do not understand half of MediaJukebox fonctions!!