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Author Topic: FRENCH LANGUAGE !!!!!!  (Read 2061 times)


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« on: March 09, 2002, 04:03:13 am »

A quand une version française de Media Jukebox, je suis un utilisateur de ce logiciel depuis de longs mois et je pense qu'il peut devenir un LEADER sur le marché, mais hélas il perd une grande partie desz Francophones et mes povres bases en anglais me permmettent de l'utiliser, donc je pense que pour la version finalisé il serait souhaitable d'avoir une version en FRANCAIS.

Qu'en pensé vous, bye

With when a version fran.aise of Jukebox Media, I am a user of this software since long months and I think that it can become a LEADER on the march., but h.las it loses a great part desz Francophones and my povres bases in English permmettent me to use it, therefore I think that for the version finalis. it would be desirable to have a FRENCH version. That in pens. you, bye


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« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2002, 04:18:49 am »

ABOUT" WHEN MEDIAJUKEBOX IN FRENCH?".This indication for people with the VERY BIG handicap to be mono-lingal on this forum

Dapres des reponses anterieures,il n est prevu aucun autre language pour MediaJukebox
En toute objectivite,si jamais ils devaient commencer des versions en languages autre qu englais,je ne pense pas que le francais soit le bon choix.Petit marche,peu de gens branches sur le weeb
La seule solution est "la solution Winamp".Ce sont les usagers qui ont traduit le texte
Ne compte pas sur moi...!!!!!La moitie des fonctions de MediaJukebox,je ne sais pas a quoi ca sert!!!

Dapres of the former reponses, it N is prevu no different language for MediaJukebox In all objectivity, if ever they were to begin versions in languages other qu englais, I do not think that French is the good choix.Petit functioning, few branches people on the weeb the only solution is " the Winamp".Ce solution are the users who translated the text does not count on me...!!!!!La moitie functions of MediaJukebox, I do not know has what Ca is useful!!! hello!

According to previous answers,there is no plan for other language that english
The day they will start it,in all objectivity,french is not the good choise.Small market,not many people on the web
One solution is the "Winamp solution".Users wrotte notice in many languages.
Do not count on me!!.I do not understand half of MediaJukebox fonctions!!


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« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2002, 04:52:24 am »

Media Jukebox does not support languages other then English.
Let's keep it the same way in this forum.

Les medias Jukebox ne supporte pas des langages l'autre puis anglais.
maintenons-le la m¨ºme voie dans ce forum.

Media Jukebox unterst¨¹tzt nicht Sprachen anderes dann Englisch.
Ihn lassen Sie uns die gleiche Weise in diesem Forum halten.

I media Jukebox non sostiene i linguaggi l' altro allora inglese.
Manteniamolo lo stesso modo in questa tribuna.

ýÌåJukebox ¤ÏÑÔÕZ¤òËû¤Î¤½¤·¤ÆÓ¢ÕZÖ§¤¨¤Ê¤¤¡£¤½¤ì¤òͬ¤¸·½·¨

Los media Jukebox no utilizan lenguajes el otro entonces ingl¨¦s.
Manteng¨¢moslo la misma manera este foro.



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« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2002, 05:06:38 am »

And here's the translation for you other folks:

Redneck: Media Jukebox does not suppo't languages other then English. Less keep it th' same way in this hyar fo'um, dawgone it.

Jive: Media Jukebox duz not suppo't languages oda' den English. Lop some boogie. Let's keep it da darn same way in dis fo'um. WORD!

Cockney: Media Jukebox does not support 'am sandwichs uvver then English. Let's keep it the bloody same way in this forum.

Elmer Fudd: Media Jukebox does not suppowt wanguages othew then Engwish. Wet's keep it the same way in this fowum.

Swedish Chef: Medeea Jookebux dues nut sooppurt lungooeges oozeer zeen Ingleesh. Let's keep it zee seme-a vey in thees furoom.

Moron: Media Dgukebox does not support languages odeh den English. Let's keep it the, ERRRR, same way in dis f'um.

PigLatin: Ediamay Ukeboxjay oesday otnay upportsay anguageslay otheryay enthay Englishyay. Et'slay eepkay ityay ethay amesay ayway inyay isthay orumfay.

Hacker: mediA jukeboX0r doez not supprot languagse Other then englisH!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ Cuz YOU ARE LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ LTE'S KEEP ITR tHE SE WAY IN THIS FROUm!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ hck The plamnnat!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~


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« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2002, 05:14:58 am »


MediaJukeboxe dos note supporte...angliche.....


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« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2002, 05:49:54 am »

El Media Jukebox no soporte altres llengues que angles. Fem el mateix aqui, en aquest forum, d'accord?

But, we probably have a diverse enough background to do a few translations...



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« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2002, 06:20:55 am »

Yes,but on the forum of an american site,it is logic to use english

MediaJukebox rak be englit,gam a forum rak be englit bevakasha


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« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2002, 09:19:33 am »

i would think that this might be something to look at for version 9

you could have downloadable language files

standard = english

if you download a language file, this will replace all the english text with a language of there choice.

seems like something easy to do
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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Fayetteville, NC, USA


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« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2002, 09:58:45 am »

Making MJ to work with other languages is not that easy.

The same sentence in English and German for example will have different length, so all windows will have to be redesigned accordingly. That means that every language will have to use its own resource file. MJ uses about 10 different componets, which means that we have to create 10 resource files for each language. If we want to change interface, we have to change resource files for all languages. It becomes a nightmare to maintain.



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« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2002, 10:10:00 am »

>> The same sentence in English and German for example will have different length
true, that may be a problem in formating

Automatic window adjusting per len(string) may help

why could not each componet load up then load up the language file and change some\all text with the proper language per language setting, set by the user.

just an idea, I prefer english but this may help sales of MJ and i think anything that will improve sales (of anything) should be looked into and see if there may be a way to make this happen.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2002, 10:26:18 am »

There is also softwares who have only the help file in differents languages.The interface stay the same .In fact the many times i spooke about it,it is what i have in mind
Anyone burn,rip,import and so on,no matter the country,people do use the english words for it
Just help files,with a translation of all the words at the start will be a GREAT PLUS to sell outside anglo sphere


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« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2002, 01:52:05 pm »

Hi, Salut,

I think Zev is right, if MJ goes multilingual I don't think french would be the
first choice (although french is la langue de ma maman). From a little search I made
on the web for an other thread, here are the references to MJ in different languages :
Voila ce que donne une petite recherche sur la toile (google) des references a MJ
dans differentes langues. Le francais est loin d'etre en tete !
language. Mediajukebox
All...... 887
English.. 352
German... 22
French... 12
Spanish.. 125
Italian.. 16
Portuges. 12
Chinese.. 82
We can always write some help files in different languages on a volunteer basis.
And one thing, MJ already speaks the universal language : MUSIC !

C'est vrai non ? MJ parle deja la langue universelle que nous comprenons tous : La Musique.
Cela ne nous empeche pas d'ecrire un petit fichier d'aide in french ou en breton, mais
bien sur il va falloir se le palucher a la mano.
Alors on retrousse nos manches et on crache dans nos mains ?

Ciao, les amis
Bye friends

Currently listening : The drifters - Save the last dance for me
Until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance
than the color of his eyes.
Bob Marley (War)


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« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2002, 02:11:31 pm »

Other Good Songs

The Drifters - Under The Boardwalk.mp3
The Drifters - Another Saturday Night.mp3
The Drifters - Dance With Me.mp3
Ben E King & The Drifters - Don't Play That Song (You Lied).mp3
The Drifters - Fools Fall In Love.mp3
The Drifters - Honey Love.mp3
The Drifters - In The Still Of The Night.mp3
The Drifters - Ruby Baby.mp3
The Drifters - Sand In My Shoes.mp3
The Drifters - Saturday Night At The Movies.mp3
The Drifters - Some Kind Of Wonderful.mp3
The Drifters - Spanish Harlem (There Is A Rose).mp3
The Drifters - Stand By
The Drifters - On Broadway.mp3
The Drifters - There Goes My Baby.mp3
The Drifters - This Magic Moment.mp3
The Drifters - Up On The Roof.mp3
The Drifters - I'm Dreaming of A White Christmas.mp3
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2002, 10:53:00 pm »

Thanks King I also like,

The Drifters - Sweet Caroline
The Drifters - Kissin' In The Back Row Of The Movies
Until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance
than the color of his eyes.
Bob Marley (War)
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