Hi there,
These are things that I have written about in the past and would like to see in this or future versions of MC
1 - webgizmo - I allow family members to access my server to watch movies but I do NOT want them to have any control except to "Play to this location". thus, each time an update comes up I have to modify the mode.html file (C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 18\Data\Library Server\Gizmo\Default\mode.html) and commented out these lines
<!-- begin: loop(z, 0, [ZoneCount] - 1) -->
<!-- <div class="griditem" > -->
<!-- <div class="title"> -->
<!-- <a onClick="set_cookie('mode', 'remote([Zone([z]).ID])', 365)" href="library.html">[Zone([z]).Name][/url] -->
<!-- </div> -->
<!-- </div> -->
<!-- end: loop -->
Having a "Guest" version of webgizmo with its own link would be nice
2 - Improved autotagging for videos (This was discussed here http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=79701.msg541890#msg541890
When video files of TV episodes are tagged, it works perfectly when a file has a name such as "house.of.lies.s02e11.hdtv.x264-2hd.mp4"
However, when a filename is such as "arrow.204.hdtv-lol.mp4" then no tagging is done (name becomes Arrow.204; series, episode, and season are blank).
When will Carnac be updated/fixed to correct these naming issues?DONE
3 - Monitoring connected devices as discussed here
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=78510.msg533889#msg533889In the OVERVIEW, one can see all media servers that are connected to JRiver. However, one can not see information regarding connected devices using webgizmo or other ipad apps. Is there a way to see this info on the host computer? This seems to be an important missing element.
4 - Transcoding improvements. I must still use airvideo to transcode from avi to mp4 for my IPad. It works great, but I would much prefer NOT to have to have 2 servers running on my computer (JRiver and Airvideo). I am unable to view videos on my Samsung Galaxy S4 (music works great).
As I have noted in the past, MC is probably the best piece of software that I have on my computer. I show it to everyone and I know several people who have now purchased it. My comments/suggestions are meant as recommendations to make the software even better and not as criticisms.