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Author Topic: "Flashing" black during video playback (only some videos)  (Read 1075 times)


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"Flashing" black during video playback (only some videos)
« on: November 08, 2013, 12:16:29 pm »

Hello all,

First time posting here but have been using J River for about a year now.

I've been having an issue with video playback on only some videos.  The screen will flash black...every 30 seconds to couple minutes. 

A couple of notes:
-Only happens for some videos.  I've been trying to isolate the commonality between them (FPS, format, dimensions, etc) but can't seem to nail it down.
-Only happens during full screen viewing.  Anything smaller than full screen and there are no problems at all (a couple notes about my system below)
-No impact on plays just fine, no cutting out no stuttering no issues
-If I play the same file using VLC in full screen I have no problems
-Had issue on v18, still having issue on v19

-Media server:  Unraid...thought it was a problem with the drives spun down but spinning 'em up doesn't have an impact.  Using VLC to play files from the same source works fine.
-J River installed computer:  1-2 generation old PC...nothing at all fancy (I can post the specs if necessary).  This is where some of my concerns are...older PS, older GPU...but I can A) put in a Blu Ray disk and it'll play without issue & B) VLC plays the same files without issue & C) some movies that are much "larger" and more complex play just fine.
-Onkyo receiver:  Several years old now but it's been a trooper
-Sharp Aquos Quattron:  Seems fine

File playback is as follows...  Unraid > (wired network) > PC > (HDMI) > Onkyo > (HDMI) > Sharp

I don't think it is "bad" files if VLC plays them without issue.  It has to be some setting in MC19 that I've got all wonky.  I've looked through 'em all and readily admit I'm not some impressive power user here!

Thanks for the help!
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