Thanks...I will play around with it, but my feeling is I will want more control over it, so this is what I came up with. It appears that the only thing it doesn't do that I would like it to do is if I convert a video, and import it, it is marked as unwatched...which it technically is (but I only convert format once I have watched a TV show and I am archiving)...I just can't seem to come up with a way to reliably detect that scenario without screwing up other scenarios...but here it is...if anyone has suggestions, please let me know!
Custom Library Fields:
SeasonEpisode = if([Episode], <font color="888888">S[Season]EPadNumber([Episode], 2), )
SCW Bookmark = math(formatnumber([Bookmark], 2)/1000)
SCW Calculated = Math([SCW Bookmark] / [SCW Duration])
SCW Duration = formatnumber([duration,0], 2)&datatype=[number]
The expression in the 'Custom File Info Panel|TV Show":
IfElse(Math(Compare([SCW Calculated], >=, .92)), <font color="888888">√ [Series] [SeasonEpisode]-[Name]</font>, Math(Compare([SCW Calculated], >=, .07) & Compare([SCW Calculated], <, .92)), <font color="C3FFB3">! [Series] [SeasonEpisode]-[Name] </font>, Math(Compare([SCW Calculated], >=, 0) & Compare([SCW Calculated], <, .07)), <b><font color="FFFFFF">[Series] [SeasonEpisode] - [Name]</font><b>)
Broken out, it is:
Math(Compare([SCW Calculated], >=, .92)), <font color="888888">√ [Series] [SeasonEpisode]-[Name]</font>,
Math(Compare([SCW Calculated], >=, .07) & Compare([SCW Calculated], <, .92)), <font color="C3FFB3">! [Series] [SeasonEpisode]-[Name] </font>,
Math(Compare([SCW Calculated], <, .07)), <b><font color="FFFFFF">[Series] [SeasonEpisode] - [Name]</font></b>
The nice thing, is if I manually set the file back to the beginning (rewind), then it marks it as not watched, which is what I want.
I've only done limited testing, but it appears to work fine.