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Author Topic: Problems seting up the dj use function  (Read 1836 times)


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Problems seting up the dj use function
« on: November 14, 2013, 05:17:27 am »

Hi J River support,

in the FAQ there is a description on how to set up the function DJ use in J River. This is one of the main reasons why I purchased J River. And yes – J River is the right tool for that because I am active in special genre of music where no crossfading is wanted.


After failing to set up that functionality for hours and I made several attempts, I asked an IT professional for help. But he was not able either to get it to work. Therefore I must now ask you for a step by step tutorial. J River is a fine piece of software. But when it comes to that functionality, the set up is everthing but intuitive. If you don't want to change such weaknesses, then please offer tutorials that enable a routined computer user to solve such an issue within 15 minutes. Thankyou.     

Regards – Christian


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Re: Problems seting up the dj use function
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2013, 06:44:23 am »

Cross fading is a playback option.  Options has a search window at the bottom.  Search for track.  You want gapless or gapped.



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Question not answered
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2013, 07:51:48 am »

Hi JimH,

thankyou for a fast reply. But you don't answer my question. I don't need any crossfading and I don't have any problems with crossfading. I want to activate the function "DJ use" described in the FAQ to be able to feed a PA system with a playlist while I pre listen other tracks through earphones. For that I need a second instance of J River as described in the FAQ towards the end:


The FAQ does not describe how I can activate a second instance. Do I have to go through the menu Tools to Options to make some settings before I can start a second instance? And where do I start a second instance in the menus? The FAQ does not answer these questions. 

Regards – Christian


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Re: Problems seting up the dj use function
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2013, 08:15:51 am »

Perhaps a 2nd "Playback Zone" rather than a 2nd instance of MC running?

One feeding the PA for public playback and the other feeding your headphones. 
Of course you would need a sound card or output device for each zone.
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Re: Problems seting up the dj use function
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2013, 08:21:09 am »

I also read your first post as you having trouble turning off crossfading. Jim did answer that.

To use two instances of JRiver you need to go to Tools > Options > General > Advanced and check "Allow multiple instances to run at one time." Then you can launch more than one JRiver program. You do this by clicking your shortcut or icon that started JRiver the first time.

Rather than use multiple instances, JRiver now allows you to create Zones with separate audio device selection for each Zone. This may be easier to use.

Use View > Split View and show 2 or 3 views. This will let you use one view for speakers and one for headphones. You can also lock the view. You might want a 3rd view for showing Playing Now.

You can use the same audio device for each zone, but specify different output channels to route to speakers vs headphones. What audio device do you use?


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"Allow multiple instances to run at one time" misssing in >option >general
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2013, 02:01:55 am »

Hi Mojave,

thankyou for the first reply that brings me a step forward. I run the latest build of J River on Mac: 19.0.74. But there is no functionality like "Allow multiple instances to run at one time" that could be activated under >option >general – the screenshot shows that. But I will try now to create two zones. My audio interface is a RME Fireface 400 and then a TC Electronic Finalizer 96k feeding the PA-Sistem. The earphone are connected to the RME Fireface 400. 

Regards – Christian   
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